I'm stronger little brother

Shadows of the Night

Jiyeon's POV 

i headed out for the door to go to school. Once I opened it, L was standing right there 

" um.. Hey? " I said and he turned around and looked at me 

" about last night.. " he said and I let out a faint smile. I would be lying if I said it wasn't a fake smile 

" oh.. Yeah.ci understand. It was a mistake and you want nothing to do with it. I get it. " I smiled and closed the door behind me and walked passed him when he grabbed my hand back 

" no. " he said and I turned back to look at him 

" what do you mean? " I mumbled

" last night.. It was different. I guess what I'm trying to say is that... Will you go on a date with me? " he said and I gave him he are you freaken serious look and hen giggled 

" a date? You and I?... Really? " I raised my eyebrow and he smirked 

" yeah. A date. At the Hidden Grill. " he Said and I looked at him with the WTF look and chuckled 

" what? Isn't this how to approach a girl? " he asked and I nodded numerous times 

" yeah but... I didn't exspect you to ask out a girl.. And be so open about it. " I said and he smirked 

" it's thanks to you. I don't know what you did but I like being near you. " L said and I giggled 

" see you at school. " I walked away and waved behind me 

" so Is that a yes? " he asked 

" I don't know..." I giggled 

" playing hard to get huh? " he asked

" maybe. " I said as was about to open my car door when he slammed it back shut 

" I'll see you there. " he said and I smirked and opened my car door again and got in the car


No ones POV 

Baekhyun spent about the entire lunch staring at Jiyeon from afar. 

He couldn't get the image of tae Hee out of his head. They were just so much alike 

" oh my god.. To like her. " Hyuna said as she glanced over at what he was looking at 

" I don't. " he replied 

" liar. " Suzy said as she set her food on the table 

" you like her.. Is it because she resembles her? " Suzy asked and Baekhyun didn't answer 

" don't even try Baekhyun. " Kris came over and sat next to the Three and then a Nichkhun joined 

" she's a human. " Kris said 

" he's right. " Nichkhun mumbled through his food 

" she's an object for you to feed. " Nichkhun said through his chewing 

" don't you ever get tired of killing innocent lives all the time? " Bawkhyun asked and they all looked at each other and burst out laughing 

" it's in our nature,vlast time I checked, you told me that. " Suzy said and continued eating 

" don't fall for a human. They'll hurt you. " Hyuna said and slowly swallowed her food as her eyes became watery 

" Hyuna. " Suzy mumbled 

" I'm fine. " Hyuna sniffed and continued eating 

" you know Hyuna.. I also wonder. After Kris found you, what actually happened to you. " NIckhun said and Suzy looked up and glared at him since he had to ask such terrible questions 

" It was 140 years ago. After I turned. I fell in love with The son of the town's head leader. I was just this poor girl but he loved me. He did everything he could to love me and protect me. And I fought my urges of wanted to drain every single drop of blood from his body. It was hard,cbut I love him. Then one night, his father and the town's men went on a vampire killing rampage. " Hyuna said in a cracked up voice 

" they locked all the vampires in dungeon under his house. When he came after me. He asked if I was okay as he held out a bright stone and it glowed bright red infront of me. He looked at me and widened his eyes. Without hesitation, he drove a stake through my heart and forced vervain down my throat. " Hyuna said 

" luckily he missed. Or you would've died. " Kris said 

" he took me down into the dungeon and I could already hear the cries and scream of the other vampires. They were burning and they were terrified. I looked at him one last time before he threw me down the stairs and ran away. " Hyuna said as tears rolled down her face 

" that's when I came to town to visit an old friend and heard her scream. I ran over where it was but everyone had burned to the ground and that's when I heard a heartbeat. I walked down the stairs and saw Hyuna. Luckily the fire didn't reach her yet. That's when I took her with me. " Kris said 

" I owe my life to Kris. ".hyuna said and Nichkhun felt bad afterwards 

" I'm sorry. " NIckhun said and Hyuna smiled 

" it's fine. We've been freinds for 136 years. I think all of you should know. " she said and then turned to look at Baekhyun 

" don't fall for a human. It's rather you kill them, or you might as well drive a wooden stake through your heart. " Hyuna said and with anger in her eyes 

" why are you even here Kris? You don't need to go to school? " NIckhun said and Kris smirked 

" just wanted to check up on you guys, " he said

" well.. I'm gonna go back home first. " Hyuna said as she grabbed her stuff and left 


Baekhyun's POV 

whatever Hyuna said... It doesn't speak for all of them. I must know who she is. 

I walked over to the soocer field and watched her. She was amazing, gourgeous. Just like teehee. 

But taehee was some thing else. She was devious, selfish, manipulative, and cunning. 

I then kept staring at her until she turned over and looked at me. My eyes widened and she kicked her ball towards me and I caught it and stood up. 

I moved the ball to the side and there she was infront of me. 

" hi. Is there a reason why you're staring me? " she giggled 

" hi. I'm Baekhyun. " I said and she looked at me and smiled 

" about time. I'm Jiyeon. Nice finally meet you. " she said and smiled. God her smile was just like taehee. But it wasn't fake. It was pure and real. 

" you purposely kicked the ball over here. " I said and handed her the ball and she smiled 

" I know. It gave me an excuse to come and introduce myself. " she took it and went down the bleachers 

" see you around. " she waved with a smile and my heart skipped a beat

" I said stay away from her. " Kris flashed infront of me and I glared at him 

" No. " I told him 

" then I'll just kill her. " he said and I glared at him 

" touch her.. And I will come after you. " I warned him and he placed his hands on my shoulder and smirked 

" oh little brother. There's a couple things you forgot. " he said 

" one, I'm older. Which makes me stronger. Two, I feed on human blood. Which makes me stronger. Three, I blocked out my emotions. Which makes me stronger. And last of all... Oh look at that. I'm stronger. " he cracked a laugh and vanished 

oh how I just want to yank out his ring and let him burn in the sun. 


Jiyeon's POV 

I was slowly changing with Hyomin and IU since practice was over and I have my date with L today. That's when I dropped to the ground and slammed myself to the lockers and they both went down to check on me 

" oh my god are you okay?! " Hyomin shouted as IU told her to go get the aid kit 

" what's wrong? " IU asked me and I looked um as black blood was oozing out of my nose 

" oh my god. Let's go.cim gonna take you to the guys. " she said and we quickly left Hyomin 


" what's wrong with her? " IU asked Woohyun and Hoya as she started panicking 

" her body is somehow fighting off the bite. Don't worry. It happens. " Woohyun said 

" so you're saying she won't be a werewolf? " IU asked and Wohhyun shook his head 

" it's kinda more difficult then that. In order for her to complete the process of a werewolf, she must drink human blood. " Hoya said 

" so what do you mean? " IU said 

" she'll still have her keen senses and strength, but she'll eventually die sooner or later if she doesn't get human blood in her system. She's lasting this long because the blood inside her body is keeping her alive. Usually you'd die within a couple of hours after being bitten. " he said and they both widened their eyes 

" and you're telling us now?!" IU Shouted 

" hey! She was fine the next right?! " Hoya said and IU glared at him 

" well is she fine now?! " IU shouted 

" yeah! I didn't think so! " she shouted and Hoya grabbed a hold of her but was shocked by some kind of force

" what was that? " he asked 

" what was what? " IU said and then glared at him 

" so is she going to be okay or not? " IU asked as Jiyeon just sat their and sighed 

" if she's lucky, she'll be human again. " Woohyun said and Jiyeon sighed 

" great. Just great. " Jiyeon said 

" you could kill the werewolf that bit you. Then For sure you'll turn back into a human. " Hoya said and Jiyeon turned to glare at him 

" oh yeah.. Let's go get him. Oh wait. He's not here! I don't even know who he is, where he is, what he looks like, or if he's even a he. " Jiyeon hissed 

" then we hope for the best. " Hoya said and. Jiyeon just sighed 

" well alright. I'll just go on with my life with the fact that I could did at any moment. If you all excuse me, I'm gonna go to the hidden grill. " she said and Woohyun smirked 

" date with L huh. " he asked and IU and Hoya smirked as well 

" no. A get together. " Jiyeon said and took her car and left 

" wait. Then how am I getting home? " IU asked as Jiyeon took her car and left 

" I'll take you home. " Hoya offered

" i'd rather walk. " IU said and asked out when Hoya flashed infront of her 

" let's go. My ways faster. " he said an she sighed 

" whatever. " she rolled her eyes and he smiled 


Jiyeon was at hidden grill, waiting for half an hour now but L still didn't Show up 

" this . " she mumbled as she sipped on her water 

" hey. " a guy then randomly sat infront of her and smirked at her 

" um hi. " she said snd he smirked 

" I'm Kris. Baekhyun's hotter and smarter older brother. " he said and she smirked 

" and... I'm kinda waiting for someone. " she said with no interest in talking or starting a conversation with him

" you me Been sitting here for more than half an hour. Looks like you got stood up. " he said and she looked at him with a deadly glare and looked away

"  and you know this because? " she asked and he leaned in closer 

" because I'm going to ki- " he said but then stopped when he saw a necklace on her neck. 

Vervain. He thought and then smirked 

" you're an interesting one. " he said with his bad boy vibe 

" thanks. And if you excuse me, I'll be going. " she said me stood up and walked away. Leaving Kris there as he chuckled to himself 

" what did you say to her? " Baekhyun sat down and glared at Kris right after Jiyeon left 

" I just wanted to get to know her. " Kris rolled his eyes 

" don't you dare hurt her. " Baekhyun warned and Kris just chuckled 

" for now I won't. But looks like she knows something about vampires. " Kris Said as he raised his eyebrows 

" what? " Baekhyun was eager to know 

" you'll know. " Kris said and stood up and left 


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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 19: Update soon..please make jiyeon and kris together..
Roselinavu #2
Chapter 18: I support kris and jiyeon please ship them and please update!!!
Babyberry3000 #3
Love this story , please please update quickly .... ( waiting )
Babyberry3000 #4
Chapter 19: Update soon !!
tingting2151 #5
Chapter 19: Update pls!!
NamWoomin #6
Chapter 19: UPDATE....
chocobean #7
It's been a year! Lol sorry I'm just curious here..:P
chocobean #8
Madelynol203 #9
Chapter 10: Did you steal this from vampire diaries? Or am I just crazy because I love vampire diaries? It seems slot like vampire diaries...ALOT
Chapter 19: woah, at least myungsoo back and know jiyeon's name... Update soon... Please...