
Red Strings

Running as fast as she could, Maeli nearly tripped over the wooden pavement. Cursing to herself, she again heard the shouts of her name. The person behind the voice was enough to set her off running. 

"Aish, why did they have to send him, of all people?" Maeli grumbled over her pants for air, quickly running behind a bush. Of all people why did they have to choose the one person she couldn't lie to? 

"Maeli~~Xi Maeli!! Mae-" The boy's eyes rounded as he noticed a piece of clothe sticking out from behind the massive bushes.She could never win at Hide-n-Seek when we were little. He held in his laugh as he stalked over to the bush, "Maeli, yah Xi Maeli, where are you?", quicky signaling for the small group of men that had followed him to go.

Holding her breathe for what seemed like a lifetime, Maeli heard the footsteps slowly dissipate. Thinking that it was safe to come out, a hot breath surprised her. Grabbing her neck, she internally cringed and slowly turned around, just to meet eyes with the one that has surprised her.

"Yah, MaeMae you do know that you could never hide from me right? I could see your red cloak from a mile away," the boy , with a smirk plastered on his never aging face.

"Why didn't you just pull me out of the bush then, if you found me so quickly," the pissed off girl rebuked.

The brown haired male ruffled the girl's hair, "Just wanted to continue this chase for a little longer, wouldn't want to go back to that prison of a house, so soon yet."

"Yah, Lulu ge, don't mess with a girls hair, aish now I really look like I went to hell and back", staring back at her grass stained dress and static like hair. The maids won't even be mad that I ran away again, instead they'll cook me alive for ruining the dress. 

"You're still my cute little Xiǎo mèimei, Maemae," Luhan chuckled as he continued ruffling his little sister's hair again. "Oh yeah , by the way, you're so going to get it once we return home," he told her while plucking off the remaining leaves in her hair. 

"Urghh, I just wanted to escape from that stupid ceremony, why do we have it anyway?!"

"It's just a front for the elders that want to gossip, you know it already"

"Then why do I have to get all dressed up," Maeli whined.

"Mama and Baba, want to show off how beautiful their first daughter is, who wouldn't look at you," Luhan chuckled as he turned his little meimei around.

"Really?...yeah, don't try to change the topic here and make me go home!"

"Aww come on, I'm hungry and it seems like you are too, so hurry up," and on cue, Maeli's stomach growled rather loudly.

Blushing Maeli pouted,"Fine, but only because I'm hungry"

"Sure, sure, whatever you say," 

Crotching down, Luhan looked up at Maeli,"Hurry up, I'm starving"

"What do you want me to do, kick you?"

"No, Báichī , get on my back, hurry~~!"

"Ok, ok " Yúchǔn de lù,  Maeli thought, lightly snickering.

"Yah, What's so funny"

"Ah nothing, just thought of something little."

"Fine, but since when did you gain weight, it feels like I'm carrying a rice bag"

"YAHHHHHHH, What did you say?!?! I am not FAT"

Laughing, "I never said anything about you being fat"



and with this, the pair of siblings continued on teasing each other on their little adventure home.









Sorry for the lack of updates and short updates, just finished the third quarter of school and now on SPRING BREAKKKKKKKK~~~~~~~

Introducing Prince Luhan, I know his last name isn't Xi, but I didn't want to put Maeli's last name as Lu, as it would have given it away.

by the way, look at what i found, whoever drew this is amazing---like yixing....get it, amazing...yixing...Aish i should just stop it before someone kills me for being stupid-_- Credits go to Genicecream, I found this while looking up "Chinese Princ Luhan"

   Fits in perfectly with my story:) just imagine him in like peasant clothing and not royalty wear

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