Darkness has arrived

Shadows of the Night

Jiyeon got out of her car and headed to the cafeteria when she heard something that made her stop her track 

she turned around and saw Hyomin get out of the car 

" Jiyeonah! " Hyomin shouted as JIyeon smiled and walked towards her but then widened her eyes when she saw a man walk out of the car 

" this is my dad.cyoy remember him right? " Hyomin asked and heart started besting faster and faster 

" De-Deh.." Jiyeon nodded her head and closed  

" well it's nice to meet you again Jiyeon. " he said 

" call me rain. " he said and she nodded. It was him. The man that shot L with the arrow. The werewolf hunter. 

" well..I'll be going first. I have a project due. By me Were- Rain. " Jiyeon said and quickly went into the school 

her heart raced faster and faster as she walked faster. She turned back to see if he was following her and then turned back around when slammed her face onto something hard 

she was about to fall back but he caught her and she widened her eyes to see L

" why is your heart beating so fast? " he asked her 

" I think the werewolf hunter is one of my bestfriend's dad.... " she said and sighed 

" that's funny.. " L said and she looked at him with a questioning face

" how is that funny? " she asked him

" because Woohyun has a crush on her. " L said and she just looked at him 

" really? That's so cool. " she smiled 

" not really. I think you're forgetting something. Werewolf..... Werewolf hunter... Werewolf hunter's daughter..... Daughter.. Becomes werewolf hunter...Woohyun.... Is a werewolf. " he said very slowly so she could understand him 

all she did was roll her eyes at how he  

" so I hear you three made the football team. " she said and he nodded

" ahem. " he nodded 

"quarterback I hear. " she said as the two walked to the cafeteria

" yup. " he nodded and looked at her deep in the eyes 

" what is it? " she asked 

" your eyes are normal. " he said and she nodded

" of course they're normal. Why wouldn't tell be? " she asked and he looked at her and smirked 

" because you're heart is beating faster and faster.. I can hear it. " he said as he leaned closer to her chest and she gulped 

" it's not! " she shouted and turned away and patted her burning face

" lies. " he mumbled and then sat down over to Woohyun and Hoya. 

Jiyeon just stood there as all eyes were on her 

" why is the hot new guy talking to Jiyeon? " people whispered 

" what's going to happen? " people said as she rolled her eyes and sat down at a table where this guy was looking at her with fear in his eyes 

she turned to look at him and smiled 

" hi. " she smiled and him and he gulped 

" Yoseob right? " she asked and he nodded 

" I'm Jiyeon. I have you for physiology. Your project on the human body was perfection. " she complimented and he widened his eyes 

" th-tha-thank you. " he muttured as she smiled and took a bite on her bright red apple.  


" hey kid.. Why does everyone loo at her like that? " L turned over to ask the guy at the other table 

" in school, she's known as the mysterious beauty. No one knows anything about her except for IU and Hyomin. She's really itimidating and scary. She's hard to approach.cso we stay away from her. I tired asking her to homecoming but she turned be down with her cold glare. " the guy said and L smirked 

" I guess being supernatural is changing her. " L said and sipped on his latte 


it was now math class and All 6 of them had the new teacher, miss Hyori. 

" hey class. First question of the day.. What is my name? " she asked 

" Lee Hyori. " IU answered and she smiled

" correct IU. " she said

" today instead of doing your next lesson, let's all lay our heads down and sleep. " she said and the class cheered. 

" wait really? " Hyomin asked and Hyori nodded

".of course. Rest your mind a little. " Hyroi said and everyone's eat their heads on their table and Jiyeon and L happen to be staring at each other 

they didn't look away this time.

" What? " L whispered as they still kept looking at each other 

" does this mean I'll live forever? " she asked and he shook his head 

" you have a choice. Be an alpha and live forever with the immense power, or stay a beta and live your life kinda normaly until the day you die. 

" then what are you? " she asked him 

" a beta that lost his ways. " he said and she looked at him

" what is the reason behind your blue eyes? " she asked and he turned to face the other side and she opened her jaw and rolled her eyes 

" I mean I guess. " she sneered and then closed her eyes 


moments later, all of them were woken up by a load sound 

" quick everyone. Out of the room! " Hyori said as someone has pulled the for alarm 

" in a single line please. " Hyori said but everyone just quickly ran outside of the   school 

" AHH! " The students screamed as the 2nd floor in room 305 exploded and black flames filled the entire room 

" that's Ms.narsha's class room. " a student shouted as the police arrived moments later

" you don't think it's... " Jiyeon turned over to L as he nodded

" Not narsha. " Jiyeon size it then all of a sudden, the two got both felt their heart beating fast and they both looked at each other and then to Woohyun and Hoya

" what is that? " Jiyeom asked L

" a werewolf.. It's close by, " L said and then ran out of the school' sparking lot and into the woods 

Jiyeon and the other two followed.cJoyeon didn't know why, but she had to know who this werewolf was.cshe don't have the feeling of it being the one that bit her, but she felt pain. 

She then stumbled and Hoya and Woohyun stopped 

" are you okay? " Hoya asked and she nodded and kept running. They were now deep into the woods and stopped their track when they saw a werewolf being hanged by its hand and 6 people surrounding it. 

She felt their presence. They felt could and sinister. 

She slowly stepped back as one of them turned to their right since they heard so,thing but nothing was in sight 

" shhh. " L covered as they hid behind a large oak tree


" what are you again? " a beautiful girl walked closer to the werewolf that was being hanged and touched it's chest 

" an omega right? " she giggled as the poor werewolf shivered in fear. She then turned around to look at the other people behind her 

" I haven't seen an omega since ages. " she said to a handsome looking guy 

" since it's an omega. " we might as well kill it right? " he asked and the girl smirked along with the other people 

" what are they? Werewolf hunters? " Jiyeon whispered but L shook his head 

" no.. They're- " before L could finish his words the guys fangs came out and bit straight on the omegas neck. Draining all of its blood and left it there lifeless.

" Vampires. " L whispered

" cut off its head. Warn the town people that something horrifying has arrived. " The guy said and then all of them vanished 


" oh my god. " Jiyeon ran over to the scene and her heart ached as she witnessed what happened 

" the head was on the ground while he body was still hanging on the rope 

" what is this? Why is this happening?! " she shouted as she turned to look L straight in the eye 

" they're a pack of vampires. My guess is they're 100 years and over. " Hoya said

" they heard us right? " Jiyeon asked an L shook his head 

" no. Werewolves and vampires can't smell,sense, or hear each other. " L said 

" why are they're werewolves at this time? They can't be day walkers.. That's impossible. " Jiyeon said as her body still shivered. She could've sworn the guy that kill the werewolf knew she was there. 

" that's how you know they're powerful and old. They have a ring to protect them from sunlight. " L said and Jiyeon fell to the ground and picked up the head 

" oh my god. Why do I feel like this? " Jiyeon said as she teared up 

" you sensed it's pain. Werewolves can sense each other from miles away. And once one dies infront of you, it'll haunt you. " Woohyun said 

" you felt what if was feelin right before it died right? " L asked her and she nodded

" he was scared. He was terrified. All he wanted was to go visit his mother's grave stone. " jiyeon said and L nodded

" you're learning. " l said 

" don't worry. You'll get use to it. " L said 

" let's bury him. Next to his mom. " She said and L nodded

" you know where she is? " Hoya asked and she nodded

" yeah. I can feel it. " she said and quickly slashed the rope and was about to carry him on her back 

" don't. I'll do it. Don't let the blood stain your back. " Woohyun said and she nodded


moments later, Jiyeon arrived at the school to be noticed by IU that they found Narsha. 



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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 19: Update soon..please make jiyeon and kris together..
Roselinavu #2
Chapter 18: I support kris and jiyeon please ship them and please update!!!
Babyberry3000 #3
Love this story , please please update quickly .... ( waiting )
Babyberry3000 #4
Chapter 19: Update soon !!
tingting2151 #5
Chapter 19: Update pls!!
NamWoomin #6
Chapter 19: UPDATE....
chocobean #7
It's been a year! Lol sorry I'm just curious here..:P
chocobean #8
Madelynol203 #9
Chapter 10: Did you steal this from vampire diaries? Or am I just crazy because I love vampire diaries? It seems slot like vampire diaries...ALOT
Chapter 19: woah, at least myungsoo back and know jiyeon's name... Update soon... Please...