Potatoes in a Pod

You are My Life



Dear Diary,

Today is my seventh birthday! I got you, my pretty blue checkered diary as my one and only present, so I will make sure to treasure you forever! Bye now, I’m going to eat my cake!


~Happy Luhan





Today, I got new neighbors. They were taking stuff into their house the whole day. Mommy and Daddy went to help, but I played in the back yard with Lay. Five year olds are so annoying. Lay always cries when I don’t push him on the swings.


~Annoyed Hyung




I played Pokemon with Lay in the backyard again today. I wanted to be Pikachu, but Lay started crying again. Our neighbor has a kid too! He’s six. I let him be Squirtle because I am a nice hyung! He is funny.


~Happy Luhan




I’m sorry I have not written in here in so long. Mommy said that if I didn’t write, she would throw you away. Writing is hard though, so I am going to go play with Sehunnie.






Hunnie always tells me that he is taller. I don’t think so. We went to the beach together all last week! Sehun’s swimsuit was too large though, and it kept getting washed away.  Mommy told me it wasn’t nice to laugh, but it was so funny! We also made a sand Totoro! I wanted to go swimming more but Sehun was too embarrassed.


~Laughing Luhan




School starts in a few more days. I wish Sehun could be in my class. School will be no fun without Sehun.


~Grumpy Luhan




School is so boring. I will bring you to school often so I can write here instead of talking to my stupid classmates.


~Bored Luhan




My teacher saw me writing today in class. I thought she would be mad that I wasn’t paying attention. She said my writing was very “sufiskated” for my age. She told me that she would put me in the third grade writing class.


~Sufiskated Luhan




Hunnie always calls me Lulu now. I told him I don’t like it but he does not stop. I miss playing with him in my back yard. Mommy says it’s too cold outside. We have sleepovers every weekend though, so Hyung gets to share a bed with Sehun for two days! Lay wants to too, but I lock him outside. Mommy says it is mean, but I don’t want to share with Sehun and Lay.


~Annoyed Lulu




I’m going to be Totoro for Halloween! Sehun says he doesn’t want to trick or treat. I think he is silly. Who doesn’t want to get candy? He says he doesn’t like chocolate because it’s very spicy. He knows that because his mommy told him so. His mommy is a liar.


~Exited Lulu




Sehunnie gave me all of his candy! I love him! He is my best friend! Chocolate is not spicy!


~Happy Lulu




Today Hunnie and I went outside a built a beautiful snowman! I didn’t want Frosty to die like he did in the story Mommy told me, so I asked if we could put him in our refrigerator. Mommy said we couldn’t, so we unbuilt Frosty so he wouldn’t die later.


~Sad Lulu




SEHUN GOT ME A GIANT STUFFED TOTORO!!!! I will sleep with it every night! But I will still sleep with Hunnie during the weekends so he doesn’t get jealous and take Totoro back.






Sehunnie and I got to stay up really late together today because we waited to see the ball drop in Times Square! Daddy kissed mommy, so I kissed Hunnie too! Daddy says kissing Sehun is weird because we are both boys. Daddy says he kisses mommy because he loves her, but I love Sehun too, so why can’t I kiss him? Daddy says it is inappropriate for children to kiss others on the lips, so I will kiss his cheeks instead. At least until I’m a big boy!


~Patient Lulu


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Hello! I was craving some fluff so I started this, I think I have a good plot coming, so stick with me!

Don't kill me, know I should be updating my other fic ∏.∏


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Awwwww, Thank you! I'll try to update soon!
Chapter 4: its good so far! please continue writing, i really enjoy the fluffy adorableness and am waiting for more. :)
Chapter 1: Oh a fluffy fic :) looking forward for this :)