Sweet and Bitter

You are My Life



Mommy said I should play with friends from school more. She said I should invite my friends to come to our house this weekend. I invited the only two classmates that I like. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are boring though, so I also told Sehun to come over. We played hide and seek, but Hunnie kept on losing, so we just ate cookies. I like cookies. Sehun doesn’t like cookies, but I made him eat one anyway.

After we ate cookies, we went to the park in our puffy coats and we all went on the big slide together. Hunnie was scared to be in the front, so I pushed him down. He started crying. I felt bad so we went on the swings for the rest of the day.


~Tired Luhannie




In class we all had to write Valentines to each one of our classmates. I didn’t want to do that so I cut out a BIG heart and walked down to the first grade class and gave it to Sehun. My teacher said that it was inappropriate behavior, and that I was supposed to make hearts for my classmates. She also had told me that Valentines were for the people that I loved. I do not love anyone in my class.


~Confused Hannie




Today there is a thunderstorm. Lightning is scary. VERY SCARY. I was at Hunnie’s house today so I couldn’t hug Mommy or Totoro. I hugged Sehun instead, and he said he couldn’t breathe, so I just crawled under a carpet for a while. Sehun crawled under with me. Mommy came to pick me up after a while, but the storm lasted the whole night.


~Terrified Lulu




Mommy says it is finally warm enough to play outside without my puffy coat. I played outside with Lay though, because Mommy says it’s not nice to not include my little brother all the time. He is a lot less fun to play with than Sehun.


~Bored Lulu




Today was Sehun’s birthday! It was not very fun during the day because I had to play with Sehun’s friends from school. Kai, Chanyeol, and Suho are very annoying. They always talk to my Hunnie and I was bored. It is okay though, because I get to sleep over tonight, even though it is not a weekend.


~Slightly Annoyed Luhan




I did not like Sehun’s party with his friends, so I decided that I would not invite any of my classmates to my birthday party. Sehun and I played outside in my back yard the whole day, and it was fun! My cake was awesome! It had a eight candles on it, and I blew them all out at once! Sehun does not really like cake, but he still ate some. He said it tasted special.


~Happy Hannie




Last week my family and Sehun’s family went on a cruise together! The ship was HUGE!!! Sehun and I ran around across the deck for the first day, but we got lost. A nice lady helped us find our room. I got to have a seven day sleepover with Hunnie! We played on my Gameboy Color, and Sehun is really good! Also, I never knew there were so many cakes in the whole wide WORLD! Mommy told me I had to eat other things too, but I didn’t want to. Mommy also kept on telling me that we needed to include Lay when we play. I told mommy that Lay is a party pooper, and she got mad at me.  At least Lay did not sleep over with us.






Mommy and Daddy yelled a lot yesterday. It was scary so I hid in my room and tried to sleep. I couldn’t sleep though. I think the whole neighborhood must have heard them yelling.


~Sad Lulu




Mommy says that Daddy went on a trip and we won’t see him again. Why would Daddy leave on a trip if he does not come back? Does Daddy not love me anymore? Mommy looks very sad and tired. I hope she is not sick.


~Even Sadder Lulu




Mommy says that she does not have time or money to make cookies or cake anymore. This makes me sad. Mommy still looks very tired so I will not complain. I have not been to Hunnie’s house to sleep over in a long time. Mommy says that I should not trouble Sehun’s parents. I can’t count the number of times I have played Go Fish with Lay this week. Not seeing Sehunnie is boring.


~Dying Lulu




I went to Hunnie’s house today, but he also had other friends over too. I still do not like any of his classmates. They are all very loud, and they annoy me. I wasn’t allowed to sleep over again. Mommy is very grumpy sometimes.


~Troubled Luhan




I have not written in a while. Sehunnie and I only see each other after school, and the rest of the day is very bland. I do not think that I should have to learn cursive when nobody will be able to read it. My teacher was telling us how sentence structure works. We also have been learning vocabulary. I think I am a better writer after learning this in school.


~Learning Luhannie




I hate math. I do not like memorizing multiplication times tables. I do not like learning about division and decimals. I especially hate fractions. Sehun is very good at it though. He moved into my math class. Last week, and got a higher test score than I did. At least this means that I will have a class with him every day.


~Jealous Lulu




I love hot chocolate. It reminds me of a great big hug. Sehun does not like it though, he says it is too sweet. Sehun is not fond of anything that is very sweet, which makes me sad. I love sweets. Too bad Mommy still doesn’t bake cookies.


~Dissapointed Luhan




Mommy said we do not have money to buy Sehunn a present for Christmas, so I told him to not give me a present either. As his hyung, receiving a gift without exchange is not very nice. I played with him the whole day, so I am very happy!


~Warm and Fuzzy Lulu

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Awwwww, Thank you! I'll try to update soon!
Chapter 4: its good so far! please continue writing, i really enjoy the fluffy adorableness and am waiting for more. :)
Chapter 1: Oh a fluffy fic :) looking forward for this :)