Rain, Rain, Go Away

You are My Life



I kissed Sehunnie in class today because I didn’t get to watch the ball drop with him yesterday. My math teacher says it was inappropriate, and she sent us both to the principal. The principal is scary. I do not think principals know how to smile. Mr. Meanie called Mommy and was not very nice to Mommy either. Mommy told me I am not allowed to kiss Sehun again. Ever.


~Crying Lulu




I built a giant snowman with Hunnie today, and we went sledding at the park. Sehun is still scared of sliding down first. I did not push him because I don’t want him to cry. It was very cold outside so we sat by Hunnie’s fireplace for the rest of the day.


~Happy Hannie




Sehun and I went ice skating today. I am not good at it, but Sehun is amazing! He can skate so fast! I fell on my a lot and it hurts.


~Painful Lulu




I did not give Sehun a Valentine today. I did not kiss Sehun today. I feel bad.


~Empty Luhan




I have not eaten cookies in so long. I can’t remember what they taste like. Mommy never bakes or buys cookies, and Sehunnie never has any.






Sehun didn’t want to play with me today. He said that Kai has a funny cat. I do not think that cats are funnier than I am. I’m lonely without Hunnie.




Baek invited me to his house today. I wanted to play with Sehun instead, but Mommy said I should go. Baekhyun is very nice to me. He had all kinds of cookies! We played soccer in his yard, and I won! I think Baek was being nice though, because he always missed the goal.


~Happy Han




Mommy came back from work with a strange man today. She says that he is Daddy now. I don’t want to call him Daddy because he is not Daddy. I hope Daddy is having fun on his trip. I wish he could come home soon.


~Waiting Lulu




Sehun’s birthday was today. I drew a card for him, but Kai told me it was ugly. I kicked him for being mean and Sehun told me not to hurt his friends. I left before they cut the cake because I didn’t want to let Sehun see me cry. Mommy says that it was rude to leave before Sehun made a wish.  Everyone is so mean to me.






Sehun apologized to me for being mean yesterday. I told him that Kai is the real meanie. He nodded, but did not reply.


~Not so sad anymore Lulu




I invited Baekhun, and Kyungsoo to my birthday party. Sehun says that they’re boring, but I think they are just not as loud as his friends. Kyung gave me a nice bike!


~Happy Han




My bike is a meanie. It threw me off onto the pavement today. Mommy called me a bloody mess and put band-aids everywhere. She used all of the Totoro ones so I had to have some boring white ones. Sehun says I look silly.


~Hurting Hannie




Summer vacation starts today! I can’t wait to play outside with Hunnie after school!






Sehunnie told me that he’s going to go to a summer camp with Kai and Chanyeol for a whole month, and then his family is taking a trip to Korea for the rest of summer vacation. This is poop. I don’t want to stay here with Lay.


~Dying Luhan




I said goodbye to Sehun today. He did not seem very sad to be leaving. Maybe I’m not his best friend.


~Crying Lulu




Sehun’s family left to go to Korea today. He just got back from camp today too, and I didn’t even get a chance to see him. I sat in his backyard until Mommy told me to come back in because I would catch a cold in the rain.


~Tired Lulu




I’m sick. Mommy says I have to stay in bed because I have a fever. My head hurts, and this is the last page in my diary. Mommy says I can play with Lay for the rest of summer vacation. I do not want to. I dream of Sehun sometimes. He always smiles at me.


~Waiting Lulu







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Sehunnie, you jerk. Stop making Lulu sad π.π

So much child angst.... Luhan needs a better life.

Also, trying to type in really short sentences is really hard. I didn't want to make Luhan misspell every other word, so I tried to use simple vocabulary.

This is not the ending, Luhan will get another diary. :D

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Awwwww, Thank you! I'll try to update soon!
Chapter 4: its good so far! please continue writing, i really enjoy the fluffy adorableness and am waiting for more. :)
Chapter 1: Oh a fluffy fic :) looking forward for this :)