´ CLIFF CABIN — apply open

August 2nd 2013
Wu / Lu Residence

There was absolutely no time to even think about breakfast as the tall blonde found himself caught up in a fight between the sound his head was making, pounding away from the inside out, and the inner monologue his brain was spewing, telling him just how irresponsible it had been to agree to anything Luhan suggested. Aforementioned Chinese guy was still remarkably not dressed. He was instead allowing an impressive trail of drool to dribble out of the corner of his mouth as he lay with his head on the dining room table, sandy hair sticking up in all kinds of directions. Apparently, Luhan too should never agree to anything Luhan suggested. A swift banana to the ear was all it took to rise the drooling perpetrator from his coma-like-sleep.

“It’s nearly nine, get up.” Kris was struggling to juggle running his overpriced manly hair products through his peroxide hair and spritz himself with aftershave. That in itself was mildly ironic because he hadn’t even had time to shave that morning. The two tasks were not coinciding well with one another- this was proven after he spritzed his hair with Hugo Boss cologne for the second time. “Can you focus more on getting some clothes on and less on the impressive pool of drool you have just soiled our dining table with. The table we eat at.” He groaned, pushing his friend, whom he’d decided just now was not that great of a friend, out of the chair and into the bedroom. “Dress!”

“I’m not wearing a dress, Yifan, you can save your bedroom kinks for someone else.” Luhan slurred as he swiped the first shirt from the floor, giving it a quick sniff before deeming it acceptable for re-wearing.

Approximately four minutes and thirty nine seconds later the two of them were stumbling across the apartment parking lot to Kris’ terribly parked convertible.

“You park like a girl.” Luhan smirked, though his eyes were not smiling as they sat tiredly above dark circles that screamed I got less than two hours sleep and I can still taste the cocktails that questionably feminine guy gave us last night- or was it a manly woman, it was questionable all the same-

“That was you who parked the car and I can practically hear your inner narrative, snap out of it.” Kris punctuated his demand with an unfeeling slap to the upper arm. “You’re seriously wearing that shirt again?” He grimaced. He may be late, tired, and undeniably hung over but he at least had the decency to wear clean clothing. Luhan slumped into the passenger seat and fumbled around in the glove compartment for Yifan’s again overpriced sunglasses. Who even allowed the sun to be so bright? His retinas were screaming.

It was nearing nine in the morning, aka the time Yifan was supposed to be at work to open up, aka the time he was usually at work. Instead, he was stuck in traffic on a Saturday morning in a car that was beginning to smell increasingly like shame and alcohol. Last night’s alcohol to be exact. The horrifying words of trust me, I’m a bartender were ringing in his ears and he swears he felt his stomach turn in the memory.

After nearly five minutes of the traffic not moving, Kris dug his cell phone out of his pocket and dumped it in Luhan’s lap. Luhan, who had unsurprisingly begun a new trail of drool, flinched awake and mumbled something like get off my groin, old man and tried to hand the phone back.

“Call Minseok, I need to make sure he’s at work to open up today, we’re going to be late.” The word late made him internally burn. The general manager is never late. The general manager needs to re-think roommates. The general manager needs to question his life choices.

“I thought he had the day off today, he was going to go see his parents, remember?” Luhan mumbled, scrolling through Kris’ contacts for his name regardless.

“Oh so you remember trivial, useless information like that but not the fact you wore that shirt three times this week and still haven’t washed it?” He snapped.

“I also remember that someone gets cranky when they don’t eat in the morning. Is somebody feeling a little touchy? Are they?” Luhan cooed, attempting to rub under Kris’ chin and having his hand slapped away instead. “Two hands on the wheel, Mr Wu!” He scolded, shaking his head and getting on Kris’ last nerve in the process.

“We haven’t moved in seven minutes!”

“Doesn’t Yunho have a key?” Luhan held up Kris’ phone with Yunho’s number on it, ready to press the call button.

“No!” Kris yelled, voice reaching a deniably high pitch which he would later dismiss if discussed again. “I mean yes he does but he’s on vacation this week and it’s nine in the morning.” He grabbed the phone out of Luhan’s hand, heartbeat still beating a little too fast.

“Oh good God.” Luhan shuddered. It was a well-known rule that you do not, do not under any circumstances call Yunho before noon if he a) has the day off or b) isn’t working until the afternoon. Kris began scrolling through his contacts before selecting one with a mournful sigh and hitting call. “You shouldn’t really be using your phone whilst dri-“ Luhan began,

“We are stationary, Luhan! Stationary- Oh Sehun good, you’re awake.”

“You called Sehun!?” Luhan choked, “I think I’d rather call Yunho.”

“Listen to me very carefully, Sehun, don’t say anything, just listen and do exactly as I say.” Kris said slowly as Luhan wound down the windows, feeling a little queasy all of a sudden. There was no reply and Kris found himself getting angry. “Sehun? You there?”

You told me not to say anything, Hyung.” Sehun replied slowly. Kris screamed down the receiver.

“I AM SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS!” He had reached his limit and groaned, collapsing his head back on the seat and glancing out the now open window at the car in the lane beside him. “Not you, maam. You’re not an idiot, I mean, my colleague, yeah, never mind.” He trailed off as she began rolling her window up with a cold glare and look that could kill.

In the amount of time it took Kris-and then Luhan when the traffic began moving again- to explain to the nineteen year old where the spare key was and that he actually had to take that key to work, work being a term used loosely when it came to Oh Sehun, so that someone who was on time could open up, they were almost at work themselves.

“Why did you call Sehun?” Luhan asked, dodging Kris’ grabby hands at the sunglasses he was still wearing when they got out of the car. His retinas still hadn’t forgiven him and he was regretting not having any BB cream to conceal his dark circles. BB cream isn’t girly, it’s not against the law for a man to want to take pride in his appearance. That’s what he told himself anyway.

“Because he lives the closest and I knew he’d be home. What exactly is Sehun going to be doing on a Saturday morning, let’s face it, he’s a loser.” Kris replied in a distinct matter-of-fact tone.

“Fair.” Luhan shrugged in agreement as they both typed their personal employee numbers into the machine by the door, beeping as it registered them. As they made their way through the main restaurant which was surprisingly quiet be it a Saturday morning, they parted ways after Kris clocked a proud-looking Sehun with a certain air of accomplishment about him; like a dog that just sat after being told to.

Before going to the staff room to change, Luhan finally deemed it the right time to remove the sunglasses and wander over to his domain after seeing two bar stools occupied. Adjusting her dark hair, Subin flashed Luhan a sceptical glance before looking back at the figure slumped over the bar in complete misery.

“What’s with the long face there, sunshine?” Luhan chirped.

“Jjong just broke up with his girlfriend, he’s feeling a little down.” Subin explained, tentatively patting a hand on Jonghyun’s shoulder, but as if she hoped she were wearing a rubber glove and trying to make as little contact as possible. Consolling others was not her forté.

“What about me? My girlfriend and I broke up and I have to see her at work every day.” Luhan shrugged, letting himself in through the door in the bar counter and walking round to switch the lights on. His retinas were still planning revenge, it seemed, as he blinked furiously at the brighter environment.

“Well, obviously it hasn’t blackened your soul like it has mine.” Jonghyun retorted but with little feeling as he lifted his head up off of the counter to look at Luhan with eyes so pathetically sad it made him feel a little sick inside.

“There was some light charring.” Luhan argued lightly.

“I’m dead inside.” Jonghyun replied quickly.

“Okay, you win! Happy?” Luhan rolled his eyes. Then he regretted it. Jonghyun sighed heavily.

“Not that I can ever remember…” His head fell back into his arms on the bar again and Luhan looked in despair at Subin whose expression said shut up, Luhan.

“I thought you and Tiffany were on good terms now? I mean, you only dated for a week or two.” Subin pondered aloud, looking at Luhan with a raised eyebrow. She got up off the stool to tie her apron around her waist a little more tightly.

“She ended it because her mom thought I was a middleschooler, Subin. It hurts a man.”

“Sure, if you were a man.” Subin smiled as she took an order pad from the shelf beside the bar and searched for a pen.

“I hope you step on lego!” Luhan called after her.

“That was low, dude.” Jonghyun looked up and shook his head sadly. Luhan grimaced.

“Your girlfriend just left you, don’t you have some crying to do?” He snapped. Ignoring the whimper that soon followed, Luhan finished setting up the bar and retreated back into the staff room to change out of his clothes and into his uniform. As he pulled his shirt over his head he wrinkled his nose. Maybe this shirt hadn’t really passed the sniff test after all.

OKAY OH MY GOD, I have been trying to write this teaser all freaking week I swear to god. writing anything that is meant to be remotely amusing is actually really hard ok because then it ends up and I give up ; u ; otl so think of this as a gift because as of the weekend I won't have much time to get online for a week or two see my blog post but yeah ew here is a teaser that I want to burn already ugh.


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´ CLIFF CABIN — this story has reached 70 subs ugh sobbing, I love you all ok ; u ;


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are the layouts from the same shop? syncratic designs?
Chapter 4: just asking, is applications for this closed?
Chapter 6: Gah this second teaser was adorable ;;;;
I freaking love luhan because he's a sassy lil thing
Especially when he is with minseok LOL.

Jongin is incredibly cocky
whyyyyyyyyyy must he be that way
But dude kyungsoo is a sweetheart, I just love him so much here

You can't forget Chanyeol and his ears
That part was perf like im done
Chanyeol is so adorable ;;;

Omg, deadline be coming
What what!
Good luck~
Chapter 4: deadline is almost here ;;
Chapter 6: just found this story and it looks so perf
luhan sassiness and chanyeols ear-
i love your teasers ok ; u ;
gotta finish my application asap
the deadline is coming nearrrrr
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl; deadline is here * ^ *
Chapter 5: OH GOD;
I freaking love Luhan's and Kris' relationship;
the whole thing about the drool and bedroom kinks had me laughing so freaking hard LOL


SEHUN IS SUCH A LITTLE ; whyyyy must you be such a smartass
(oh god i love him!)

I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO of all the evil things to wish on someone!


Poor Jonghyun ;_;