The action of overflowing

A moment apart

Needless to say Hoseok was a mess. Mostly because he had been thinking and overthinking every possible explanation for earlier today during the past few hours. Why did he do it? Was he just messing around? It didn't mean anything, right? and all similar questions lingered on and on in his mind.

He rolled on his bed for the nth time, sighing quietly into his pillow. He was mostly a mess because of himself. Because of his own feelings that were all over the place. He was frustrated about the way he reacted, how fast his heart started racing, how the blush never left his cheeks and mostly because how he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He knew Taehyung was a clingy koala, so that was probably just his way of saying goodbye or something, he knew he shouldn’t be thinking so much of it, not that he could understand anything about that boy even if he spent hours on trying to  anyways.

“Jiu, what’s going on with me?” Hoseok murmured after finally getting up from his bed. His dog didn‘t leave his side like the loyal friend it was and Hoseok was really thankful for that. At least he had some moral support from someone, right? Jiu obediently listened to his sighs and worries, his hand at times where he would sense his master being way too tensed. That’s how awesome Jiu was.

“I’m in love, aren’t I?” or so he wanted to say, but he wasn’t ready to make such a confession, even to himself. Whatever feelings he had developed for Taehyung for the few weeks they’d known each other, he had to suppress them and not let them show on the surface. He just couldn’t risk their friendship to whiter becase of those messed up emotions and mostly because he wasn't ready to leave Taehyung’s side just yet. His desire to know more and more about the boy grew every day and he wasn't going to allow his selfish feelings ruin everything.

Having thought of that, Hoseok didn’t go to the book store the next day. Or the one after it. Not for a week. Oh the irony, he thought to himself one day after work. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship, yet all he did was ignore Taehyung, or actually just run away. He missed him, he really did. He was so used to seeing him and his smiles and weird expressions and hearing his stupid jokes every single morning that he never thought that would be taken away from him. Taken away by himself. But he needed time to recover from his realization, to suppress all of the feelings that made him so confused, so he could be normal in front of Taehyung again.

“You’re not in some teenage drama Jung Hoseok, just get yourself together and act your age for once.”  Hoseok yelled to his monitor. This plus the usual cheek slapping to motivate himself earned him few stares from the office but nobody really questioned it.


At 4:46 pm he was almost ready to go to the bookstore and act like being busy with work was the only reason he didn’t come and that everything could go back to normal… blah blah. Just like the day of their first meeting, he took his time walking past the bakery, the flower shop and the coffee shop. He wanted to calm his heart and stable his emotions before going in.

But he stopped just infront the book store. There he was, he could see Taehyung from the see-through glass. And it just had to be him smiling with one of his mesmerizing, cheeky smiles, probably because he was proud of himself for managing to piss Misa off or something similar. Hoseok’s world stopped for a second, from just this sight of his most favorite smile in the world and he couldn’t bring himself to enter the bookstore. As if he weren’t messed up already this just made his heart beat even faster.

This whole week of avoiding Taehyung really didn’t prepare him at all as he thought, now he more than ever wanted to go and hug him. Even more selfish than this was that he wanted to be the reason of his smile. “Do you even hear yourself? And you wanted everything to go back to normal when you’re the one making it complicated. Stop thinking about yourself and think about Taehyung and how uncomfortable and bothersome your feelings would be towards him

Hoseok felt his head heavier than ever, it was overflowing with thoughts that he shouldn’t have, he shouldn’t be this selfish. He ran away. He promised to himself not to go close to the book store until he has settled all of his feelings and buried them deep down or else he really doesn’t have the right to see Taehyung and act as if nothing was happening.



A/N Guys ... 119 views? ;~~~; I honestly never expected more than 10 views not to mention the lovely 10 subscribers тт тт i can't say enough how thankful i am for each and everyone that has taken their time to read, comment and even subscribe to a fic that lacks so much ;~; I hope i will improve enough in the future so you don't regret your choice! Thank you ♥

P.S more than an update this is a continuation of yesterdays chapter that's why it's so short, but i will update soon. I never have anything planned or any ideas in my head beforehand, i just start writing on the moment i open Word so if something is blurry or not understandable because the story doesn't flow properly please ask me so i can explain! Also, I spend time trying to edit all chapters but that goes up to some point my English level allows me, so please forgive any cringe-wrothy grammar mistakes or typos, you can always comment so i can edit them out. (((this became longer than the actual update i'm shutting up now))

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Chapter 13: Too cute
Jia_Yi #2
Chapter 13: this is so fluffy and cute and asdfghjkl
Chapter 13: dhvisudhvosdu Here I am drolling with all this fluff *-* I think I will read all of your stories.. because this is the second one that I felt in love *-* :$
ellinaannisa #4
Chapter 13: i'm still waiting..
Chapter 13: Ahhh this is so nice. I can totally relate with hoseok bcs I really love tae's smile Ahhh why did I just found this amazingly cute fic now T-T
Chapter 13: i love this story so much its just beyond word ;u;