Chapter 2

Let's play a love game

You slot yourself down your seat in class next to Kim, smiling brightly at her.

“Any good news you wanna share with me?” Kim asked

“He’s about the get played and get a taste of his own medicine. He proposed to play this love game with me and whoever falls in love first, loses.” You replied with a smirk on your face.

“You need to win this game for me, _________. Bring him down.”

“I promise you, I will. And he’ll be sorry for being a player.”


By the end of the day, your whole house has known about the news. And by the next day, the whole school knows about it. Right when you enter the school building, everyone in the hall was looking at you. Literally every single one of the student, including the teachers.

“Take a picture! It’ll last longer!” you shouted down the hallway. Walking towards your locker, everybody looked away and went back to their conversation about you and Kris. You rolled your eyes and unlocked your locker, only to have it closed by, you know who. Yes, the one and only Kris Wu!

“And how may I help you?!” you said loudly, shoving his chest and reopening your locker.

“Geez, is my baby okay? You seem moody.” Kris said.

“Who’s your baby?”

“Oh come on. The entire school knows. And oh right, I’m gonna win this game.” Kris said; a smirk on his face that could make any girl falls to their knees.

“It’s always nice to think positive. But I’m sorry to say, you’re gonna lose.” You replied, grabbing what you need for your class. Then turning and facing Kris, who is leaning against the locker, with one hand holding on to the strap of his backpack while playing with his hair.

“I doubt so. You’re gonna fall for me.” He said cockily. So cocky that you wish you could slap him so hard across his face.

You played around with his tie, leaned in closer to him and kissed him briefly before leaving for class, leaving a shocked and surprised Kris behind. It took him minutes before he snap out of his daze and head to his first class, which he was slightly late for.

By the third class, Kris couldn’t stop thinking of you. He’s not in love with you. He’s just thinking of ways to bring you down and make you lose. He couldn’t understand why aren’t you falling for him like every other girls. You already have a plan in your head. And that is, to be just like every other girl. You’re gonna let him think that he’s winning before kicking him in his .


“How’s everything?” Kim asked, plopping down on your bed.

“Totally threw him off guard. And things are just gonna get better from here on.” You replied while doing your homework.

“Good. Oh, and _______, guess what. Suho asked me out today! We’ll be catching a movie together on Saturday.” Kim said with a wide smile across her face.

“Guess you’re busy with your homework. “ Kim said while walking out of your bedroom. 

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 10: daeeebakk.. love it
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 10: Hahah a lil longer ahehehe
luluhunnie #3
Chapter 10: This was jjang <3 Great story authornim!
luluhunnie #4
Chapter 5: Omg I'm dying laughing at the tennis match thing XDD haha poor D.O!
Joyce_Exotic91 #5
Sounds interesting huh!!!! Let me read this ^~^
Chapter 10: AWW this fanfic was so cute :3 great story author-nim!
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 10: Awww so cutee but why so short..I meant the end..haha liked the story:D
Chapter 10: kyyaa!! this is such a cute n sweet story <3
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 10: Cool fanfic :)
xxxixo #10
Thanks guys! I'm glad all of you enjoyed the story. :)