Quality Time.

Fall For Me


KyongSoon’s POV:
I couldn’t tell you how long I stayed in YongHwas arms, it felt like forever but I didn’t mind. His strong arms made me feel safe, his smile made me feel happy, his voice made me feel like I could do anything and just everything about him made me feel perfect. “Do you want me to let go?” He asked. I shook my head furiously. He let out a soft laugh pulling me closer. “Thank you”, he murmured. 
“For what?” I murmured back. 
“For making me smile again”, I smiled resting my head on his shoulder. 
“You’re welcome. But, why were you sad?” 
He released me, taking my hand and sitting us both back onto the couch. 
“Do you really want to know?” I nodded, smiling gently.  “Well, your father had always told us so much about you and he always told us how great and beautiful you are”, I blushed a deep shade of red hearing how my Appa spoke about me, especially to the guys. 
“Chincha?” I asked shyly gaining a nod in reply. 
 “And once I saw you he was right. We all knew that much right away, but he warned us to not get too close to you. Because you were his only child and he loved you. But, I guess seeing Minhyuk being so close hurt. I was jealous that he had the courage to talk to you and befriend you while I could only watch. I’m the leader and I’m supposed to be setting an example”, he explained sadly. 
“Oppa I-” 
“I want to have more bonding time, like you and Minhyuk. I mean you go and eat Ramen with Jungshin and Jonghyun or go shopping and it just seems like there’s never enough time for me.” 
“Oppa I’m So-” 
“WE’RE HOME!” Voices rang from behind us. 
“Oh, Oh”, was all I could mutter before the three guys occupied whatever room was on the couch, with me being in the middle of them all, being used as a body rest. 
“Yah!” Yonghwa spoke loudly.  The three boys sat up respectfully.  “Come with me”, My arm was grabbed as I was yanked from my very spot. 
“Where are we going?!” I spoke loudly, being dragged behind Yonghwa to his desired direction. He ignored my question almost completely. 
“YAH! HYUNG!” Minhyuk yelled from behind us, he caught up grabbing my arm. “We just got home, you spent all day with her”, he put on puppy dog eyes that made me want to ‘Aww’. “Where are you going?” Yonghwa ignored the question as he removed Minhyuks grip from my arm. 
Minhyuks face turned into one of surprise while Yonghwa smiled, ruffling Minhyuks hair. “We’re going to spend quality time together. Go spend some more time with your Hyungs”, my arm was grabbed tighter as once again I was being dragged by Yonghwa. 
Quality Time? 
What are we going to do? 
And where the HELL are we going? 
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Naomiixx #1
omg its so good! LOL update sooon!!
Update soon! It's VERY interesting!
b1a4cnblueblockb #3
update soon^^
hey guys ^^<br />
ive been rearranging things recently and ive moved your poster<br />
heres your new link ^^<br />
Lol! <br />
It's such an awesome poster! :D <br />
Haha, thank you. <br />
Shall do. :)
hurhurhur~<br />
i see you have used my poster (Y)<br />
kekeke~<br />
a very cute story~<br />
update soon guys x