The Beauty Saved the Wolves



I can't believe I had to bake this much by myself. We really need another chef in this kitchen. I let out a big breath when finally all the customers left and I could rest. 

Usually I go home early since I have school the next day, but I didn't expect for most of the pastries and cakes to be out. I had to keep baking new ones to put out for sale.

But there were a few ingredients left out and I was to tired to clean up all this mess. Then a great idea pop in my mind. Why don't I makes some treats for Exo.

I can make a cake for the human ones and dog biscuits for the dog ones. 

PERFECT! I exclaimed in my mind.

"OPPAS I WILL BE USING THE KITCHEN FOR A LITTLE BIT, SO DON'T CLOSE UP JUST YET." I screamed through the little window in the kitchen to the cafe.

"Okay, but what for?" Seungri oppa asked wondering what I was doing.

"Oh I was going to make some dog biscuit for these new puppies at home." I said not looking up from the bowl I was mixing the ingredients in.

"You brought more puppies home?" Taeyang who was right behind Seungri asked.

"Yeah they were abandoned next to my apartment in an alley, so you know me I couldn't abandon them." I replied shaping the dough onto the baking tray.

"AWW OUR SWEET RAEMI!!!" Daesung squealed like a fanboy.

"She's growing up so fast." TOP sniffled holding his tears.

"Hyung, really." G dragon said digusted with his hyung.

"What are you making fun of my tears?" TOP said changing his emotion from sad to angry.

"What are you going to about it." G-D teased getting into his face

"Ohh that's it." Before TOP could do anything G-D ran for his life.

"You get back here." and then the chase began. 

The boys were preocuppied with the chase that they never even notice me baking another cake for Sehun and Kai.

Good thing they didn't ask any question. I thought relieved.



 Now I just have to let it rest and decorate it.


20 MINUTES LATER..............


"VOILA" I hollered in glee.




I hope the boys likes it.

But before I knew it the time was already 9:30.

"Oh my god! I'm late." I screamed and rushed out of the cafe saying goodbyes to my oppas on the way.




Kai and Sehun teleported back into the apartment with only 10 minutes to spare. 

"Hyungs we got in!!!" They cheered.


Good job maknaes Kris said coolly nodding his head in approval.

Yeah I'm proud of you guys Suho added.

But I know if I auditioned I would have certainly made it in Chanyeol commented.

Same here Baekhyun and Chen agreed.

The beagle line is at it again. Xiumin shook his head in embarrassment on how he is related to these guys.

"We can be embarassed at them later but right now we have to worry about hiding the uniforms away from Raemi!" Sehun said pointing at there bright yellow uniforms.

That's right where are they going to put them? Luhan questioned.

Exo started to brain storm on where they should put the uniforms and then........

Why don't we put them teleport them somewhere and then tomorrow morning after Raemi goes to school. Lay suggested.

Hyung you really are a genius Tao complemented.

I told you I'm not a complete idiot. Lay said accusing them for calling him an idiot.

Great idea but where would we put them that no one would be able to notice them? Suho inquired.

"Don't worry about that I got it" and .............POOF!

Kai and the uniforms were gone.

But seconds later Kai returned "Got it."

"Where did you put them hyung?" Sehun questioned.

"In one of the locker rooms lockers. So we can just go to school and change there without Raemi noticing anything. Plus it would be quicker to get dressed at school so she wouldn't notice us until we get to her classroom." Kai answered.

When did Mr. Kim Jong in say something intelligent. D.O said shocked.

"Oh when you turn into a human hyung you are going to get it." Kai said pointing at D.O.

Not unless I get you first. Then the staring contest began and the atmosphere was getting more intense until.



HA YOU BLINKED!!! D.O exclaimed jumping up and done wagging his tail.

"It's not fair hyung, I'm human so I need to blink more than you." Kai whined pouting.

Excuses, excuses D.O said shaking his head.

The other members of the group were just jaw dropped on how the situation turned out.

I thought D.O was going to murder Kai Chen said a little bit disappointed that there wasn't going to be a fight.

Hey guys did you guys notice what time it was. Xiumin said looking at the clock.

 "Woah its 9:00 already where is Raemi?" Sehun asked now getting worried.

Well why don't we just wait for a while since maybe something came up. Kris said calmly.

I hope she get's home soon. Tao said with worry in his voice.





I rushed home with the cake and biscuit in the box, hoping they wouldn't have noticed I was late. Then again I'm one hour and 30 minutes late......

I opened the door expecting the worst only to notice that they didn't even acknowledge presence. They were all on the couch watching Running Man.

"Hey guys." I said hesitantly.

"Oh hey Raemi" Sehun and Kai both welcomed me nonchalantly and never left there eyes off the screen.

*BARK* I looked down to see that at least one of  them welcomed me sincerely. 

"Hey Tao, how are you doing" I said holding on to his paw.

*BARK* and he ran in circles and jumped on his hind legs.

"He said he was doing great thanks to you and he wants to play." Sehun said still not leaving his focus on the screen.

"Awww no problem, I couldn't leave anyone hurt when I know about it. And I have time to play, but first I have something for you guys." I got up from the floor and headed to the kitchen to prepare everything.

When I said that I finally got the attention of everyone in the room. They got off the couch and followed me to the kitchen.

"You got something for us?" Kai asked with a smile on his face.

"Well more like made, I had some ingredients that were leftover so I decided to make biscuit for them and cake for you guys." I said pointing to them.

Their eyes lit up like christmas trees and with out hesitation they dashed for the treats on the table not caring if the treats were going to taste good or bad.

As every member had took a bite of their treats their eyes again widened, if possible, and face me.

"WAH!! DELICIOUS!!! I DIDN'T KNOW A CAKE COULD TASTE THIS GOOD!" Sehun said looking at the cake before eating the rest at an inhumanly speed.

The rest of the memeber nodded their head in agreement

"Yeah how did you learn how to cook like this?' Kai asked

"Well I have my ways." I said confidently while flipping my hair.

"Well those ways are the best. Daebak!!" Sehun said with two thumbs up.

"Thanks. Now will you excuse me I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight guys." I said with a yawn.

"Goodnight Raemi-ah." They both replied.

*BARK* Tao came running to me and petting his head on my leg.

"Aww sorry Tao I can't play with you today I promise I will play with you tomorrow, OK." I said with an okay sign.

He nodded in agreement but still wouldn't leave my leg.

"No way Tao you can't do that yet she isn't even your mate." Kai said shaking his head furiously.

"Yeah even we haven't done that yet." Sehun said in agreement to Kai

"What is he talking about?" I asked innocently.

"He wants to spend the night in your room tonight." Kai said sending glares to the older.

Ohh........ well he is a puppy there is nothing he could do to me.

And the response that the other members didn't want to hear...."Ok."

Everyones eyes doubled in size after hearing her answer.

"NO WAY IS TAO GOING TO SLEEP IN YOUR ROOM!!!" Everyone yelled, even the non- mated memebers.

"Well he is only a pup, plus I have to repay him for not being able to play with him this whole week." I explained with a pout.

"C'mon Tao let's go to my room and I can find a place for you to sleep." I said gesturing Tao to my room before anyone could disagree any more.

*BARK* He excitedly scurried to my door and we both walked in with me closing the door right after.

The rest of the members were speechless and you could even here the crickets from outside. 

The rest of the members also lookded at the door for a good 5 minutes until someone finally broke the silence.

"I can't believe this." Sehun said still looking at the door.

"He got to sleep with her before we did." Kai added.

That boy is going to pay tomorrow. Kris grumbled.

He isn't even mated with her yet Chen complained with Baekhyun and Chanyeol agreeing.

The rest of members only growled at the door before they decided to just get revenge tomorrow and headed to bed.

Just get some sleep you two you guys have a big day tomorrow. Suho said directly to the ones who were still staring at the door with a blank expression.

That snapped the two out but not without cursing Tao for getting to sleep with their MATE. 


Sorry if it's short but I wanted to update since it's been along time.

And with the incidents that have happened with exo for the past few months I will continue to write about Kris and Baekhyun.

I am a Baekhyun Stan so it was a little heartbreaking when I heard about the news since I'm not an Exoshidae shipper.

But I will always be a fan and support them with whatever path they choose.

I just wish for them to be happy even if the relationship being public was just a way for SM to blind us from Kris' lawsuit, who knows.......

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Kai it is!! but since Spring break is here I'm going to vacay after those long weeks of exams!! So I may may not update this week... >.


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Chapter 12: Plzzzzzzz update soon.
Chapter 12: Pleaseee update This is such a good story ! I love it !
Alies16 #3
Chapter 12: Where are you? Please!!! Please update!! Pretty please cherrys on top! I love you story, you can't leave me like this!!
Chapter 12: hahahaha...xD
tao really got the chance!
while sehun and kai ... =__=
hahaha...update more soon~

and btw, im Baekhyun stan too and its, kinda hurt when i heard bout him and Taeyeon :'(
but still, i will support them. hurm...and kris, im miss him so much T^T i still cant forget bout him. my galaxy~~~ huhuuhu...
kimyou210 #5
Chapter 12: I love it!!! Tao is so cuteeeee!!!!
Hunniehxoxo #6
Chapter 12: Tao ah Tao. You ah...
iAMmissfrost #7
Chapter 12: Yay another update. Thanks for the update. I really love your story
Yeners #8
Chapter 11: Yay! An Update!

Alies16 #9
Chapter 11: You are here! You are alive! Is that a dream?
Thanks for this chapter! It's so beautiful!
They're going to be in all her classes and protect her from those bitc***. I'm so happy ^_^