Getting use to him

The Beauty Saved the Wolves



Well........... I guess life won't be the same anymore. 

What he said was true. This is going to be alot to take in. The worst part is if I am weird out by just one of them, I have 11 more of them coming. I can't sleep because of it and wake up in the morning with dark circles under my eyes. Sehun was sleeping on the couch until I find a bed for him and the upcoming 11 who will one day pop up. I sighed knowing that it will take heap loads of work to get enough money to pay for 13 people living in one small apartment complex. How am I going to tell my landlord that I have 12 extra people living here. What if she thinks I'm a or kidnapping handsome men and keeping them captive. I rubbed my face telling myself to go to sleep and that everything was going to be fine. I stared at the ceiling one last time until my eyes grew heavy and my breath became even and I drifted to sleep.



SEHUN WHY DID YOU BLURT THAT OUT!!!!!  D.O said almost jumping on Sehun until he was held back by Xiumin.

"It just came out and by the time I realized I said it outloud it was too late." he said pleading innocent.

Ughh you bird brain. Said Baekhyun shaking his head.

Ok ok lets stop blaming Sehun, she would've found out sooner or later and it's her right to know what is going on. I mean we were the ones invading her life. Said Suho calming down the members.

Yeah it was better for her to know now than when all of us imprinted on her. agreed Lay.

The others stopped bickering and agreed with Suho and Lay. As usual they were the peace-makers of the pack.

Ok lets forget this happened cause we can't change the past......well without Tao..... so just head to bed and go to sleep. reasoned Luhan  hoping the bickering wouldn't continue.

Nobody would want to disrespect their hyung or ge so they went to sleep and ceased their bickering.





Darn it I forgot there was school. I slumped back on my bed savoring the last few seconds in bed then getting up and getting ready for school.

I walked out of my room and checked the living room. Everybody was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake them up, so I tip-toed into the kitchen. Quietly making my breakfast and their's to. I didn't want them to starve while I'm in school. I finished eating my breakfast and wrapping their's in plastic wrap and leaving it on the table. I wrote a note on it saying 

I will be at school till 4 and work till 7. So don't wait for me.

I made food for you but if you get hungry order some delivery and I left some money on the counter

Don't hurt yourselves and stay inside. And whatever you do DON"T ANSWER THE DOOR!! unless it's the delivery man.


I was satisfied with my note and headed for the door. I quickly slipped on my shoes and quietly exited the door, hoping to make minimal amount of noise as possible. 




I went on with my day as normal as possible hoping my face says I-don't-have-12-werewolves-living-with-me. These are one of those days I hope no one notices me and minds there own business. I walked into school and notice that everyone was staring at me. I was wondering what was happening and just continuing to walk along until I noticed flyers on the lockers. I took one off and It said " Raemi Has Older Men In Her Home!!!", with a picture of Jiyoung oppa and I. Tears were ready to fall. How did they find this picture of us. 

"Is she a e or something and got paid to have him in his house." someone whispered.

"I bet its the other way around." there friend replied.

I started to rip off the other posters and throw them away until someone blocked my way. 

I should have known the queenkas were the ones behind this. 

"Looky here its the school ." said the leader Lee Kimi.

"HUL~ I couldn't believe the school's quiet girl would be this desperate for a man to just have older men in your house." scoffed Rubi

​"How much did it cost to get him since I know he wouldn't go in your house with those looks of yours." laughed Haeri.

I was shaking with anger and tears couldn't stop rushing down my eyes. I would say something but I am not going to stoop down to there level.

"Aww look shes crying" Kimi pouted mocking me. Her crew were the only ones laughing as everyone was just standing there watching.

I couldn't take it anymore and just ran out the door and kept running. I didn't know where I was headed but I saw a park and just decided to go over there.


POV Author

The Sun was hitting his eyes causing him to wake up from his peaceful sleep. Sehun rose from the coach and decided to check out the world again after being able to have his two feet again. But before he could go and change his stomach rumbled loudly indicating that he was indeed hungry. He groaned and went into the kitchen to check for food. His eyes widened when he noticed a meal left on the table for him.


It was mouthwatering and he notice a note next to it. He read it and thought she would know anyway and ate his breakfast.

After eating his breakfast he changed and headed out the door. He stopped for a while and thought I missed you fresh air. He walked around the streets not knowing where he was going as he usually just followed his brothers around. He headed up a hill and notice there was a faint sound of crying and sneakily walked up to notice a playground with someone crying on one of the swings. She was wearing a school uniform that looked similar to Raemi's and as he looked closer he realized that it WAS Raemi who was crying. After realizing it was Raemi he rushed over to her with a pain in his heart seeing his mate in pain and tears."Raemi?" hoping that it wasn't his precious mate who is usually strong.




My eyes widened and I recognized that voice instantly. What was he doing here I told him to stay home. I don't want him to see me like this.

"Sehun?" I whispered because I don't have the courage to speak louder.

Sehun rushed to me and crouched down, holding my hands.

"What's wrong? Why are you here aren't you supposed to be at school?" He asked with worry all over his voice.

"Weren't you supposed to stay home?" I said staring at him.

He was frozen for a while until he just hugged me suddenly.

"How could I stay at home when you are crying here all by yourself." he said caressing me.

I just stayed there hugging him back, I was savoring the moment, every second of it.

"I know you're lying and covering it up with your sweetness." I said still hugging him.

"U-uhh well I-I just w-"

"Just tell me later and let's just stay like this." I said just hugging him deeper into his chest.

"O-ok" he said a bit shocked but relieved as I didn't want to let go.

We didn't know how long we stayed like this, but both of us never wanted to let go and we both loved every minute of it.



Maybe having a mate isn't so bad after all.

Wassup everyone!!!!! I'm back!

Sorry for not updating last week when I said I was but I got sick AGAIN but with food poisoning (tmi)

Then we have major tests coming up and I got to study for those plus Tennis and Track season just came up and I am training for that also.

Soo I may not update as frequently as I used to........  :\

But I hope you guys still enjoy THE BEAUTY SAVED THE WOLVES!!!


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Kai it is!! but since Spring break is here I'm going to vacay after those long weeks of exams!! So I may may not update this week... >.


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Chapter 12: Plzzzzzzz update soon.
Chapter 12: Pleaseee update This is such a good story ! I love it !
Alies16 #3
Chapter 12: Where are you? Please!!! Please update!! Pretty please cherrys on top! I love you story, you can't leave me like this!!
Chapter 12: hahahaha...xD
tao really got the chance!
while sehun and kai ... =__=
hahaha...update more soon~

and btw, im Baekhyun stan too and its, kinda hurt when i heard bout him and Taeyeon :'(
but still, i will support them. hurm...and kris, im miss him so much T^T i still cant forget bout him. my galaxy~~~ huhuuhu...
kimyou210 #5
Chapter 12: I love it!!! Tao is so cuteeeee!!!!
Hunniehxoxo #6
Chapter 12: Tao ah Tao. You ah...
iAMmissfrost #7
Chapter 12: Yay another update. Thanks for the update. I really love your story
Yeners #8
Chapter 11: Yay! An Update!

Alies16 #9
Chapter 11: You are here! You are alive! Is that a dream?
Thanks for this chapter! It's so beautiful!
They're going to be in all her classes and protect her from those bitc***. I'm so happy ^_^