Chapter 1

Finding My Other Half

*To tell the difference between Kim Hyunae and Song HyunAe is that Song has the "A in caps, or I'll put Pres HyunAe


Author's POV:


The new girl in town, Kim Hyunae, has just been accepted into a famous Private High School in Seoul. She leaves Jeju and her parents to go study. She proudly walks through the streets of Seoul. escapes words of wow or daebak

"I can't wait for the first snow of winter to come," Hyunae whispered out. Before she knew it, she was in front of the entrance of the school. It was humongous with jet black gate frames. Her excited bar went over 10. 

"AHHHHHHHHHH~" she let out her excitement scream. In this way, she let out her stress and start fresh. She proudly stepped inside the school. Everyone just stared at her. Some mummer and some just pathetically laughed at her. She didn't care at all.

All of a sudden another student faced in front of her. 


Hyunae's POV:

I was walking to my class until another student stepped in front of me. She seems different. Her uniform was better than mine and looks different. I looked into her eyes and I felt a chill run up my spine. She just stared at me blankly but her eyes are powerful. I didn't get to look at her name, but under her nametag, it read PRESIDENT. Now I'm scared. Why did I scream?!!!

"Umm, I'm-" She cut me off.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm the President of the school. My name is Song HyunAe, I am a Junior here. I was told you are the newest student here and I was also told to help you out. Unless you have someone else you know here to help you." We have the same name, I thought. But her voice gave me goosebumps rather the cold wind. Her voice stayed stable, monotone, and her blank face didn't change. 

I was about to introduce myself to her until I felt an arm over my shoulder. I didn't dare look at who it was.

"I'll be helping her Pres," the guy said, "You can count on me. Go back and do your President stuff." He seemed like an idiot. He was tall but I felt like his Noona, or a Sunbae. I glanced over at the President, she shot a dead glare at him. That finally got him off of me. 

"I'm Kim Hyunae, from Jeju! Bangabsuemnida(A/N: Please to Meet You)." I said in my preppy high voice. I can't leave a bad impression on the President or she'll find that I'm a weird outsider. 

"Huuu, two Hyunae's. President HyunAe and New Girl Hyunae," the boy said. He jumped to our sides and examined us. I really wanted to yell at him but I couldn't.

"Song-Hyun-Woo, meet me in the Student Council room after class," President HyunAe said. I was suprised at how calm she was. She just stared straight at me when she said that and suddenly she grabbed my wrist. We ran away from the Hyunwoo kid. Thank you Pres!

She toured me around the WHOLE school. And my feet hurrrtsss~ Why does this school has to be so huge!? To make it even worse, it's FREAKEN WINTER!!! We went inside the building and I met the Principal. Pres HyunAe left me. All Alone. With Principal Han. Awkward... Principal Han went on and on with the stupid same rules as every school has. Her voice was raspy, it made me want to put in earphones and ignore her. She probably took an hour or so but FREEDOM~ I get to go to class now. Yay~

I missed the first 2 periods but that's alright. It's break right now so I can go explore more on my own. Everyone looked evil and rich. The girls gossiped about others and the guys were being guys. No one seems to be friendly. But I didn't mind and just walked by myself. 


Author's POV:

Break was over and Hyunae met her homeroom teacher, Ms. Kang. Hyunae's heart beated faster and faster. She kept talking to herself, hwaiting, come on just introduce yourself like the way you practice. While she was doing that, someone glanced over about 7 ft away from her and listened to her. What a idiot, he thought. He spun around inside the classroom. 

"Okay, everyone please quite down. Hey, quite!" Ms Kang yelled out, "We have a new student today, please come in." Hyunae froze when Ms. Kang called her in. She couldn't move. Ms Kang called her again. This time she came inside. But, her walking made everyone in the class laugh. She felt like a fool and an idiot for trying to be in this school. This Private High School. 



















First Chapter!! Of course it's boring since I'm introducing everyone. It's pretty short but the next chapter is going to be long so I can entertain you guys!

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pipie_pp #1
Chapter 3: aaaa, cant wait for the next chapter.. you're awesome author nim. please update soon..