Gear three

My boyfriend is a cyborg









"Where is the instruction manual oh my god-"


"Oh my god how do you make it move."

"Just treat Sehun like a human. You can start by calling him by his name." Luhan stopped looking through the box, plastic worms scattered around the carpeted floor. 

"He's a ing robot Jongdae." 

Luhan didn't really like his gift which made Joonmyeon want to sing baby don't cry to his wallet again. He called for a meeting, gathering everyone to the conference room, saying there was an important matter which he needed to address to eveyone about.

"I can handle my own love life." He said, after 10 long minutes of staring at each other.

"Lu, how did your last date go ?" Kris was fiddling with Junmyeon's fingers.

"Well, I-" Luhan pauses mid-sentence. He couldn't really remember how his last date went with Yunho (they broke up 4 years ago). The only thing that came to his brain was that it was on a cold night, and that they had a nice dinner in mos burger.There was nothing really romantic and exciting about it


Sehun was still adjusting to his new 'home', taking in the huge white lights hanging on the walls and the furniture which were mostly black and white, except the one on his top right corner. His eyes zoom in and reads off 'Chanyeol' from the golden name plate stuck onto the wall right next to the chair. His table was a dark shade of red, pictures were hung all over, secured onto the thin string of twine with small little colourful wooden pegs. Sehun added 'colourful' under the 'Chanyeol category'. He turns, still stiff in the knees, facing the conference room. It was mostly covered with frosted glass, only the heads were visible.


"Well, how did it go?" Tao took a sip from his iced americano (he liked how it made him seem more manly), glancing at Luhan.

"Fun? Aren't dates always fun?" Luhan shrugs It didn't really sound convincing and Luhan felt like banging his head against the table.

"Luhan." There was a voice from the door.

Everyone whipped their head towards the source, Sehun was waving at them.

"Oh dear lord. Is this normal? Why the is his awake oh my god." Luhan was freaking hard, clutching his hair with frustration.

"Calm down Lu. Sehun here, is just saying hi." Jongdae jogged over, slinging his arm over the robot's shoulder. He forgets momentarily about Sehun's height and had to stand on his tiptoes to reach his broad shoulders(Sehun was ing 184cm tall). He waved it off with an awkward laugh and went back to his seat looking like a tomato.

"Sehun's a sweet guy." Baekhyun nodded, staring at the robot.

Luhan was not really sure about Sehun, eyeballing the robot from head to toe. Luhan thinks Sehun does look hot which made him wonder how his taste changed so much throughout the years. The conference was dismissed, the rest of the department, streaming out of the glass doors, leaving a creepy Sehun to stare at Luhan breathe. He buried his face into his palms.


Luhan gives up, banging his hands on the keyboard, a mass of 'aquog1029u'c;vfdnfla,nvk' appearing on his word document. It had been 4 hours since he went into his office, with Sehun inviting himself in. Heck, that guy was staring at him (he did not blink) for the whole time. Luhan was starting to feel uncomfortable. Sehun was invading his personal space.

"Get the out Sehun." He finally screams, throwing his arms into the air and falling back into his seat.

"Why Lu-"

"I said get out!" He repeats, turning his back to his desktop and jabs his finger at the 'backspace'.







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Palabra_viva #1
Chapter 6: Ai~!!!!! Soooooo cute! Sehunnie!