Part 16

a Lonely Christmas


Two young school boys lied in their school’s backyard side to side. The early spring wind that blew calmed their mind and soul. The two boys just stay still, busy with their own mind. One of the boys with big and sparkling eyes calmly smiled and asked to the other boys who wore glasses.


“Jun Yi, today is our last day in high school before we graduated. Time flies so fast”

“Indeed, it seems just yesterday when you came up to me when everybody was avoiding me…”, Jun Yi responded as he put his arm to support his head. The one with sparkling eyes and charming smiles giggled as he recalls the memory.

“That’s right…you were a silent and shy boy back then. Now look at you. You can’t even stop talking”, the sparkling eyed boy said as he flicked others forehead. The two giggled toward each other.


“After we graduate, what do you want to do Luhan? University?”, Jun Yi asked.

“I thought of something else…”, Luhan answered as he staring at the blue sky. Jun Yi woke up, sitting straight. Fixing his position, interested in what was Luhan going to say.


“You know… I want to be a singer, dancer, a performer… what do you think?”, Luhan continued his words as he sitting straight following Jun Yi. His sparkling eyes become more sparkled as he talked about his dream. Jun Yi clapped his hands as he gets excited.


“ That’s great! So, what’s your plan?”, Jun Yi asked as he lied back to the grassy yard.

“Hmm… I think I’ll go to Korea. You know, it’s really promising there. Their creative industries grows rapidly through entertainment”, Luhan answered as he scratch his chin. Jun Yi nodded to Luhan’s plan as he agreed to what Luhan said. Suddenly Jun Yi sitting straight next to Luhan as he bursted out.


“Luhan, when you become an artist, I’ll be your number one fans. I’ll come to your debut stage and your every fan sign events. Buying your album and put your poster on my bedroom’s wall. Collecting your every photos, save it on my phone and set it as my desktop background”, Jun Yi said firing up to Luhan. Hearing his friend burst out, Luhan just giggles as he said, “What is it? You sound like a obsessed fans. Don’t do that kind of thing. It’s scary”, Luhan said as he jokingly punched Jun Yi’s cheek.


“When you get famous, don’t ever forget about me, okay? Spare some times to meet me and never ignore my phone calls ok? You are the only one that I have. Also, you are mine. Promise me you won’t forget me”, Jun Yi said as he looked straight to Luhan’s eyes. Luhan just nodded as he giggled and made a pinky promise with Jun Yi.

“I promise you…”

Flashback end


Sehun was sitting alone in his room. He was still mad about what just happening. He still can’t believe that Luhan and Kai had something behind his back. Disappointed and disbelieved, he lied in his bed, looking at the ceiling. “How can Luhan hyung did that to me? He knew that Kai is my best friend. I mean, he can just cheat with anybody. But Kai? Among all the people in the world he chooses Kai?!”


Tonight seems so quiet. It seems like other members were went out somewhere. Sehun won’t bother about that matter. It’s good for him if it’s nobody here. He wanted to be alone. Suddenly Sehun’s phone rang. The monitor displayed Kai’s name. Sehun just watched coldly to his phone. Have no intention to pick it up. He didn’t want to hear anything, especially from Kai or Luhan. Kai kept on calling Sehun’s phone. Irritated, Sehun put his phone and blocked Kai’s number.

Sehun lied back on his bed. He was so mad that even the tears won’t come up. Suddenly, his phone rang again. He picked his phone and Suho’s name popped in the monitor. Sehun picked it up.

“Yes hyung, what’s going on?”

[Sehun-ah, go to the hospital quickly], Suho’s voice was trembling.

“Hospital? Why? What’s going on?”, Sehun asked curiously.

[Luhan hyung-Luhan hyung is…]


Sehun stoned as he heard Suho’s word, his hand lose its power and his phone dropped down to the floor. Hurriedly he picked his coat and rushed to the front door, leaving the dorm.


Sehun kept running along the sidewalk, Suho’s voice on the phone echoing in his head; [Luhan hyung got stabbed, now he is in a critical situation. Doctor said it’s almost impossible to save him. Quickly come here…].


He panted as he tried to hail a taxi but no taxi stopped. He barked as he kicked the air. Ruffled his hair in desperation. Finally, Sehun decided to run along to the hospital. With a chaotic mind and soul he just runs forward, bumping into people. But he can’t stop he just can’t stop. The memories with Luhan kept appearing on his head as he pace forward.


“This Christmas, let’s spend it together. I promise” Luhan’s voice kept echoing in Sehun’s head.

“You promised me, you promised me hyung. Please hold on”, Sehun said to himself as the tears started to streaming down.


Sehun finally stepped in to the hospital. With blurry eyes he roughly found the members were gathering in front of a room. In there he saw all the members were crying. He saw D. O were crying so hard he even close his mouth as he fell down to the floor. Kai was crying the hardest as he collapsed on the floor and the hyungs tried to calm him down. The members still were not aware about Sehun’s presence when finally Sehun made a voice.


“What is it? What’s going on? Where is Luhannie hyung?”, Sehun asked to the silent members. They were just kept on crying.

“Sehun-ah…”, Suho tried to made a word.

“Where is Luhannie hyung?”, Sehun asked again, his voice was trembling, his sight became blurry.

“Sehun-ah…”, Suho still can’t made up a word.

“WHERE IS HE? ANSWER ME!”, Sehun shouted right in Suho’s face as his eyes burned. Still got no answers, Sehun turned his head to a closed room. He assumed that Luhan was there. Slowly he stepped to the room when the members tried to stopped him.


“Sehun-ah, listen to me… Sehun-ah, don’t go there-“, Suho grabbed Sehun’s arm to stopped Sehun’s step. Harshly Sehun pulled his arms from Suho’s grip and open the room’s door when he finally frozen to what appear right before his eyes.


He was there, lied stiffly. His body was covered up with a blanket from chin to toe. That was Luhan. Sehun slowly walked to the bed where Luhan lied stiffly. Sehun looked closely to Luhan’s face. It’s pale white. He knew what happened. He knew what this mean. However, he couldn’t just believe it easily. Slowly Sehun stretched his hand as he Luhan’s cheek. It was as cold as an ice. Luhan’s eyes closed densely. Sehun knew that Luhan won’t open those eyes again. That sparkling eyes that always dancing as he talks.


Sehun could felt his breath was getting heavy from the aching in his heart. Sehun grasped his chest. He tried so hard to hold back his tears. Slowly he shook Luhan’s shoulder tried to wake him up although he knew that it’s useless.


“Hyung, wake up. Open your eyes. Stop kidding me hyung, I’m sorry for what I’ve done. Now please wake up, hm?”, Sehun said as he slowly shook Luhan’s shoulders. He tried to smile and laugh but his chest was aching so much he started to hard to breathe.


Sehun quickly shook his head as he shook Luhan’s shoulder again.

“Hyung, don’t be like this. Wake up please… Do you want to drink a bubble tea? I’ll buy you one, hyung, please…”, Sehun won’t go off Luhan’s shoulder. Slowly Suho sneaked in to the room and caress Sehun’s back.

“Sehun-ah, stop it… let him be…Come on, let’s come outside…”, Suho said as he slowly wrapped his arm around Sehun’s shoulder and guide Sehun to walked out of the room.

Sehun was just blankly following Suho. He can’t even thinking of anything this time. Everything happens seems to fast. It was just a blink of eye. He just saw Luhan with Kai together earlier, and now Luhan lied there stiffly, not going to open his eyes again. On the outside, D. O still cried so hard on the floor with Baekhyun and Chanyeol tried to calm him down as they also busy wiping their tears.


Kris and Xiumin were talked to the doctor and listening to the doctor’s explanation. The doctor said that Luhan’s wound is a serious condition. The wound came from the shape of a knife that is unusual knife. He said the knife had a special shape that create deep and deadly wound. Luhan suffered from the pain that emerged by the knife also Luhan loose so much blood. The bleeding was a major hit, that’s why Luhan can’t be saved. Xiumin and Kris shocked and close his mouth as he listened to the doctor’s explanation.


The members were busy comforting each other. Sehun still loose his mind, sitting alone in the waiting room. No single drops of tears were coming out from his eyes. This situation was just too complicated for him to understand. Kai slowly walked toward Sehun and sat beside him. After a moment of silence, Kai tried to start a conversation.


“He said he knew the culprit. That’s why he met me tonight”, Kai said as he looked at his intertwined fingers with swollen eyes because of too much crying.


“He lets you wait in purpose. He knew that person was going to attack you again, so he kept you where there are many people so you’ll save”, Kai continued as his voice began to trembling. Sehun just stay still, tried to understand every Kai’s words.


“He was going to luring the culprit by disguised as you. With that, he will catch the culprit and bring that person to the jail. That was his plan”, Kai sighed as he end his explanation.


“I was shouting at him, the last time I saw him, I was shouting at him. I- It’s should be me who lied there instead of him-I-“, Sehun couldn’t continued his word.

Now he’s gone forever. Forever. Every little thing of him has gone. His smile, his laugh, his face, his touch…I will never see that again…

 He stood up and walked out outside the hospital. Kai tried to stopped him but Sehun just kept walked away.


Sehun soullessly walked on the sidewalk. Tonight the snows begin to fall. It seems like the sky also cried for Luhan’s death. As Sehun walked, the memory of tonight where he shouted to Luhan kept appearing in his head. He kept on thinking that it should be him who got stabbed. His sight was empty as he kept walking forward. Slowly his tears were pouring down. He breathes hardly as the tears kept pouring down as a massive ache his chest. He bumped into people on his way, but he just kept walking along.


Sehun stopped by a red light, didn’t know where to go, he decided to cross the road. When the green light for the pedestrian turns on, slowly he crossed the road with his face drenched wet from the tears that won’t stopping.


“Now, what I have to do? This Christmas, I should spent it alone without you again, hyung. Why did you do this to me? You promised me hyung… you promised me”


Sehun’s silent cry turned to loud sobbed as he crossed the road. In the middle of crossing, his leg gave up. He fell on his knees as he sobbed so hard and holding his chest tightly. He cried there, in the middle of the road. Snows were falling on him. People around him were staring at him, but Sehun didn’t give a single about them. He just felt his chest was going to burst. This pain is just too much. He never imagined to losing Luhan this way. He never imagined that at all.


His breath was getting heavy since the cry took his breath away. Seems like the cry wasn’t enough to express the pain, Sehun felt like he was going to fainted when he heard everyone around him was shouted at him.


“Hey! Boy! Get out of there! Get out of there!”. Sehun saw a man across the street shouted at him as he waving his hand signaling Sehun to move away. Sehun also hear another shout telling him to move. Somehow it seems like it’s hard for him to completely understand what is exactly happening.


Sehun started to feel dizzy, everything around him seems to revolve quickly make it hard to see. He barely heard the people’s shout. Right when he saw a person signaling him to move away and pointing to a direction, Sehun couldn’t hear anything anymore.


When he slowly turned his head to the direction when that person pointed out, he saw a big white light coming fast towards him. Sehun tried to see what was that but he blinded by those white light. When the light came close, he heard the sound of a horn and the voice of a car’s brake.


Right after he heard the sound, he felt something hard bumped onto him. He couldn’t control his body. He knew that he was flung away to the ground. As he hit the ground, he felt massive pain on his head. Right after that he felt numb and he felt something warm flew out from his nose…













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ludiey77 #1
Chapter 17: i'm crying . oh shoooottt .. my tears come out !! keep it out author-nim !!
desianapf #2
Chapter 17: haven't read it for a while, and suddenly luhat died.. and then sehun too, and poor kai. It's so sad..
author-nim you're so mean, but your story is so good!
love it, thanks author-nim^^
Chapter 17: *sobs* the feels /sobs/
_OhSehunnie_ #4
Chapter 17: Your story is seriously awesome,but at the same time it's so sad..poor Kai :(
Your story is damn awesome :3
Chapter 17: Huhu kai must be hella sad now that sehun's already gone ~T_T~
Chapter 17: I don't get the ending.
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #8
Chapter 17: AWWWWWWW but poor kai :(
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #9
Chapter 15: ...oh my fudge....tht little fudger MY BABY GOT STABBEDD ASDFGHJKL luhan is so effing smart tho damn