Gear five

My boyfriend is a cyborg










"So, how was it?" Jongdae strolls in, setting his cup of coffee on the table.

Luhan rolls his eyes, grabbing a coaster and tossing it towards the other male.

"How was what?" Luhan turns back to his computer,annoyed.

"Did you have fun with Sehun last night?" Jongdae wriggles his eyebrows and Luhan contemplates to hurl his mug of coffee into his face. He settles with throwing a andful of hello pandas, the cookies landing on Jongdae's lap.

"Seriously hyung, strawberry hello pandas?" He picks up one of the cookies, placing it into his mouth.

"Manly people can like strawberries too okay." Luhan scowls at the crumbs, which Jongdae's casually sweeps onto the carpet.

"Clear that u-"

"Sehun brought you home, hyung." Jongdae examines another panda, ears chipped off.

Luhan was never good with alcohol. The other time he joined the gathering, he was drunk even before his third glass, Kris making fun of him the next day during work. It was not a pleasant experience. Luhan was not thinking straight, mind probably fogged up by the whole Yunho incident. He remembered dragging Sehun to the nearest club, a few blocks down the road from the office. He recalls his cheek against Sehun's soft blazer, arms draped around his shoulders. 

Did Oh Sehun ing carry him home?

Oh .

Luhan leaves work early (for the first time. Zitao screaming from the door that he was finally living a life). He fumbled with the keys, going through 3 different ones before coming to the right one. He does a little shout of hurray and pushed the door open, ready for some nice hot ramyun.

Luhan lets out a little yelp.

There was Sehun, snuggled up on the couch two mugs of hot chocolate, marshmallows bobbing up and down in the thick dark liquid. Sehun jumps up from the couch, noticing Luhan's presene, poker face, breaking into a large grin.

"Luhannie, my dear boyfriend." He exclaims, arms outstretched, pulling Luhan into a tight hug. 

"Ca-an't br-ea-the-" Sehun releases his grip, ruffling Luhan's hair. Luhan coughs a little, most of the air squeezed out by Sehun's hug. He glances up at the robot, taking in the blonde hair, eyes curled up into crescents, lips pulled up to form a soft smile. Luhan realises that Sehun was not that bad, and that he actually looked kind of hot. 

He shakes his head, freeing himself from Sehun's grasp and padding over to the kitchen to make himself some ramyun.

"This is my house Sehun, get out." Luhan felt a little mean, Sehun did carry him all the way home yesterday (and he was heavy) and Sehun had to endure through hours of ranting, it was probably worse after he was heavy with soju. But, Luhan didn't want Sehun around. He was a robot for god's sake, he's not a living thing.

Luhan tips the packet of chili powder into his bowl, watching how it swirls around before dissolving in the boiling water. He sighs, eyeballs swivelling towards the living room. Sehun was on the couch again, hugging a pillow and flipping through the channels. At least Luhan felt a little more less lonely( not that he was lonely before ).




"Lu loves me." Jongdae stuffs a sushi into his mouth.

"I didn't expect him to accept Sehun though." Baekhyun fiddled with his teacup.

"At least he's getting a life." Tao whines when Chanyeol eats the last sashimi.






ugh, my updates are really ish and meaningless nowadays. Sorry for the lack of ideas guys.(wonderful fanart rom tumblr)



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Palabra_viva #1
Chapter 6: Ai~!!!!! Soooooo cute! Sehunnie!