Gear one

My boyfriend is a cyborg





Gear one;




“Are you serious about not having a boyfriend?” Jongdae settled down on the chair, his legs casually swinging up, resting them on the table top.


“Off the table.” Luhan’s eyes were glued to his desktop, probably working on his new case.


“Oh come on Lu, today’s friday night.” Jongdae shifts to a more comfortable position, accidentally knocking over a cup of pencils. Luhan looks up from his desktop, glancing from the pencils and back up to Jongdae.


“Okay okay sorry.” The younger male places the cup of pencils back onto the table.


“It was not there, it was here.” Luhan rolled his eyes, slumping into his chair.


“Geez Lu.” Jongdae pushes the cup towards the keyboard, back where Luhan said was the original position.


According to Jongdae, Luhan had no life. He works everyday, reaching his office at 8am sharp and leaving at 6pm everyday,

preferring to have a nice productive day at work instead of going out. Jongdae tells Luhan to go get a life and the other male would always nod blankly, eyes never leaving his computer screen. Luhan was a workaholic. Scratch that, Luhan was an annoying workaholic. He was a germophobic. The last time Minseok sneezed in front of him,  he went back to his table screaming for hand sanitizer.


“Hey there’s this new sushi place. Wanna go together?”


“I have to do this by Monday.”


Luhan never turns up for their nice little gatherings. Where their whole department just go out for one night and drink till 2am in the morning, half of them having a hangover and only turning up in the afternoon the next day.


“Jongdae hyung, I left it on your table.” Jong In was leaning against the door, backpack strapped to his back, digging his phone out of his pocket.


“Where are you going after this?” Jongdae swivels the chair around.


“Oh I am going out with Kyungsoo hyung ” Jong In blushed when he reached the ‘kyungsoo hyung’ part, a light shade of pink

dusting his cheeks. He looked down and started playing with his fingers.


“See, no one finishes work on Friday night.” Jongdae swivels his chair back to Luhan.


“That’s why you lazy people never finish work on time.” Luhan looked away from his computer, sticking out his finger, pointing it at the both of them.


“You are impossible.” Jongdae sighed and left the room, shaking his head.


Luhan does relax. He buys popcorn from the 7-11 downstairs and rents stacks of DVDs on Friday night, just that he prefers to do stuff alone and never invites anyone over. He chose the conjuring, flipping the DVD back and forth to check for any stains and reads the synopsis ten times before nodding his head and proceeding to the cashier.


After getting himself a warm glass of milk, he popped the DVD in, flopping onto the sofa. Luhan liked horror movies, especially the really scary ones. He heard that Zitao was forced to watch the conjuring after losing to a bet with Jongdae(that troll) and cried in the cinema, but he cries over everything so Luhan was not sure if he was reliable. He watches it anyway, laughing at the family screaming and running around the house, tossing the popcorn into his mouth.




“We should help Lu, he’s our friend right?” Minseok suggested during lunch, stuffing himself with cherry tomatoes.


“Yup, we should do something about it.” Yifan rubbed his palms together, pulling a notepad out from his bag and scribbling down ‘ways to help Lu’ with his red pen.


“I think I’ve got an idea.” Jongdae wriggled his eyebrows.


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Palabra_viva #1
Chapter 6: Ai~!!!!! Soooooo cute! Sehunnie!