Human blood

Shadows of the Night

a week has passed and there has been 2 more murders 

" There's only two pretty teachers left. " IU said and iieon just sighed 

" why can't we do anything about it? Why can't i do something? " jiyeon said as the two were both heading to practice 

" there must be clue. A sign. Something! " Jiyeon shouted as she kicked the turf on the field 

" look. There's two teachers left right? " IU asked and jiyeon turned over to her 

" Hyori and Jihyo. " Jiyeon said and IU nodded with a smile 

" exactly. So we just need to keep an eye on both and of them and prevent one of them from being killed" IU said ands jiyeon widened her eyes 

" then we'll be able to see who the psylum is! " jiyeo. Shouted and IU rolled her eyes and nodded 

" I'll take Jihyo. " IU said 

" that leaves Hyori to me. " Jiyeon said and the two nodded


" why are we going to school? " Baekhyun asked Kris 

" because we must adapt to this place. Stay hidden for a while. I have a feeling were not the only ones here. " Kris said as Hyuna turned her head to look at him 

" this is stupid. " Hyuna kicked the ground while they were heading over to the soccer field 

" or maybe it's just you. " Baekhyun said and Hyuna glared at him and looked away 

" what do you mean about we're not the only ones here? " Kai Nichkhun asked 

" word in town is that 4 teachers have been killed brutally. " Kai said 

" cause we're here. " baekhyjn rolled his eyes and then quickly turned over and taught a ball with one hand as it flew towards his face 

" oh gosh I'm so sorry! " jiyeon shouted from a far and ran over to him to obtain the ball.

Baekhyun moved the ball to the side and widened his eyes when he looked straight at jiyeon 

" taehee? " he said and the four of them turned over to look at jiyeon. Baekhyun on the other hand, looked at her with sad eyes while Kris widened his 

" umm hi. I think you have the wrong person. " she smiled " and my ball. " she giggled and placed her hand out for him to place it in her hands 

" oh. I'm sorry. " baekhyun said and jiyeon just smiled and took the ball out of his hand and ran back to the fields


" that's impossible. " Baekhyun said as he widened his eyes 

" that's not taehee. Taehee died 150 years ago. " Kris said with an emotionless expression

" but she looks so much like taehee. " Baekhyun said and Hyuna and Nichkhun just looked at each other and smirked

" you mean the vampire you guys were madly in love with 150 years ago? " Hyuna smiled 

" the one that turned you guys? " nichkhun asked and Beakhyun nodded 

" but how can they look so much alike? " Beakhyun couldn't figure it out and sighed 

" lets go. I'm hungry. " Kris said as he pulled out a pint of blood in a bag from Hyuna's messenger bag that was wrapped around in a paper bag 

" when can we drink fresh blood? I'm starving " Hyuna pouted 

" whenever you want sweety " Kris said and she smiled with joy 


Jiyeon's POV 

she was on her way to hyori's classroom when she heard seething that made her stop

someone was following her. 

She started walking faster and then turned around to see that no one was there 

she then turned around but nothing was there 

" I could've sworn. " she sighed and shook her head 

" not use to this.. " she puffed her cheeks and walked into Hyori's room 

What Jiyeon didn't know was that Baskhyun was really looking at her the whole time. His eyes were glues onto her, watching her like a clock 

" I must know her. " he whispered and then vanished 


" so why did you say such a thing to her? " Woohyun asked as he shook his head 

" say what? All I did was told her in order for me to help her, she must help me eliminate the psylum. " L said 

" you know she could die?! " Woohyun shouted and smirked 

" she won't. " L said and Woohyun rolled his eyes as he set his coffee on the table but all of a sudden Hoya barged into the living room 

" guys. We have a problem. " Hoya said 

" the psylum is over a 1000 years right? The internet said there was once a beautiful princess in the joseon era. She was a beauty that people admired but her lover betrayed her and tired to kill her. He didn't but he ruined her face. Her name was Hyori. Prince Lee Hyori. " Hoya said and they all widened there eyes 

" that's not all. The last thing she needs to kill is a supernatural creature. Vampire or.. " 

" werewolf. " Woohyun finished off 

" crap. " L said and flashed out of the house and ran to save Jiyeon and the two followed 


" well hello there Jiyeon. What brings you here so late. The sun's going down. " Hyori said as she placed her files in her bag 

" I was wondering if you would help me with my homework. " she asked and Hyori looked up at her and smiled 

" you're a top student Jiyeon. " she said 

" then I just want to know you better. " Jiyeon said and Hyori watched as the sun go down and smiled

" you shouldn't be protecting me. " Hyori said and Jiyeon was confused 

" what you should be doing is protecting yourself from me. " She said and flashed into of Jiyeon, grabbed her by the throat, and slammed her to the wall 

she sniffed Jiyeon's scent and smirked 

" I knew you were a werewolf right when I saw you. Including the boys but I needed a pretty one too. " she said and started to tighten her grip on Jiyeon's neck and lifted her up from the ground 

hers legs kicked off the ground and struggle to escape 

All of a sudden, Jiyeon's eyes grew big and bright yellow as she released her werewolf fangs 

" you maybe strong, but I'm stronger. " she said and then Jiyeon's eyes widened as her true face formed 

it was horrifying. slit open and wounds cover her once beautiful face 

" you're scared of me! " Hyori said and then leaned her gruesome face closer to Jiyeon

" you don't know who you are, do you? " she asked as Jiyeon gasped for air

" your blood.. I want every last drop of it. " she said and slammed Jiyeon to the ground and got on top of her

" stop. " Jiyeon said and Hyori smirked. Her face was now back to normal

" you're princess Hyori. " Jiyeon said and her eyes widened

" you didn't have the right to kill innocent people. " Jiyeon said as see bursted out laughing

" aren't you a killer too? That's so you are. Who we are. " she said and cut Jiyeon's arm by a flash vast on he floor 

" your blood. I want It. " she said and was about to dive in for it When L made it just in time and ripped her head off with his claws and turned over to Jiyeon and he widened his eyes 

his head started hurting as the smell was too strong. Too powerful. And too irresistible. 

" Jiyeon.. Get away. " L said as his eyes flickered red. It was impossible but it happened. 

" your eyes, " she mumbled 

" go! Run as fast as you can. Away from the others and I. Don't stop. " al warned as he dropped to the ground and grabbed his head 

" GO! " L shouted and she started running. 

She tried to cover her wound with her other hand but blood kept dripping on the floor 

L couldn't take it anymore and chased after her when he stopped to see the blood on the floor 

he struggled to resist it but he couldn't. He took his finger and swiped the blood up and it from his fingers

the taste was nothing he had ever imagined. But a small taste wasn't anything. He wanted more. Actually, all of it. 


Hyuna and the other sniffed the air so they their lips. 

" what's that smell? " she mumbled 

" blood... A rare type of blood. I want it. " Kris said as he ran after to whatever the smell was 

" don't resist it Baekhyun. You'll want it. Especially this one. " Nichkhun smirked and flashed off as Kris dropped to the ground as grinned his head 

he was known as the vampire doesn't feed on human blood. He did things bask then that he regretted, but it's been over 145 years since he drank human blood. 





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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 19: Update soon..please make jiyeon and kris together..
Roselinavu #2
Chapter 18: I support kris and jiyeon please ship them and please update!!!
Babyberry3000 #3
Love this story , please please update quickly .... ( waiting )
Babyberry3000 #4
Chapter 19: Update soon !!
tingting2151 #5
Chapter 19: Update pls!!
NamWoomin #6
Chapter 19: UPDATE....
chocobean #7
It's been a year! Lol sorry I'm just curious here..:P
chocobean #8
Madelynol203 #9
Chapter 10: Did you steal this from vampire diaries? Or am I just crazy because I love vampire diaries? It seems slot like vampire diaries...ALOT
Chapter 19: woah, at least myungsoo back and know jiyeon's name... Update soon... Please...