get together

Subject: Re: office romance

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: dress code

Your hello kitty briefcase is not appropriate office wear.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: dress code

I’ll get rid of it if you confess to her


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: dress code

I’m not a high schooler. There will be no confessions. Also, take that hello kitty tie off. That’s DEFINITELY not appropriate for work. Don’t give Sehun any ideas. He’s very young and impressionable, especially when it comes to you.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Re: dress code

If you don’t confess yourself, I’ll tell her that you have a raging emotion- for her.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: dress code





You: I was at kyungsoo’s desk to borrow his stapler

You: I accidentally knocked over his bowl of kimchi spaghetti

You: what do I do he’s going to think that I’m the one stealing his food

You: he won’t believe any excuse I give

You: pls help

Luhan: I’m on it


Luhan: Joonmyun she needs you right now

Luhan: it’s a critical situation

Luhan: she’s in Kyungsoo’s cubicle and in danger of getting cooked alive in the employee parking lot


Sehun: hyung? I got your copies for you, but you aren’t in your office

Sehun: also im gonna get a cool tie just like luhan hyung


Jongdae: hyung, I heard screaming from kyungsoo’s cubicle

Jongdae: but it sounded like you

Jongdae: are you ok?


To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

From: [email protected]


So I was walking past Kyungsoo’s desk on the way to get some coffee in the break room, right? So apparently he found whoever was eating his lunch and you won’t believe who it is….it’s Joonmyun hyung!

But that’s not even the juiciest gossip! So the new girl was in the office with them at the time and after Kyungsoo left, I saw her sopping up Joonmyun’s nosebleed with a tissue and freaking out like “ why’d you take that for me” and he was probably crying a bit idk but Kyungsoo is rough, so we all know how that went, and she was apologizing gratuitously and dabbing at his nose and he suddenly grabs her wrist and looks straight at her and says “I need to confess something. I really like you.”

Now, if I didn’t have the fabulous self control that I already possess, I would have gasped out loud and given my position away, but luckily, I stayed in my vantage point and continued to watch our beloved little office drama unfold.

New girl suddenly froze and stared at him and it seemed like an eternity before she finally wrenched her hand out of Joonmyun’s grip and ran out of Kyungsoo’s cubicle and back towards her own, leaving Joonmyun sitting on the floor, covered in kimchi spaghetti and bloody tissues.

What will happen to our favorite loser hyung? Will the new girl finally realize her very obvious feelings for him? How will this tangled knot of emotions unravel?

That’s all for this week

XOXO gossip girl


To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: HOT GOSSIP

Dude…that’s like, really creepy…

Also, there’s no point signing the email gossip girl, since we can all see your email, Baekhyun


To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

From:  [email protected]

Subject: Re: HOT GOSSIP

Oooooh…I’ve been waiting for Joonmyun to finally grow a pair and tell her! I just can’t believe she didn’t notice it before…


To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: HOT GOSSIP

Yeah hyung, get it!


To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: HOT GOSSIP

You do realize that you added me to the mailing list, right?

It seems you really like to get hit, Baekhyun…


To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: HOT GOSSIP

Don’t worry guys, I’m on it


Luhan: hey

Luhan: are you okay?

You: no

You: oppa help me

You: I don’t know what to do

Luhan: ok, so tell me what happened

You: I don’t know

You: after I texted you today, he came running over

You: and he took the blame for me

You: and kyungsoo was really scary and broke his nose

You: and I felt really, really, bad, because he basically just took a hit for something that I didn’t even do

You: so I grabbed some tissues and tried to stop the bleeding

You: and he just grabbed me, I think, and told me that he likes me

You: and now it’s 1 in the morning and I’m still up and I don’t know what to do

You: I’ve already eaten half a pint of ice cream but

Luhan: first of all, stop eating ice cream

Luhan: so he confessed to you

Luhan: how did you feel?

You: I don’t know

You: that’s why I’m so confused right now

Luhan: do you like him?


Luhan: because you sure seemed like you did when he was hung over

Luhan: and you brought aspirin from home for him

Luhan: or that time jongdae ed with his computer and you fixed it for him

Luhan: or that time we all went out to dinner together

Luhan: and you sat yourself down next to him and talked to him the whole night

Luhan: and when the waitress started flirting with him, you got visibly jealous

You: so I do like him

You: but i’m still confused

You: I want to accept his confession but

You: idk I’m still so scared

Luhan: is this about what happened with jinki?

Luhan: look, you need to face the reality

Luhan: I know you gave him everything, and he just threw it away

Luhan: but it could never have worked out

Luhan: you found that out yourself back in March

You: I know that’s in the past but…

You: what if it doesn’t work out here

You: that wasn’t an ideal situation, and neither is this one

You: he’s my boss, luhan

Luhan: are you ing kidding me

Luhan: he’s everybody’s boss, except for yifan

Luhan: who’s going to get him in trouble for dating an employee??

Luhan: himself?????

Luhan: you’re making excuses for yourself

Luhan: you need to take the bull by the horns, and do what your heart tells you

Luhan: remember that quote from the drama we watched

Luhan: “when the heart isn’t being truthful, the pain will give the answer”

Luhan: I know I’m being really ing cheesy here, but

Luhan: you need to get your together


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Third Quarter Report

President Kim, I’ve attached my third quarter report. Please email me if you have any concerns.

|1 attachment (630 KB)


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Third Quarter Report

Thank you. Don’t forget the leadership seminar scheduled for Friday at 4:00 in conference room c on the 12th floor.


Sehun: hyung, where’d did your briefcase go?

Luhan: I made a promise with Joonmyun and had to give it up

Luhan: I guess it was all for nothing, though

Sehun: that’s a shame

Sehun: Joonmyun hyung has been a drag lately

Sehun: he’s been holed up in his office all day working

Sehun: I’m waiting for him to get back to normal already, it’s been so boring

Luhan: you and me, sehun

Luhan: we’re both waiting


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: leadership seminar

President Kim, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can make it to the seminar. As you know, I’ve got a meeting schedule at that time with Cho Kyuhyun from SJ.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: leadership seminar

That’s alright. You already have great leadership skills, so the seminar wouldn’t be that useful to you anyways.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: …

Ok, I can’t see this go on for any longer. You’ve been like a baby sister to me for as long as I can remember, and it’s so obvious for me that you’re not happy.

Remember how you owed me for getting you out of the lunch with Jinki? Remember how I got you saved from Kyungsoo’s wrath? You owe me 2. You know you owe me, for all those times I took care of you. I was there for you when your dad wasn’t. I was there for you through everything. Don’t back out of this.

I’m not going to make you return his feelings. I’m not going to make you do anything, but sit down and think really, really hard about your choices and your life. Are you going to regret this if you don’t do anything? And even if the relationship doesn’t work out, if you get your heart broken again, is the time spent happy with him worth all that?

I want you to think hard.

I know I’m an 99% of the time, I know I around in the office all day, I know I take nothing seriously. But I also know that I care about you a lot, and I want you to be happy. If not for yourself, just, think hard about it, for me.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: I’m sorry

About that other day, I’m sorry for running out on you and leaving you hanging. I know that the past few days haven’t been easy for you, and I sincerely apologize for that.

I’m sorry for being too scared to accept your feelings when you confessed. I’m not sure if you know, but Lee Jinki from SHINee was my ex boyfriend from college. When we were in a relationship with him, I gave him everything, and he basically broke my heart. It’s left me terrified of commitment for the past few years.

I had to sit down and think about it. You and Lee Jinki are two completely different people, and you’re the most trustworthy person I know. You’re the type of person that I can trust completely with my heart. And even if it doesn’t work out, if we eventually do part, I would be alright with it. Because even if it doesn’t work out, time spent with you would be worth even the heartbreak of separation.

For the past few months while I’ve been working here, I’ve realized that I’ve been slowly but surely falling for you. I understand if you can’t return my feelings anymore. After all, what I did, and what I’m doing right now, are very cowardly things.

Once again, I’m sorry.


Joonmyun: I read your email. I suppose there’s also considerable cowardice on my side, since I’m giving you my reply by text.

Joonmyun: But, ever since the first day you walked in the office, you have always been the only thing in my heart.

Joonmyun: I couldn’t possibly try to fathom the heartbreak of your past, but I with your help, perhaps I could begin to understand, and try to heal you.

Joonmyun: I know that trusting someone is a very difficult decision to make, and the bravery required for you to write that email must have been incredible.

Joonmyun: That’s why I want to ask you to trust me. I promise I’ll keep your heart safe forever.

Joonmyun: Please don’t apologize to me. Just trust me.

You: I don’t know how to respond to something like that.

You: I hope ‘I love you too’ will suffice

Joonmyun: It does.

Baekhyun: WHOOO PREZ!

Chanyeol: wow, Joonmyun, that was so sappy but romantic

Minseok: you do realize this is the public chat for our team, right?


Yifan: I’m proud of you both :’)

You: oh my god


Joonmyun: my life

Zitao: im crying oh my god this is better than a drama

Yixing: so sweet :)

Kyungsoo: Do you want me to bring in cupcakes?

Jongdae: go hyung! I always knew you had it in you!

Sehun: ugh gross, I think im gonna puke

Jongin: me too…

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Chapter 4: gosh, this is amazing!
Chapter 3: OMG this is litterally the best thing I have ever read in my entire life more more more more !!!!
junmenpapi #3
Serene #4
Chapter 3: I would totally want to work in this office just to be part of the group chats lol
this is the most hilarious exo fanfiction i've read in a long while. omg. thank you for writing this because this is actually extremely, fantastically amazing. swear on my life. omg.
OMG! I couldn't stop laughing!xD