Gear six

My boyfriend is a cyborg




Luhan didn't know when he started getting used to Sehun's presence.

Sehun kinda moved into Luhan's house (not that he had much stuff to bring anyway), appearing at his front door on a cold Sunday morning, hair slightly dishevelled, the instruction manual dangling from his fingertips. He lets the robot in muttering a soft how many times have I asked you to get the out, slamming the door right after when the cold air started to crawl in, biting on his cheeks. He learns that Sehun does not need any form of food or liquid, neither does he sleep, and that Sehun just 'recharges' himself every night in the midst of sipping  his usual morning coffee, flipping through the instruction manual lazily. He tosses the booklet aside, and heads back to his room to start on his work. 

He checks the wall clock and realises that it was already 3 in the afternoon, stifling back a yawn, and chugging down the last bit of green tea left in his mug---'Best Boss' in large squiggly letters splashed across the surface. It was a present from Jongdae in which Luhan complained how ugly it looked like and considered to throw away the moment he reached homw. He padded to the kitchen and almost crashed into Sehun, standing by the door with a large plate of pasta salad and a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Lunch." Sehun pushes the plate towards Luhan, standing up to get more orange juice. Luhan blinks at his food, and ponders when was the last time he had home cooked food. Last month? Last year? he was not sure. He picks up the fork, placed perpendicular to the sides of his plate and peirces through one of the elbow pastas. 

They had a post-lunch game. Sehun found Twister lying on the top shelf and blows off a layer of dust before spreading out the thin sheet of plastic on the floor. Luhan protests and made up lame excuses like 'I still have work to do' before finally admitting that he at the game. Sehun chuckled and Luhan shivered a little, the low voice sounding too much like a human.


Sehun was struggling, stiff metal joints restricting his movements. He gives up, pushing Luhan down in the process and they land on the plastic mat with a heap of tangled limbs. It was the closest Luhan came to fun in the last 5 years.




" Hyung, you joining us for dinner?“ Jong In calls from the entrance of their office, leaning against the glass door an buckling up his boots.

"Does he ever join us for dinner?" Kris rolled his eyes, slinging his coat onto his shoulders.

"Wiat for me guys." There was a shriek from Luhan's office, the doe eyed male rushing out with his briefcase still ped.

”Wow guys we have just witnessed a miracle." Baekhyun comments, a wry smile smeared across his lips.

"Can we crash your car, hyung?" Kyungsoo fiddles with Jong In's collar.

"Sure, why not?"

The trip to the barbeque place Chanyeol suggested was a little noisy, but strangely Luhan finds himself comfortable with it. He even offered a bag of sour cream ruffles, in which he had a huge packet of them stashed in the compartment.

Apparently Joonmyeon made a reservation, a huge table in the middle of the restaurant, twelve chairs shoved at the sides. 

"Knot it" Minseok started it, before a long train of 'knot it's exploded beside him. Luhan tilts his head to the side, a puzzled look on his face.

"Luhan you are paying." Jongdae pulls out a chair.

Luhan never knew his colleagues could eat so much. His eyeballs almost falling out when Kris ordered 2 whole chickens for himself.

"Isn't chicken not your style?"

"Hush child, it was just a phase"

Chanyeol was doing most of the work, dividing the meat into small little chunks and placing them onto the plates. Luhan picks up a chicken wing, sinking his teeth in. It tasted much better than bland Kimchi ramyun (he adds too much water when he gets stressed out). Yixing chokes on his diet soda when Jongdae shared something about his life and the whole table bursted out into fits of giggles, Luhan lets out a lifeless grin, not really paying attention to whatever Jongdae just said. 

It was a strange and nice feeling, the whole 'interacting with other people' thing. Luhan was not used to it though. He was antisocial ever since he was in highschool, packing his lunch and eating it alone on the rooftop instead. He barely visits the cafeteria, in which he finds extremely noisy and unhealthy for the soul.




"How was dinner?" Sehun greets from the door.

"Okay." Luhan yanks out his oxfords and places them neatly on the rack, turning back and pushing the heel so that the shoes were touching.

"I got Sadako today, the special blu ray ones." Sehun fishes out a bowl from the kitchen and dumps all the microwave popcorn in it, small yellow balls of kernel and butter hopping around the insides.

He drops the bowl onto Luhan's lap, grabbing a pillow and settling down right beside Luhan, making sure their arms touched a little. 

They were five minutes into the movie before Sehun senses an object land on his shoulder. He turns his head, lips coming into contact with a tuft of brown hair.


Sehun grins, head dropping down, eyelids shutting, a surge of electricity coursing through his body.


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Palabra_viva #1
Chapter 6: Ai~!!!!! Soooooo cute! Sehunnie!