The Answer

The Beauty Saved the Wolves

I rubbed my eyes as the sun shone on my eyes through the cracks of the window's shades. I yawned grabbing my glasses off the table and headed to the bathroom. I did my regular morning routine, but since it was Saturday I didn't need to get ready for school. I walked toward my living room and to my surprise the puppies were all awake and energetic. One of the dogs(Tao) spotted me and pounced on my shoulder. I was surprised that the puppy could even jump so high and far from the couch. I caught him and played with him for a bit. " Don't do that" I said, "Its too dangerous what if you get your paw hurt again." Looking at his injured paw and checking if the wound opened again. Fortunately it didn't bleed anymore. The puppy looked at me and looked a bit guilty and I softened my eyes. He whimpered and stopped playing around and went to the other puppies. "Hey its doesn't mean you don't have to stop playing just be more careful okay" I said picking him up again smiling. He had the same happy glint in his eyes again and started my face. " Okay, okay stop I have to eat and get all of your breakfasts" I said putting him down and looking at the other puppies. I think I was hearing things but when the puppy started walking back to the others I thought I heard them growl at him but I think it was either their stomachs or mine.




YAH!! Why did you do that! You jumped off the couch and landed on her from like 3 meters away we could've had our cover blown or she may become suspicious!!  Yelled D.O through the bond.

Umma calm down she seemed oblivious to what just happened  replied Tao


Okay calm down we don't need to fight. Lets just forget this ever happened and everything will be okay.  Said Suho trying to calm the two.

Whatever  growled D.O

The other members just watched what was happening, some were amused and some, especially Kris, were jealous that he got to play with the Human girl.




"Breakfast is served!" I yelled through the kitchen. I heard some barks and claws scurrying on the floor. I watched them fight over who would get to get the food first. I laughed and put the food down on the floor. They were devouring all the food in the bowl and I just watched in amazement and thought how such small and cute little puppies can eat so much food and still be cute and small like that. Watching them just made me hungry so I just went and ate my breakfast. 

After Breakfast all the puppies rushed on to the couch and sat in a line. I decided since they are going to stay with me for the time being I should call them by names not just puppy number 1,2 ect. So I stood in front of them and watch every puppy closely.

The first puppy on the right was black as night and had yellow eyes. He looked scary at first but after seeing him interacting with the other puppies he seemed harmless compared to the others. (Kai)

The one next to him had a orange red fur and really liked to smile , but if he didn't smile with his mouth he would smile with his eyes. (Chanyeol)

The next one had grey and white fur and had blue eyes that looked like the sea. He looked strong but gentle and kept an eye out for the others. Like the other day when I help the injured puppy he watched carefully on every move I made. (Suho)

The next one has chocolate brown fur and the biggest eyes. I feel like if he wasn't a puppy he would have been an owl instead. (D.O)

The next one had sandy fur and he looked bright compared to the others. Maybe it was his fur but he seemed to light up the room. (Baekhyun)

The next one was one of the cutest with his gray fur. He looked like he is one of the youngest of the pups and likes to play a lot like the injured one. (Sehun)

The next one had white yellowish fur and was also one of the cutest. His blue eyes are almost the equivalent to a Deer's which is pretty ironic. (Luhan)

The next one was the one who almost attacked me the first day. He had a sandy gray fur and was tall compared to the others. He looked as though he was the authority out of the others. (Kris)

The next one had a light gray and dark gray fur. He looked like he was in his own little world and all he did most of the time was stare off into space. (Lay)

The next one was the one I helped and played with the most. He had a dark, almost black, brown fur. He was one of the cutest and showed the most puppy eyes (aegyo but for dogs) (Tao)

The next one had a black and yellow kind of fur. He hasn't done much but he looks like he is holding a lot inside and wants to let it out and free. (Chen)

And last but not least, the white furred puppy. He may be one of the cutest and whitest puppy I have ever seen in my life. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the youngest of them. (Xiumin)

There really is a lot of them but they really seem like a family I thought. I smiled and thought what it was like to have a family of my own and feel loved. I sighed and the pups noticed and turned to me.

I looked and them and thought what should I name them. Then it hit me I had never checked if they had name tags or not. I went towards one of them and he stiffened. I looked at his collar (which I never noticed before) and saw a name Kyungsoo​ . On the collar it only had a name but not an address or anything else. I went towards the other and found out the others names as well.

I went back to where I was before and stared at them. I needed to memorize all of there names, but at least I know what to call them now. "So your names are Jongin, Chanyeol, Joomyun, Kyungsoo, Baekyun, Sehun, Luhan, Kris, Lay, Tao, Chen, and Xiumin" pointing to each of them checking to see if I was right. And as if they understood me they wagged there tails and barked telling me I was correct. I smiled to myelf now that I know their names. I looked toward the clock and it was only noon and I decided to go and get some groceries and buy some more dog food and dog stuff for them to make them feel more comfortable. So I went into my room and changed into this



and headed toward the door. " I will be leaving for the market to go buy stuff so behave while I'm gone arraso." I said looking at them before putting on my shoes and left.




They all had there jaws dropped to the ground. There was silence for awhile until Kai said Dang I wouldn't mind imprinting on her now. slighltly smirking. Not until D.O thumped his head with his tail. 

OWW!! What was that for!!!! 

For being a ert!!

Hey I bet all of you were thinking that too.

That silence them all because what he said was partly true. I mean she was the kindest person they ever met and now she's even the prettiest person they ever met. I mean who would resist that. They heard a sigh coming from Suho and turned to him.

What Kai said might be true but remember it isn't our choice who we imprint on, if we imprint we imprint. said Suho.

See even Suho agrees with me. Plus if we imprint we might be able to break the curse, go back to our human forms and find who did this to us. 

All the Exo members looked at Kai astonished as he actually said something logical and useful.

Yes the Exo members were in a curse. A curse where they are stuck in their puppy forms which is their weakest form as a werewolf. The only way to turn back to humans or to their wolf form is to imprint on a human female. Which in their situation is perfect as it seems they all thought of the same thing. 






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Kai it is!! but since Spring break is here I'm going to vacay after those long weeks of exams!! So I may may not update this week... >.


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Chapter 12: Plzzzzzzz update soon.
Chapter 12: Pleaseee update This is such a good story ! I love it !
Alies16 #3
Chapter 12: Where are you? Please!!! Please update!! Pretty please cherrys on top! I love you story, you can't leave me like this!!
Chapter 12: hahahaha...xD
tao really got the chance!
while sehun and kai ... =__=
hahaha...update more soon~

and btw, im Baekhyun stan too and its, kinda hurt when i heard bout him and Taeyeon :'(
but still, i will support them. hurm...and kris, im miss him so much T^T i still cant forget bout him. my galaxy~~~ huhuuhu...
kimyou210 #5
Chapter 12: I love it!!! Tao is so cuteeeee!!!!
Hunniehxoxo #6
Chapter 12: Tao ah Tao. You ah...
iAMmissfrost #7
Chapter 12: Yay another update. Thanks for the update. I really love your story
Yeners #8
Chapter 11: Yay! An Update!

Alies16 #9
Chapter 11: You are here! You are alive! Is that a dream?
Thanks for this chapter! It's so beautiful!
They're going to be in all her classes and protect her from those bitc***. I'm so happy ^_^