
A moment apart

“Here.” Hoseok handed Taehyung another towel, blanket and a tea to drink his fever medicine with, who gladly accepted, muttering a “Hobi is the best.”

This wasn’t the way he wanted to meet him again. Looking back an hour earlier, Taehyung actually passed unconscious the second Hoseok found him, causing him to go in a state similar to having a heart attack, because that’s how much Hoseok was scared.

“I’m still angry okay, don’t dare tying to act all innocent to me, because it won’t work this time.“ Hoseok sternly said, but it had already worked on him, who was he kidding. Ever since had Taehyung regained his conscious he had been smiling non-stop, mostly when looking at Hoseok, who was having a really hard time trying to be strict and scold Taehyung for his reckless behavior. Was he really 22? He really looked like a child right now in the body of a giant.

"Are you going to tell me what were you doing there without an umbrella or any kind of protection from the rain? Do you realize how dangerous that was? What if I didn’t find you on time what would’ve happened?” Taehyung sat up abruptly and there was no sign of the smile that was plastered on his face ever since they went into Hoseok’s apartment anymore.

“If you tell me why were you ignoring me for more than two weeks I will tell you then.” Hoseok’s heart skipped few beats for various reasons. He had never seen Taehyung look and sound so serious before and he was also very close to Hoseok’s face. He felt exposed like his heart and mind were an open book before Taehyung. But he knew he shouldn’t let his emotions take control over him. He fixed his position again, trying to calm down so his voice wouldn’t crack.

“Ignoring? What are you talking about, I just didn’t have any time.”

“Bull. Before you could find the time to come even if it meant staying overtime in the afternoon, do you expect me to believe that?” Hoseok couldn’t say anything back. It was the first time seeing Taehyung talk so straightforwardly without goofing off as usually.

“I don’t know what are you talking about.”

“Step treating me like a child! You’ve been acting like this ever since I kissed you back then. If it bothered you that much just tell me! I would’ve apologized, I still want to apologize, but ignoring me? Even Misa?”

“Wait, stop, that’s not it, it’s not like this I …“ But Hoseok couldn’t continue. He suddenly felt really tired under the pressure of Taehyungs eyes. There was frustration and anger mixed up that didn’t suit his beautiful face at all. Hoseok wanted to stop everything and hug him, bury his fingers in his hair and tell him everything was going to be alright. But he couldn’t because what if Taehyung rejected him? He would probably never want to see Hoseok ever again and Hoseok wasn’t strong enough to handle this.

“If it’s not like this, then what is it? Did I do something wrong? Please, say something…” No, please don’t cry, I would never be able to forgive myself if you do.

“I do it for your sake Taehyung, trust me it’s all because of me and my selfish feelings, it has nothing to do with you please don’t blame yourself.”

“Yes, you sure are selfish, aren’t you? Hiding behind me and using it as an excuse to justify your irrational behavious. How do you know you’re not hurting me more with ignoring me and not telling me anything than the whatever reason you’re doing this? If you just talk to me-“

“I like you Kim Taehyung! This is not what you expected right? I know, I’ve been trying to figure out my feelings the last two weeks, so it wasn’t the easiest thing for me to come to the book store and act as if nothing happened. I’m sorry, I know all of this sounds like lame excuses, but I can’t risk losing whatever friendship we have left because of this.” It was the first time ever Hoseok raised his voice at Taehyung. He was panting, feeling even more tired. He never intended to tell him all of this, but he couldn’t bear seeing him blame it on himself.He closed his eyes and turned away.

“You should rest now, your fever is still not completely down, we can talk later... There is some food in the fridge, you can suit yourself if you feel like it.” He said and intended to leave for his room without looking at Taehyung, but he felt a tap on his back. He couldn’t move. Taehyung was resting his head on the back of his shoulder, saying nothing. They stayed like this for awhile, neither of them moving. Hoseok could feel that Taehyungs body was still very hot and he felt very light against his body.

“You idiot. That was it? Do you realize how much worse thoughts I had during the past two weeks? I thought you were going somewhere, leaving me behind.. I was really scared I might lose you. Please don’t ever do that again..”

“‘Was that it?’ Well im sorry if my feelings for you don’t seem like an important enough matter to you-“

“Shut up you idiot.” wanting or not Hoseok didn’t say anything back as a pair of lips were onto his a second later, not allowing him to do anything else except kiss back.

A/N Just 922 words took me over three hours to write, yet ive never been more disappointed with anything else i've written before ;~;

Huge thank you to anyone still bothering to read this, i promise i will work on myself more so i can improve ;~;

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Chapter 13: Too cute
Jia_Yi #2
Chapter 13: this is so fluffy and cute and asdfghjkl
Chapter 13: dhvisudhvosdu Here I am drolling with all this fluff *-* I think I will read all of your stories.. because this is the second one that I felt in love *-* :$
ellinaannisa #4
Chapter 13: i'm still waiting..
Chapter 13: Ahhh this is so nice. I can totally relate with hoseok bcs I really love tae's smile Ahhh why did I just found this amazingly cute fic now T-T
Chapter 13: i love this story so much its just beyond word ;u;