
A moment apart

When they entered Hoseoks apartment Jiu faithfully its owners' hand right away, but surprising him, the dog almost as immediately tackled Taehyung, almost making him fall down. Not that he minded at all, Taehyung really seemed to love Jiu.

“I really don’t get it how did you manage to get under its skin. You should feel pretty special you know.” Hoseok noted while taking out the ingredients for the omelette they bought on their way home, but then he felt a slight tickling feeling on his year and a quiet “I am special” that followed afterwards, and before he could turn around Taehyung was already skipping to the living room to watch whatever sappy drama was on. He just couldn’t get used to the boys playful moods and sudden closeness, but now he never really got embarrassed.

“Do you own any pets? You seem to know your way around dogs and such.” Hoseok asked, returning to the topic. He was actually really curious.

“No, not currently.”

“So you had one befor-“

“Hey, let’s order some sushi too?” Taehyung asked and put the greasiest possible smile he could, knowing Hoseok could never resist it no matter how much he pretended to cringe.

“Sushi AND an omelette? You’re either going to break your stomach or get indigestion so let’s leave it for another tim-“ aaand there were two finger pressed on his lips, shutting him up.

“Shhhh, do not ever question my ability to eat. THAT I can do best.” He grinned and went away again. When the hell did he manage to get to Hoseok to shut him up anyways ?!

“I think im gonna have to teach you how to be respectful towards your elders, you brat”

“Old man.”

“Shut up or no food for you.”


Jiu had been playing with the toy Taehyung gave him few weeks back for almost ]an hour now, and to be honest, that was enough entertainment for the two young, but tired men. As always Taehyung was lying on Hoseoks lap and talking about stuff Hoseok pretended to listen while playing with his hair. God knows why Taehyung enjoyed it so much, but every time he came to visit Hoseok in the apartment they would end up like this. But Hoseok sensed a slight difference in Taehyung this time, he was very tensed up and he looked really out of it.

“Is there something bothering you?” Hoseok asked gently while brushing the bangs out of Taehyungs face.


“I won’t force you, but you know I would always listen to you. Even if I can’t give you the best advice, I can still try, right?” Hoseok was starting to get concerned. Taehyung was the type to never let negative emotions take over him, he really disliked not smiling or not being happy. Not that he had some perfect life or everything was alright for him, but he always chose to be happy. He would always say that there are enough people frowning currently and he didn’t want to be like this. He smiled, even when it hurt him a lot and Hoseok loved that part of him to death. He didn’t force him though, he just continued doing what Taehyung loved the most – playing with his hair, stealing a kiss on his forehead from time to time.

“Hobi… I’m sorry..” he said while getting up from his lap, eyes full of worry…. Or not? Was that guilt? Hoseok was really confused.

“But what for? Are you okay?” Taehyung didn’t speak for another few minutes, he only took Hoseoks hand in his and caressed it gently. But he let it go and looked away.

“Don’t ask me if I’m okay… I lied to you Hobi.” He was now looking at his feet and biting his lips. Hoseok really wondered what was this all about that made Taehyung so upset.

“Talk to me Taehyung or I really won't understand.” He tried taking his hands again, but Taehyung shook his head.

“You asked me earlier whether I had a pet before, right?  I did.”


“Truth is I had a female Akita Inu for several years. She got pregnant, but it got really complicated because she developed a tumor. But she didn’t give up, up until her last breath she managed to give birth to her puppy, as if she was still alive for this sole reason. She meant the world to me and I swore I would give anything to protect the little puppy that she left me as a blessing, one reminder of her. But when I went to the vet clinic for a check-up they told me it needed a surgery, because its moms sickness took a great effect on it. But I wasn’t working then so I could in no way afford it and by the time I could I would’ve been too late. I don’t remember much, but I still can still remember the feeling of my whole world collapsing, surrounding itself with darkness and I could do nothing but cry. But then I really “saw the light in the end of the tunnel”, no matter how cringe-worthy this might sound like now. It was you Hobi. You saved him, out of nowhere and this was the little thing that made me realize how blessed I am. I felt completely worthless for not being able to do in the beginning, nor I wanted to get separated from him, but I was blessed with your sun-like existence which, in that day, not only saved a puppy, but also me and the chances of me probably doing something stupid. I’ve known you since then Hobi, and I more than ever wanted to thank you personally for everything, not just some basket of fruits and dog treats. It took me a year to, but one day I found you sitting in that book store and recognized you immediately. I didn’t know how to approach you though, so that’s why I begged Misa to let me work there, so I can get close to you little by little and see how Jiu was doing. And that night when we first met officially again I realized I wanted to be around you more and more and I never got the chance to tell you the truth. I’m really sorry I kept it for so long, but just the same as you I was scared I might lose you so I selfishly decided to keep hiding the truth for a bit longer, but you deserve to know the truth and be mad at me as much as you want to.” Taehyung let out a deep breath, still not looking at Hoseok at all. It honestly took him a really long time to tell all this and it was quite obvious by now that he was fighting some tears from coming out.

Hoseok stood up, took Jiu and his favorite toy and brought it back to the couch they were sitting on this whole time. Taehyung only looked at him confusedly as Jiu affectionally his nose.

“So you still remember him and this is why you let it touch you so easy, is that right? You’re a smart one, buddy.” Hoseok said while petting his dog and smiling brightly and even a little proudly.

“Why aren’t you mad Hobi? Don’t hold back because of me I really deserve…”

“Thank you Taehyung, for allowing me to heal Jiu and for deciding not to do anything stupid. As I’ve said before I never once regretted my choice back then, and now Jiu only became times more special for me, because it is the reason I can have you by my side now. Truth is Tae, before you I lived one quite repetitive and gray life, and I could hardly ever wake up and feel excited to go outside, to live, to experience. Being able to see you, your smile and positivity on a daily basis really brought that color back into my life. Also thank you for trusting me enough with your feelings.” He let Jiu down only to cup Taehyungs face and rest his forehead on the latters. He knew Taehyung was still pondering and feeling uneasy so he slowly tilted his head to the side and gently caressed his lips. It took Taehyung a few moments to get himself together, but he kissed back the way he had never kissed Hoseok before, as if he was holding it back until now. He felt a slight on his lips making them part. Hoseok was still as gentle as ever but this time he allowed himself to bury his hands in Taehyungs hair and deepen the kiss, to show him that he was not mad and in fact he loved him more and more by the second. Taehyung moaned audibly, finally completely giving under Hoseok’s touch.

When they break up for air they’re panting, red faced but truly happy and ready to continue the rest in Hoseok’s bedroom.


A/N whew, that was really challenging to write ;u; I usually reread whatever i write few times and edit it, but that's only from my point of view where everything is already in my head crystal clear, so if there is anything that bugs your or it not understandable because of my use of English please let me know! Also a million thank yous to everyone who read this and all the sweet comments i'm receiving ;u;

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Chapter 13: Too cute
Jia_Yi #2
Chapter 13: this is so fluffy and cute and asdfghjkl
Chapter 13: dhvisudhvosdu Here I am drolling with all this fluff *-* I think I will read all of your stories.. because this is the second one that I felt in love *-* :$
ellinaannisa #4
Chapter 13: i'm still waiting..
Chapter 13: Ahhh this is so nice. I can totally relate with hoseok bcs I really love tae's smile Ahhh why did I just found this amazingly cute fic now T-T
Chapter 13: i love this story so much its just beyond word ;u;