You look like me

Shadows of the Night

  It's been a couple of days now and Jiyeon's condition isn't getting any better. 

L keeps on refusing to do anything about it but try to save her himself. 

He went to find some of his old witch freinds but none of them could help him. No witch had the power 

or the courage to help him. No witch is brave enough to risk their losing their magic to save someone.

" L. You need to save her. " Woohyun said as they looked at the poor girl that fell asleep peacefully on the bed due

to some strong medicine IU picked up from the clinic.

" how can you be so stubborn? It's my bestfriend and the girl you love! " IU shouted at L as she was just finished talking

to Jiyeon's mom about her sleeping over at IU's house for a couple of days due to a massive complex group project.

" I'm trying to. " L said and IU rolled her eyes

" no you're not. " IU glared as a knock on the door was being heard and Hoya went out to open it and saw Hyomin. She walked right in and Hoya just smirked. 

" is IU here? She has a lot of explaining to do for not going to school these past days. Our projects due 2 days from now

and it seems her and Jiyeon went somewhere fun without me. Like TFTI.  " HYomin gritted her teeth and searched around the house as Hoya just stared at her. Wondering why Woohyun likes this girl. Of course she's pretty, but what's so special about her?


" Um. They're both upstairs. The second door to the left. " he said and grunted and walked up the stairs

" Lee Jieun and Psrk Jiyeon. Why wasn't I informed of you're little ditching plan? Do you guys know how bored I was in Mr. Anido's class- " she stopped speaking as she widened her eyes from seeing Jiyeon on the bed and everyone surrounding her.

" this isn't a ditching party huh? " Hyomin asked and Woohyun rolled his eyes

" Hyomin. It might sound a little crazy but all the guys here are werewolves and I'm a witch.... Well actually, I'm a witch in progress. " she said and all Hyomin did was blink a couple of times and bursted out laughing 

" no seriously. Are you guys rehearsing for a play? Cause if you are, I want to be a drama major and I can really help you- " 

" no. " Woohyun cut her off and rolled his eyes 

" she's being serious. You know I never understood why I liked you in the first place. " he said and she huffed and opened

" well then. It's not like I liked you back. " she said 

" alright csn you guys stop. Hyomin I'll fill you in lateral since you're here, stay with Jiyeon while I beat some sense into L. " IU said and then dragged him out of the room. 

" are you going to save her or not? Cause if you're not, I'm going to beat some sense in to you. " IU said and L sighed 

" I will. I'm not going to let anything happen to Jiyeon. " he said and IU sighed

" about time. Well.... Hurry! " IU said and L flashed out of there in a heartbeat 

he knocked on their door and Kris opened it since the others all had school. 

" look. I'm not in the mood of talking to you. " Kris said as he whipped the blood off of his mouth. 

" Kris it's my turn. I want you to feed from me too. " a girl giggled and Kris rolled his eyes 

" I got company. Come back next time. " he said and closed the door when L pushed it back 

" Jiyeon's dying. " he said and he looked at L and smirked 

" and? " Kris asked

" I care why? " he said 

" because if you save her, I'll give up my life. " L said and Kris smirked 

" nah. I'd rather have a fair fight. " Kris said and closed the look when L pushed it back once more 

" please save my girlfriend. You had someone you care about a lot don't you? " he asked and Kris smirked 

" yeah. Too bad she's dead. " Kris said as he was referring to Tae Hee 

" do it because you care about Jiyeon. That's why you let her go. Because you care about her. " L said and Kris looked at him 

" I don't care about her. I don't care about no one but myself. " Kris said 

" but now we're even. " Kris said as he bit his hand and held out his empty glass cup and hovered his bleeding hand 

over it. 

Drops of blood slowly filled the cup and Kris handed it to L 

" I don't owe you anything anymore. So let's just not cross path or I'll really want to kill you. " he said and L smirked 

" you'll see me again. " L said and took the cup and flashed away 

Kris walked back into the house and jumped on the sofa 

" ugh! Why is life so difficult? " he asked the girls that were being compelled and they giggled 

" maybe all you need is a little love. " a girl said no he turned to her and chuckled 

" love huh? Why love when you can baaaaaad? " he said and flashed over to her and bit her on the neck and she moan in pressure 

" ugh. It feels so good. " she said and he smriked and drank moe of her blood and then stopped 

he rolled his eyes 

" leave and forget this all ever happened. " he said in an annoyed tone and the three girls left. He was irritated 

for some reason. His head wouldn't give him a break or something. 

L quickly rushed into his room with the glass of blood that he guarded for his life. 

He made sure not a single drop of blood fell from the cup. 

" Jiyeonah. Drink this. " he said and as he placed th cup and she slolwly swollowed it. It wasn't until she got better that a knock was heard on the door. 

" I'll get it. " Hyomin said as she went down stairs and widened her eyes when she opened the door

" Jiyeon? " she mumbled and he girl smriked. 

" I guess this is where my doppelgänger is. " she wily chuckled an hung her hand on the rim of the door

" so are you going to let me in or should I burn the place down ad mak you all Come out? " she asked and Hyomin widened her eyes 

" Woohyun! Hoya! " Hyomin shouted for her life and the two guys flashed ight next to her and widened their eyes when they saw Tae Hee right before their eyes

" aren't you suppose to be dead? " Hoya asked and she smirked 

" I'm a survivor. Not an idiot that would die so easily. " she rolled her eyes

" what do you want Tae Hee? " Woohyun asked 

" just here to visit my doppelgänger and my boyfriend, " she said

" ex boyfriend. " Hoya corrected and th rolled his eyes as Hyomin just stood there looking at the Jiyeon look alike

" you know he still loves me. " she said and Hyomin rolled her eyes

" actually he likes Jiyeon. " Hyomin said and Tae narrowed hr eye at Hyomin an smirked

" yeah. Because she looked exactl like me. " Tae Hee said and walked in the house as te two boys widened their eyes

" don't be so surprised. You invited me in 300 or so years ago. " sh said as she smiled at them

" what do you want Tae Hee? " Hoya asked against in an aggressive tone this time 

" I told up. To visit my boyfreind and see how being a werewol is like for him. " she said and Woohyun widened his eyes

" don't worry. I knew way before you all did. So I look after him here and there. " she said and walked up stairs and L slammed her to the awl as heard th conversation she had with Woohyun and hoya 

" déjà Vu moment huh? Just like the first time we had . " she said as she wrapped her hands around his neck 

" you against me, whispering how much you love me and want me. " she said in his ear as she smiled in satisfaction 

However, L didn't buy it and pushed her down to the ground

" too bad I hate you. " he said and then noticed Jiyeon wake up ad widened her eyes

" oh my god. " she said as her jaw dropped 

" you look just like me. " she said

" sweety you look like me. Ugh. " she smirked 

" however..... I'm definatly prettier. I can't beehive you slept with her. " Tae Hee said as she smiled At L 

" L. Remember all those fun times we had together? Especially on the roof top? " Tae he giggled. Obviously saying It a that  Jiyeon would hear. Jiyeon didnt have a choice not to. She was stuck in bed

She felt uncomfortable. Wondering if L liked her because she looked exactly like his ex.

" Tae Hee. I give you 5 seconds to get ot before I rip your heart out. " he said and she smirke 

" but I came back for you. Because I love you. " she said and walkd closer to L as he stepped back

" Kim Tae Hee doesn't love anyone but herself. Because she's a selfish, ignorant, manipulative, and repulsive that I drive a stake through any day. " he said and she looked at him 

" wow. Tough love. I hope you know what you're in for. " she said 

" she's bad luck L. " Tae Hee said as a rolled his eyes

" when are you going to sop messing with my head? " he asked and she faked a smile and flashed away 



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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 19: Update soon..please make jiyeon and kris together..
Roselinavu #2
Chapter 18: I support kris and jiyeon please ship them and please update!!!
Babyberry3000 #3
Love this story , please please update quickly .... ( waiting )
Babyberry3000 #4
Chapter 19: Update soon !!
tingting2151 #5
Chapter 19: Update pls!!
NamWoomin #6
Chapter 19: UPDATE....
chocobean #7
It's been a year! Lol sorry I'm just curious here..:P
chocobean #8
Madelynol203 #9
Chapter 10: Did you steal this from vampire diaries? Or am I just crazy because I love vampire diaries? It seems slot like vampire diaries...ALOT
Chapter 19: woah, at least myungsoo back and know jiyeon's name... Update soon... Please...