´ CLIFF CABIN — apply open

September 4th 2013
Sokcho Beach

Despite the sun being high in the sky that day, being September, it was almost hoodie weather and that both pleased and disgruntled Jongin. Wearing a sweater was more comfortable and much more favourable to his precious baby-like skin, but passing out flyers and persuading beach-goers to make their way up to Cliff Cabin was much easier when he wasn’t wearing a shirt. The best time in the day to bring in business was arguably from eleven until around two- and it was almost five past which meant one thing; he got to spend the next few hours lazing around and eating things he didn’t have to pay for until he took to the sand again and brought in the evening crowd.

On his way back up to the cliff face Jongin’s thoughts were on one thing and one thing only; was he going to have a pastry or a muffin with his afternoon soda before he lounged around in the staff room playing Candy Crush and Anipang? It was a decision he had to make every day and one that plagued him still. His life was pretty tough sometimes, at least he thought so. His important thought process was soon broken by the painful sound of metal scraping upon metal and the choked out put put put of a car engine that had seen better days. Jongin had said many a time that Minseok’s car had seen better days but most of those times had been met with a sharp warning glance that told him he should shut his damn mouth before a spatula shut it for him.

Mind you, the faded yellow paint that had been touched up with yellow nail polish in the chipped out areas only made it easier to see how close to deaths door this poor excuse of a transport vehicle was. A loud groaning soon filled Jongin’s ears as Luhan pushed his way out of the passenger side of the two door car- or at least tried very hard to.

“I swear to god, Minseok,” He groaned again, still trying to extract the last limb of his body from the car door that didn’t open the full way anymore, “You need a new car. I can’t do this anymore. It’s like giving birth.” Minseok stopped fumbling with his keys and stared at the sandy blonde dusting lint off of his clothes.

“Giving birth.” He repeated calmly. A small smile was beginning to tug his lips and he shook his head. “Gonna have to hand it to you there, Luhan, that’s a new one.” He sighed .

“Metaphorically speaking of course.” Luhan added as Jongin jogged up the path to join them on the walk to back entrance to the Cabin. “If I was the metaphorical phoetus and that,” He turned to point accusatively at the beat up little car and frowned, “was the metaphorical mother of the- who would want to fertilise that!” He raised his voice in alarm, clearly disturbed by his own metaphor.

“If my car offends you so much, take the bus.” Minseok rolled his eyes as the three of them reached the back door. Luhan, who had reached up to punch in the code to the door paused and looked at Minseok as if he had just suggested he remove his own arm with his teeth.

“Take the bus?” Luhan repeated and laughed manically. “I don’t think so sweet cheeks, no, Sir.” He shook his head numerous times and punched in the code muttering under his breath.


“Luhan the code is 1201 not 1221.” Minseok tried to elbow the younger out of the way but Luhan slapped his hands away and wrinkled his nose.

“I know the code, Minseok!”


“Luhan for God’s sake, get out the way, I’ll do it-“

“No I can do this, get off my !”

“I am nowhere near your -“


Jongin quickly turned around and decided he’d break protocol and go in the front door today. He began scuffing his feet along the dirt track around the side of the building, when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and the ring tone I’m a Barbie girl began playing. He immediately grinned goofily as he recognised Taemin’s personal ringtone.

“And where were you this morning? I’ll have you know I had to hand out all of your flyers today too.” Jongin answered. Taemin laughed.

I had stuff to do this morning.

“What is stuff’s name?” Jongin grinned lazily as he pulled open the glass door and welcome the smell of pastries and chocolate and general sugary goodness to his nostrils as he headed towards the café to his right.

Very funny. Look, I’m just calling to tell you I’m on my way and I’ll buy you a soda to make up for it.”

“We don’t pay for soda here, Hyung.” Jongin whined. Taemin laughed in response and hung up the phone. Jongin’s annoyance faded quickly at the sight of Kyungsoo unloading a fresh tray of chocolate chip muffins into a white, paper box and just like that, his decision was made.

“No!” Kyungsoo seethed, slapping Jongin’s hand away a little harder than intended and saying no a further three times “Sorry, Jong, these are for an order.” He shot him an apologetic glance as he placed the three boxes together and began tying them up. "So, no, okay?"

"I kind of got after you said no four times." Jongin pouted, running his eyes along the rest of the choice in the glass display case he was leaning on, despite the fact Kyungsoo always told him not to because it made it grubby with marks and fingerprints.

"I find you don't listen to the first three." Kyungsoo grinned.

“Is this one for me?” A deep voice questioned and Jongin nearly knocked his face against the glass in surprise as he grimaced up at Chanyeol.

“You need to stop doing that.” Kyungsoo sighed, handing Chanyeol the boxes. “You frighten customers.” As he said so, he began looking at the tall delivery boy a little closer and gulped. “You got a haircut?” He asked, voice raising in pitch a little as he noticed now that Chanyeol was sporting a lot less hair than usual, the usual being a brassy mop of half curly locks from a failed perm somewhat hidden beneath a snapback or hood. Chanyeol beamed, running a hand through the short length of his now black hair.

“I did, do you like it?” His eyes shone as he looked to Kyungsoo for approval. There was a pause.

“Yes.” Kyungsoo’s voice caught as he spoke and Jongin scoffed, but the yes was good enough for Chanyeol who practically bounded out the door with his delivery, oblivious to Jongin muttering liar towards Kyungsoo who then threatened to withhold all pastries.

Chanyeol is strapping the order box to the back of his bike when he sees the mother and child pass by him to get into the café door. He smiled, because that’s what Chanyeol does best, he flashed his shiny white teeth and makes sure everything on the bike is all secure.

Mom,” The little boy tugged at his mother’s hand. “That guy’s ears are really big!” He pointed at Chanyeol, and his smile faltered a little. Nevertheless, he tries to keep smiling right until she’s pulled him inside, telling him he can’t just say that about people even if it is true. Chanyeol sighed and looked at his reflection in the glass window of the café. He had thought his ears were a bit out there now without his hair but he thought that was just because it was so different. He never considered them big.

“Hey, Chanyeol.” A hand slapped across his back startled him a little and brought him out of his daze.

“Oh, hey, Taemin.” He smiled again. “Jongin is inside with Kyungsoo.” He answered the inevitable before Taemin had chance to ask.

“Nice. Hey- did you get a haircut?” He asked, looking up at Chanyeol and the taller boy’s eyes lit up.

“Yeah I did.” He answered, trying not to sound too proud.

“I never knew how big your ears were under all that hair!” Taemin smiled, and disappeared inside. Chanyeol's face fell and he turned round to kick his bike before grimancing in pain. He’s going to grow out his hair. But first- he’s going to buy a hat.

/THROWS CONFETTI/ finally, finally I have managed to get this out. I had to re-write this a grand total of four times. I am about ready to throw this teaser in the garbage because the quality of writing only seemed to decrease each time I wrote it but there, it's here, and I'm not going to touch it. Thanks to everyone who has applied <3 I'll be setting a deadline soon!


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´ CLIFF CABIN — this story has reached 70 subs ugh sobbing, I love you all ok ; u ;


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are the layouts from the same shop? syncratic designs?
Chapter 4: just asking, is applications for this closed?
Chapter 6: Gah this second teaser was adorable ;;;;
I freaking love luhan because he's a sassy lil thing
Especially when he is with minseok LOL.

Jongin is incredibly cocky
whyyyyyyyyyy must he be that way
But dude kyungsoo is a sweetheart, I just love him so much here

You can't forget Chanyeol and his ears
That part was perf like im done
Chanyeol is so adorable ;;;

Omg, deadline be coming
What what!
Good luck~
Chapter 4: deadline is almost here ;;
Chapter 6: just found this story and it looks so perf
luhan sassiness and chanyeols ear-
i love your teasers ok ; u ;
gotta finish my application asap
the deadline is coming nearrrrr
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl; deadline is here * ^ *
Chapter 5: OH GOD;
I freaking love Luhan's and Kris' relationship;
the whole thing about the drool and bedroom kinks had me laughing so freaking hard LOL


SEHUN IS SUCH A LITTLE ; whyyyy must you be such a smartass
(oh god i love him!)

I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO of all the evil things to wish on someone!


Poor Jonghyun ;_;