´ CLIFF CABIN — apply open

kim minseok (2)    lu han (1)   wu yifan (2)    kim junmyeon (2  zhang yixing   byun baekhyun (2)
kim jongdae (
3  park chanyeol (2  do kyungsoo (2 huang zitao (1 kim jongin (3  oh sehun (2)
( total; 22 )



character name

( job position ) + ( love interest )

your reviews will go here. fair warning that I will be honest and truthful about your application but there will be a three strike system so that if there are any errors you will have the opportunity to alter them. I will leave your application pending whilst you fix any problems and change it to accepted once everything is peachy. unfortunately if your application acrews three x's I will set it to rejected. let's try to avoid that, I don't want to reject anybody. 

username status





Lee Subin

( waitress ) + ( zhang yixing )

this is my character, the example application for it should be finished soon if I can get my act together orz.

hwansang chosen





Lee Jaemi

( pastry chef ) + ( wu yifan )

thanks for being the first applicant! I'm not going to sugarcoat things, so I'll just go right into what I found wrong with your application, unfortunately there were a lot of things. the application was filled in wrong in a lot of places and honestly I felt like you could have filled it out in less than twenty minutes. the photos were wrong, you didn't hyperlink your username, the blog title was wrong, and the password was also wrong. you barely gave me any information at all, literally just sentences at a time. all in all, (I'm sorry you didn't even give me your name so I can't address you by it) I'm rejecting your application on the basis that I don't feel like any effort went into it at all. you're more than welcome to start over and feel free to message me should you need any guidance.

SheaLovesYou rejected  (x) (x) (x)





Jung Eva

( bartender ) + ( oh sehun )

thank you for applying aeli <3 I'm just going to say that your ulzzang is really pretty ; u ; I rarely see her ever since she's not that generic but yeah. anyway! I'm glad you stuck to her typically stubborn and rebellious personality instead of a cliché "y but really nice on the inside" type. so her growing up in georgia isn't a problem but her background doesn't mention anything about moving back to korea and how she got from georgia to pohang to gangwon (and who is amanda??) so it's a bit cloudy on what happened where. I'm assuming the two people listed as relatives are her parents, too? you didn't specify. I liked sehun's personality for the most part being 'allergic to girls' hahaa. but in their meeting when you mention her struggle, I'm not really sure what struggle you mean that she's crying about since I can't find anything about it in the app. if you could clarify those things for me I can accept your application, thanks aeli!

vexatious pending (x) ( ) ( )



Ji Sooyeon

( promo girl ) + ( byun baekhyun )

thank you for applying, lampie<3 at a first glance you'll be pleased to hear there's nothing really wrong or out of place with your application and all seems to be in order. I did think some of her personality was a little cliché with the cold on the outside but warm and caring when you get to know her. although it did have some originality to it which I was glad to see, I like that you described her as a freelancer haha. there were some good little details in your app and all the background and her currently living with three other girls is solid, too. minorly fangirling over the bromance baekhyun and hansoo have because I just am okay, so her relationship with baekhyun seems realistic and I can just see it blossoming and it's cute. you answered the interview questions well, I thought and I liked the ideas sooyeon has for cliff cabin. much love for the application, lampie and sooyeon has been accepted!

FloorLamp accepted ( ) ( ) ( )




Cha Nami

( bartender ) + ( kim minseok )

hello missy and thank you for applying! <3 I know you said you had some problems with the layout but it's really, really messy. I'm not sure what you did for it to do that? did you use the source code? also, the username/name bar isn't correct (replace username with your linked username and so on) I used your back-up ulzzang because I couldn't find any decent pictures of yeji (and she didn't really look 23) I found her personality to be really cliché and a bit vague. another thing that I wanted to mention was her background... it's basically just a big sob story and this story is a pretty easy going one, it just seems a bit depressing with the typical orphan background and no originality about it, I'm sorry if that sounds really harsh. in short, there was nothing wrong with nami or the application persay but I think it lacked originality and some unique, creative touches. I'll leave it pending with a strike (sorry!) but please let me know if I can be of any help. good luck, missy! <3

itsmissy pending (x) ( ) ( )





Lee Mei Ting

( pastry chef ) + ( do kyungsoo )

hi there, ming, thanks so much for applying! I know your face claim is chinese but she looks so much like nu'est's ren! anyway, the fact that her korean isn't fluent and she makes mistakes is cute, and more realistic than her being fluent in a third language. she seems quite mature but at the same time really child-like, and it's kind of endearing? idk haha. I really liked her background I thought it all made sense and it was nice that you included how her love for baking started. I thought it was a bit odd how her two friends in america were asians, though? but that's by the by. the only thing I'd say is that maybe I'd bump her age up if she was chosen since kyungsoo is four years older than her. I definitely see her spririt animal being a rabbit, I can see her as a rabbit caught in the headlights >.< overall, nothing really wrong with your application, ming and I'm glad to accept you! <3

MingMingMinggyu accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Woo Boram

( hostess) + ( wu yifan )

rin bby, thank you for the app! <3 your face claim is so cute I can see her and kris being adorable together ; u ; I pretty much love boram her personality was so (long omg yes) intricate it was really easy to 'get to know' her. she does seem like someone who would be the vitamin c to everyone's day. 'short hair just isn't her style' ok was that intentional because lol. excuse me whilst my heart breaks over poor junmyeon's one sided love story. I love reading the relationship parts in applications so the fact that you wrote so much for boram's relationship with kris made me a happy camper. I was torn between shipping them and crying over junmyeon being forever alone. I don't even remotely bias kris but ugh. it was really cute. it was just really detailed ok and it would give me a lot to work with if boram was to be in the story, especially the scene requests (the last one was darling) okay I have rambled enough. thank you rin, boram is accepted! <3

lovesiick accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Jung Yildez

( bus girl ) + ( kim jongin )

jenny, hellooo and thank you for applying <3 a half turkish korean is not something I've seen before o.o but I'm glad you picked a face claim that looks a little foreign. my only criticism would be her name would be really hard for korean natives to pronounce and it's likely she'd have a korean name for that reason. however all her background regarding her heritage all checks out, so I'm glad you explained it all. her personality was quite refreshing and honest and it made her just that little bit more likeable. uggh let me just love for for including DGNA in your application <3 her relationship and first meeting with jongin was pretty unoriginal but kind of cute. I'm glad you applied as a busgirl though since it's probably one of the least attractive positions. I had to laugh at the part with tao getting cockier since being promoted to host though paha. thanks for applying, jenny I'm happy to accept yildez!

BananaFana accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Heo Wonjeung

( bus girl ) + ( kim junmyeon )

helloo amanda! thank you for applying <3 jiwon is such a cute ulzzang ugh! haha. odg your personality for her was so long and detailed. you'd think all those random quirks made her irritating but it makes her quite adorable in a really far-fetched way. all of the detail you put in helped me understand wonjeung. her american randomly everywhere is so ridiculous it seems to just slot in with her personality. omg her ideal type is howl, I could cry because he is so perfect ; u ; her parents seem so crazy cute and I really love her stupid relationship with sehun... buying her pads omfg why can I imagine that happening!? I basically am running out of things to say because I can't find anything wrong with your application amanda, so wonjeung is accepted! <3

thranduil accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Kim Jeonghee

( pastry chef ) + ( kyungsoo )

hi hana thank you for applying <3 something I noticed that sometimes you call her jeonghee but then also jinhee? just wanted to check it's definitely jeonghee! it's nice that you included cooking and bakery throughout the application and in her background so it backs up her wanting to become a chef at cliff cabin. she sure has a big family no wonder they can't afford to send her to the cordon bleu! it's nice that she's determined to work her way up though. it's also good that you chose a work-related rival. although the meeting with kyungsoo was kind of cliché there was some originality so it was quite cute. the MT suggestion for the workers was a really neat idea! I'm really glad you included that in the interview. anyway hana I can't find a reason to reject your application so jeonghee is glady accepted <3

skywriterVaccepted ( ) ( ) ( ) 





Kim Sekyung

( waitress ) + ( park chanyeol )

hi anna, thanks so much for applying <3 aww I'm glad chanyeol got an applicant ; u ; I thought sekyung seemed quite likeable and placid but that some of her personality didn't match up entirely? being gentle and wanting to make people happy but then being harsh, outspoken and sarcastic just didn't seem to piece together totally. I thought that her ideal man being "tall and affectionate" was so cute since it matches chanyeol ; u ; and that he's her dream guy but neither of them know if they are ready to actually be serious omg it's adorable. you mentioned that chanyeol calls her sagwa but you didn't explain why? you do need to delete the hints at the beginning of the interview, but I liked her honesty in her interview. please don't fret that I'll leave your app pending just until you clear up those little things, thank you anna! <3

The LandOfBrownSugar pending (x) ( ) ()





Han Iseul

( chef ) + ( kim jongin )

hey valentina thank you for applying <3 the physical description of iseul was very "perfect" which isn't so bad however in her personality I couldn't really find any flaws either. she does however seem very sweet and vulnerable so that was endearing but it would be nice to see some imperfections with her. you did put some good detail in the application through the likes/dislikes etc which gave me more of an insight to her. though your paragraph for jongin was short it was concise and I really liked how you described him. but  the first meeting was a little vague? it would be great if you could elaborate more. I really liked your scene requests they were quite adorable and amusing, even if simple. there's just a few things that need tweeking valentina so please don't mind me leaving it pending until you fix them <3 

ValentinaLorenzo pending (x) ( ) ( )





Hwang Mirae

( bartender ) + ( lu han )

helloo alicia, thank you for applying <3 ugh I love mirae with short hair, she's so pretty. I would have preferred you to actually give me a gallery though, not just a link to her tag on tumblr. regardless of that I thought you put a lot of detail into mirae and I found it easy to understand her. I love that she's called hawkeye because she can spot underage people etc haha. she seems so utterly likeable and a real easy-going girl and I think she suits her job, too. the fact that she works days as a police officer is a really quirky extra especially with drunk customers omg. but being head investigator at 22 is a bit... ambitious? odg 'gyugyu' is so cute. mirae's bff-ness with luhan and yixing is so adorably believable. her and luhan are so cute get out ugh. thank you for all your scene requests and ideas, I really liked mirae, she has been accepted <3 

Linspiriting accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Son Miran

( waitress ) + ( kim jongdae )

heyy elizabeth thanks for applying <3 something that confused me was that in her traits you say she's a pacifist then you go on to say she's a "leader and a fighter" so they clash? her personality doesn't really describe her as a leader either so I was a bit confused since she doesn't like to pick sides in an argument and just disappears into the background? sorry I just found it a little inconsistent. her likes/dislikes were really detailed. omg she neglected her poor goldfish to death, poor nim. I'm glad you didn't focus much on her mother's passing and the fact miran is on the older side and already done with university is fresh. "jongdae is the kind of guy you either love to death or throw out of a two-storey building" omfg dying. "jongdae likes older women" I choked. their relationship somehow works. I'm going to leave this pending if you could clear up those things elizabeth! <3

MySweetTea pending  (x) ( ) ( )





Na Kyungri

( sous chef ) + ( kim minseok )

hellooo ella thank you for applying <3 sinbi is such a pretty ulzzang. kyungri seems like a really sweet girl and kind of like a plane jane but in a good way if that makes sense. like really charming and interesting. the fact that victoria is annoyed that someone younger than her got promoted instead is such a good reason for rivalry. for some reason I liked the dynamics (or lack thereof) in the relationship she has with minseok, I feel like they'd be so awkward as the two sous chefs. uggggh I liked your scene requests, jfc qian thinking their relationship was unprofessional I can see it happening and omg kitchen draaamaaa. anyway kyungri seemed really genuine and I can't pick away any faults so she is accepted, thanks ella <3 

Glowee accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Shin Sookyo

( waitress ) + ( kim jongin )

hi luna thanks for applying <3 umm I do have a few questions and queries about your application. I noticed a few inconsistensies so if you could clear them up that would be great. what is her name? you call her jang sookyo some parts but then shin sookyo in others. you describe her as korean-british but there is no mention of it /anywhere/ in the application, but estonia instead? and neither of her parents are neither british nor estonian and have the names jang and kim so where did shin come from? I'm not trying to be harsh I'm just really confused as to all these pieces that don't seem to add up. I did however really enjoy reading the repour between her and jongin it was really unique and had originality. it sounds so jongin-like to pester her about the picture.. vain jongin. haha. anyway. I'm going to leave this pending luna because a couple of things need clearing up for me, thank you! <3 

taemnation--fanfics pending (x) ( ) ( )





Wu Ahra

( waitress ) + ( huang zitao )

hi sera, thank you so so much for your patience! <3 finally I can review your app! her nicknames are super cute (only jongin and her are the same age so he wouldn't use dongsaeng) I'm thankful for your long and detailed app she seems a sweet and likeable character. I wonder though is it really possible for her to be obedient but hot headed and stubborn? you also mention she's mature and childish but you didn't elaborate much on the mature side. I love that her favourtie animal is a panda *cough* zitao *cough* travelling from seoul to sokcho every day for work must be pretty tiring since it's so far away but I'm glad you were aware of that in your application. I can tell you put a lot of effort and research into some areas and it shows. I really loved your description of tao it was pretty adorable and the detail was great. everything else in the application is also peachy and I am happy to accept your application <3

silentstories accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Joo Cheosa

( hostess ) + ( oh sehun )

hi cee, thank you for your patience and for applying! <3 on with the review! cheonsa as a nickname is kind of cliché but I'm just pleased it's not her given name! cheosa's brash yet cheerfully honest nature is refreshing but I am a little sad it didn't carry more through her likes and dislikes. despite that, I really like the development between cheosa and sehun it wasn't totally original but I still think it held it's own unique plot and it was actually quite cute. her idea in the interview for themed parties were actually a good idea, maybe monthly or bi-monthly but definitely taken a note of it! I am just going to love you forever cee because frozen is literally one of my favourite movies so I was quite happy to listen to the ost in your password ; u ; cheosa is accepted! <3

oopsydaisy accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Park Chanhee

( promo girl ) + ( kim jongdae )

hi rene thanks for the app and finally I have a review for you <3 your ulzzang is so perf, I really like jayoung ugh. out of personal preference I find nicknames like "chanchan" and "heehee" a bit cringe but that's by the by. it's almost nice to see such a differentiation from the normal "sweet innocent angel" with chanhee being quite literally spiteful, blunt and selfish yet doesn't hold much against people so she's not easy to dislike- I actually liked that about her. oh- what have we here? chanyeol's sister? dun dun dunnn. omfg. jongdae being so prepared and providing I- omg. their relationship is pretty cute, despite the odd(?) meeting circumstances but cute all the same. as for the question you had- yes if chosen you may revise those answers^^ no problems arose for me with chanhee so you're glady accepted rene <3 

affogato accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Jung Hyebin

( chef ) + ( kim junmyeon )

helloo gina and thank you for your patience and for applying <3 your ulzzang is adorable omg. can I get a hallelujah for a half chinese who can't actually speak chinese? orz. realism. I really liked hyebin's placid personality and her strong reliance on knowledge and facts over emotions and the like. she just seems like a likeable but strong woman? I like it. omfg- she has a pet mouse and it was kibum who gave her it.. I don't even know why I like that little piece of information but I just do. and they dated in the past? this is darling. ugh. junmyeon and her are awkward but it's really sweet at the same time. hyebin in general is just really sweet. I really enjoyed reading your scene requests too like guifjsd number four is adorable.  thank you, gina I can happily accept hyebin <3

Juneya accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Shin Youngnam

( hostess ) + ( byun  baekhyun )

hi hannah, thank you for applying and for your patience with your review <3 youngnam's nicknames seem kind of random can you explain why they're used? I thought they way your described her was concise and I understood her well through reading the application. I actually thought youngnam's background was really unique despite the mother being dead. it was a nice touch. can you just confirm though is haejin the wife of jungwon? her relationship with baekhyun is cute 'the honeymoon phase couple' otl this is sweet. omfg the last scene request haha I can see that confusing baekhyun entirely and shutting him up for once. thanks again, hannah, youngnam is accepted! <3

GreatestDevotion accepted ( ) ( ) ( )





Jo Soobin

( bartender ) + ( park chanyeol )

hi miu! thanks for applying and waiting for your review <3 I'd like to point out that the three photos at the top were not allocated correctly. my next point may seem petty but soobin is just subin spelled a little different but is still the same name as that of my character and for the story's sake I was wondering if you'd be comfortable changing it to prevent confusion. if I'm honest, her personality was just... too short. the application in general was quite minimal and you left hints throughout that should have been deleted. I didn't think her background made sense; you said grew up in england yet her birthplace is in korea and her hometown is in america but she also spent time in italy. it's a bit all over the place. could you please verify it for me? I personally feel like some of these things could have been avoided if you'd read the hints and rules so I'm going to leave this pending with two strikes, but feel free to ask any questions, thanks, miu! <3

Hoshiimiu pending (x) (x) ( )





Lee Hayoon

( busgirl ) + ( kim jongdae )

helloo justine, thank you for applying! <3 I love your beach picture, paha. I like her "get it done" attitude she just doesn't seem to ever stop, she's fresh and happy go lucky. in her likes and dislikes however I noticed a lot of similarities with a previous application as well as some abnormalities I'd like to discuss with you to clear up if that's okay^^ anyway, benefit of the doubt, on to the rest of the review. there was good detail in the background and the rest of the application. you say she uses sign language because of family members but there wasn't any mention of it anywhere else? I loved how you depicted Jongdae and that part and the interview was all fine. I will accept Hayoon but please anticipate my message! <3

Serenity-dot-com accepted ( ) ( ) ( )




updated 01.02.14— applicants list is up, you guys sure move fast, odg thank you all for the love so far I have over 50 subs already I am seriously surprised. keep the applications coming my lovelies <3 ps you can call me savvi or sav I am terrible at introductions ; u ;
updated 08.02.14— omg I am throwing my love at every single one of you. I will do my best to keep reviewing all these lovely apps but everytime I code a new one in, more arrive. thank you everyone ; u ; 

updated 03.03.14— and finally! I have finished all the outstanding reviews, thank you all for your patience, and for so many apps ugh <3


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´ CLIFF CABIN — this story has reached 70 subs ugh sobbing, I love you all ok ; u ;


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are the layouts from the same shop? syncratic designs?
Chapter 4: just asking, is applications for this closed?
Chapter 6: Gah this second teaser was adorable ;;;;
I freaking love luhan because he's a sassy lil thing
Especially when he is with minseok LOL.

Jongin is incredibly cocky
whyyyyyyyyyy must he be that way
But dude kyungsoo is a sweetheart, I just love him so much here

You can't forget Chanyeol and his ears
That part was perf like im done
Chanyeol is so adorable ;;;

Omg, deadline be coming
What what!
Good luck~
Chapter 4: deadline is almost here ;;
Chapter 6: just found this story and it looks so perf
luhan sassiness and chanyeols ear-
i love your teasers ok ; u ;
gotta finish my application asap
the deadline is coming nearrrrr
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl; deadline is here * ^ *
Chapter 5: OH GOD;
I freaking love Luhan's and Kris' relationship;
the whole thing about the drool and bedroom kinks had me laughing so freaking hard LOL


SEHUN IS SUCH A LITTLE ; whyyyy must you be such a smartass
(oh god i love him!)

I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO of all the evil things to wish on someone!


Poor Jonghyun ;_;