Human Doppelgänger

Shadows of the Night

L slowly walked down the stairs as he heard the heartbeat clearer this time. He checked the living room and quickly turned around as he sensed something run pass him 

" who are you and why are here? " he asked as he turned over and saw the shadow going upstairs 

He quickly flashed into Jiyeon's room and widened his eyes as she dissapeared. She was no where in sight. 

He searched and saw the window open and looked out but saw nothing 

" dammit! " he grew furious as flashed out of the house 


" what are you doing? " Jiyeon said in a light soft voice as she continuely coughed. He finally took her to his house where the basement was and she continuously kept coughing 

he tied her body onto a pole and she lifted her head up to look at him 

her eyes were watery and pink. 

" I killed that vampire. With you here, I'll lure that werewolf in and kill him. " he said and she coughed once more 

this time, with black blood oozing out of . The werewolf venom was all coming out

she continuously coughed as the blood dripped from and onto her shirt 

he looked at her in the eye as he slowly went over to look at her 

" you're not a werewolf. What are you? " he said as he touched the blood on but yanked his hands away when the venom burned him 

" my body is rejecting the bite. " she said as she gagged out more black venom 

" you look so much like her. " he said as he raised his hand up to her hair but he hesitated and pulled his hand back 

he turned around to walk away and heading for the stairs when he lifted her head up and spoke 

" you're not a bad person. " she said and he looked down and gave an expressionless


" which means you don't know me at all. " he said and walked away as she had a smile on her face 

she could sense the good and bad in him easily. 


L pulled out his phone and called Woohyun when all of a sudden a shadow ran past him and he followed it. Hoping it would lead him to Jiyeon. 

However, it led him to a bridge where he saw something.... 

In the middle of the road, he saw something. Someone was lying there and looking up. 

He walked closer to see that it was IU 

he widened his eyes and flashed over to her and picked her up but a ring of fire circled her and caused L to step back. The circle was spelled so he had no way of getting to her

" IU. Look at me! " L shouted but she didn't move. It was as if she couldn't here him 

he kept shouting to her and then she slowly tilted her head over to look at L 

" he has awaken. He has awaken. He has awaken. " she kept saying it over and over again but L just kept shouting at her to snap out of it 

" IU! Snap out of it! It's me. L! " he shouted and then she quickly turned to face up again and widened her eyes 

" AHHHHHH! " she let out a horrifying and painful scream and then knocked out. Causing the fire circle to dissapear and L to get to her in time. 

He carried her up and flashed away 

they were now infront of L's and the others house. L knocked on the door and Hoya widened his eyes while opening it 

" what happened?! " Hoya shouted as he took her off of L's arm and placed her on the sofa as he held onto her hand but saw the way L smirked and let go 

" what happened to her and why can't she wake up? " Hoya asked but L sighed and shook his head 

" I don't know. But what I saw, she created a ring of fire around her and had no control of what she said or did. What I heard from her tough... " L said and Houa lifted his eyebrow 

" she repeatedly said that he has awaken. " L said as Hoya gave the wtf look 

" what does that mean? " Hoya asked as L shook his head 

" Woohyun. He'd know what to do. " Hoya said as he quickly grabbed his phone and called Woohyun to hurry up and head home 


moments later, Woohyun arrived home and went to go see what happened to IU 

he looked at her for a while then widened his eyes... 

" guys... " he muttured and they turned to look at him 

" she's a witch. " he said and L smirked 

" witches. Of course. " he said and it all made sense now 

then all of a sudden IU opened her eyes and gasped for air 

" HE's coming! He's coming! " she shouted as th candles in the room lit up and the window shattered 

" IU! " Hoya shouted and then he slapped IU on the face 

" this nigga. " she gasped abd Hoya sighed in relief 

" thank goodness. I thought something happened to you. " Hoya said and IU sighed 

" I saw something. " she said a do Woohyun turned to face her 

" I was walking to a cave. It was dark and I felt as if only I can see it. There's a tomb and it was open with blood around it. " she said and woohyun's eyes widened 

" it's can't be. " Woohyun said and Hoya widened his eyes 

" what's going on? " IU asked as thunders were being heard


Kris was the life out of the poor waitress as he drained every ounch of blood in her body 

" what happened to respecting Baekhyun's request? " Hyuna smirked as she sipped on wine 

" I thought of it... " he smirked 

" but request denied. " he said and dropped the girls body to the ground 

" don't worry. I'll cover it up. I know you're still hungry. " Hyuna said and Kris smirked and flashed out of the bar 

he was on the opened road just lingering around, looking for something to fead on when his head started ringing 

a showdow walked near him and then another 

he looked up and widened his eyes 

" hello old friend. " luhan said as he smirked 

" I see someone is finally dumb enough to set you free. " he said and stood up. The witch just glared at Kris and kris ignored her

" Did you know there's things called cars and the internet now? " he asked and Kris rolled his eyes and walked away when his head started to burn in pain because of the dam witch 

He gripped into his head tightly and the pain stopped 

" god I hate witches. " he said and turned around with a fake smile 

" what do you want? " Kris asked and Luhan smirked 

" nothing much. I just came here to find my doppelgänger. " he said and Kris glared at him 

" doppelgsngers doesn't exist, so you could go. " he said and Luhan smirked 

" we both know you're lying. " he said 

" however, it seems the other doppelgänger is a vampire and this ones a human. " he said 

" I Need both of them to be either a vampire or a human. " he said 

" since one is already a vampire and can't be turned back into a human anytime soon.. You get the picture don't you? " Luhan asked and all smirked 

" I don't work for you. " he said and Luhan smirked 

" you know I can compel you. " Luhan said 

" you can't. " he said. Kris had a close witch friend that made his ring a little bit special than what baekhyuj and the rest had. That way, he couldn't be compelled by an original 

" you're forgetting something. You have a brother. I wonder what will happen when he's on my side. " Luhan smirked 

and Kris widened his eyes 

" leave Baekhyun out of this. " he said and Luhan slammed Kris to a nearby tree 

" then get me my human doppelgänger. Turn her into a vampire. " he said 

" I'll go find the other one. Wasn't she your lover? Taehee right? " Luhan smirked 

" how did you- " 

" I know a lot of things. My witch caught me up. " he said 

" so bring me my vampire doppelgänger. " he said and then vanished away with the witch 








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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 19: Update soon..please make jiyeon and kris together..
Roselinavu #2
Chapter 18: I support kris and jiyeon please ship them and please update!!!
Babyberry3000 #3
Love this story , please please update quickly .... ( waiting )
Babyberry3000 #4
Chapter 19: Update soon !!
tingting2151 #5
Chapter 19: Update pls!!
NamWoomin #6
Chapter 19: UPDATE....
chocobean #7
It's been a year! Lol sorry I'm just curious here..:P
chocobean #8
Madelynol203 #9
Chapter 10: Did you steal this from vampire diaries? Or am I just crazy because I love vampire diaries? It seems slot like vampire diaries...ALOT
Chapter 19: woah, at least myungsoo back and know jiyeon's name... Update soon... Please...