Itsy Bitsy Spider

You are My Life

Hey, I’m back….sorry for not updating for so long. Anyway, from here, diary entries will be from all of the characters, so hopefully it gets more interesting!

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My English teacher says I really need help writing. She says that I just need to practice more. She says I should write about my life every day, so here I am, trying my best (haha wut)


~The Hun




Kai really needs to get a life. He just sits in my room all day… why can’t he go back to his own house? Ugh, I’m gonna go kick him out.


~The Hun




OW! My hurts! Who taught Sehun to kick like that? Anyway, I saw Sehun writing crap, so why not give it a shot? This is way more boring than I thought it would be.






This is stupid. Why am I writing?


~The Hun




Dad is such a cheapskate, I really wanted a phone. I guess I’ll just have to wait until Christmas.






Ugh, I’m gonna fail English. That’s okay.


~The Hun




Lay stole my stuffed Totoro, and Mom keeps telling me that I need to grow up. What does this have to do with my maturity? So what if I just want to hug my Totoro and sleep? I get it that Totoro obsession doesn’t exactly fit with my age anymore, but sometimes I don’t really want to do anything else. So what if I still eat like a sugar fueled kindergartener? So what if I still fall out of my bed? So what if I still want to sit on my swing set instead of being a successful, talented genius? I wish that I could’ve been five forever.






I just realized how much I’ve missed writing about my life, however pathetic it may be. Kyung keeps telling me to get out more, and maybe get a girlfriend. That sounds terrible, at least to me. I wonder what it feels like to actually want to, and take pleasure in being active like all the popular kids. By active I mean a complete jerk. At least Kyung is still nice, but I mostly just talk to Baek though, because Kyung actually “Has a life”.






Chanyeol really just needs to go ask someone out. He’s been drooling over some kid for the last few months, and I think it’s affecting his mental health. He still won’t tell anyone who it is, and it’s surprisingly hard to figure out. Yeol really does a good job of hiding his feelings, unlike Kai, who’s an open book. Seriously, who taught him how to talk to people? I don’t blame anyone for rejecting him…which is about everyone in the school. HAHAH


~The Hun




Sometimes I really want to have more friends, but then I think about it, and realize that I don’t actually like many people in my school. Sometimes, though, it bugs me terribly so see Sehun having parties next door with cars lined all down the block. Lay always has some kid over, and he pretty much lives on video games. Maybe I’m just really critical, but most of the kids are just plain inconsiderate. I guess everyone has to think about themselves first, right? Baek is pretty much the best person I know. I don’t know why he sticks around me though. Someone as smart, nice, and funny as him should be the king of the world by now, not watching children’s movies with a loser like me. I guess I should be feeling lucky.






The school track meet was yesterday. Track isn’t really my thing, so I just watched. I was surprised that Luhan won the 100m sprint. I haven’t really seen him do any sort of physical activity since we were little kids, and I guess I just didn’t really picture him as being athletic. I haven’t really talked to him in a while…he doesn’t really talk to many people at school. I don’t really know what I would say to him though. I kind of ditched him a whole ago, didn’t I? He was really nice when we were little, I wonder why I stopped talking to him.


~The Hun




Today was field day in school, so everyone went outside to sweat buckets and scream at each other. I didn’t really feel up to it, so I stayed inside to “do work”. I was sitting by myself at my desk trying to take a nap, when Baek tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a heart attack. When I turned around and HE KISSED ME. My heart stopped, and I couldn’t move. I guess I looked really terrified, because Baek stopped and ran away. I tried to talk to him, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. Hopefully he doesn’t do anything stupid; I would really hate to cause him pain. I called his home, but his mom picked up and said he hadn’t come home from school. I’m really scared. Where could he be? Truthfully, I don’t really know how to feel about being kissed by him. It was really unexpected, but it wasn’t really all that weird. Actually, it didn’t feel weird at all. I don’t know, at this point, I’m not too emotionally stable myself. I just hope Baek is okay.








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A/N: Sorry this took so long to write.....I got some serious writer's block, and it's only the fourth chapter π.π

At first, Luhan was really mean and crap, and that just didn't work, so I started over. Then Luhan acted like he was still a kid, and that didn't really work either. Anyway, I hope you don't think it . life

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Awwwww, Thank you! I'll try to update soon!
Chapter 4: its good so far! please continue writing, i really enjoy the fluffy adorableness and am waiting for more. :)
Chapter 1: Oh a fluffy fic :) looking forward for this :)