~Why Is He Here?!~

~Everything Can Happen For Love~
---NO POV---
After ___- had calm down.her and Myungsoo went for a walk.
They had a great time together sharring some laughs.
Both of them were happy that things were to how it was.
A while later ___ had to go to see her part time job.
What awaits her there?
Ah!We  had such a nice time together!!hehe im so happy we patched things up again!
i was sitting in the kitchen eating some instant noodles i had make that i had found in the cupboard.
After  i ate i looked at the clock
16:10 pm
AI!!!i had to leave!!!!it takes half an hour and so to get there!!
i quickly grabbed my bag putting in my phone and purse.
i rushed out the door locking it hurring to the bus stop.
i arrived outside the cafe.
the time was
the building was huge!!!and nicely decorated.
Someone had lots of money i though.
i started to get nervous.
i took a deep breath and pushed the door to open.
my mouth was about to fall off!
its so modern in here.
PSSSH! talk about money man!!
i walked to where the bar was.
the girl was behind the counter.
she was fixing some drinks
she turned around.she was diffinently close to my age or a bit older.
"Hello,may i help you?" she asked kindly
"Umm im here for the job??"
"Ah yes!!i was informed you'd come!Wait ill call the boss to let him know you're here!"she smiled and went to the corner of the bar were the telelphone i guessed was.
i turned around with my back leaning on the counter.looking around.i looked at the door entrance someone was coming in/
my eyes widened
It was L.Joe.
i had a flashback with him leaving with the other girl.
HOLY MOTHER!!!IT WAS L.JOEEEE!!my brain shouted
i turned around infront of me there were some menu books stacked up. i grabbed one and put infornt of me pretending i was reading it.so he wont see me.
he was coming.
i could see him with the corner of my eye,he passed behind me without seeing me.
i turned around with the menu book still infront of me.
i looked from the top of the menu book.(only my eyes showed)
i saw him walking to a big table they were some other boys sitting there aswell.OH WAIT! it was Teen Top.
What are they all doing here?!
i wanted to scream!
the girls voice startled me.
"What are you doing?" she asked looking at me like i was a psychopath

i laughed leaving the menu book down to where it was
"Sorry!!Just looking!" i smiled

"Okay!Well anyways,the boss is coming to see you himself!" she smiled
"Ah okay!Thank you very much!"
she smiled again "No problem!Excuse me but ill have to get back to work "and so she did.
i sat on one of the chairs on the bar counter while i was watching the girl make the drinks and then waitresses were taking them.
i waited 10 minutes and the boss finally came i got off the chair standing up.
"Hello ____!!Its been so long!" he said
i smiled
"Yes!Its nice seeing you again sir!"
"Dont be so formal we are family ya?"
"hehe okay!"
"So Lou the girl that makes the drinks tell her to give you your work program.ok?"
"Oh and today you wont work you'll have Sungmo to show you how to work okay?just watch for today!And if theres any problem you tell me right away ok?"
he looked at his watch
"Oh well ill have to go now.Goodbye"
"Goodbye sir!Ill work hard!" i said and he left.
i turned to Lou.
"Uh..whos Sungmo?"
"Sungmo is the one over there" she said pointing at a boy with black hair that fell nicely and had glasses on.
he was cute.
"You took the job?"
"Yeah!"i smiled big
"Woohoo!! Congrats!!OH!wait a moment to bring you your work program." she said and left
i looked over the table Teen Top were sitting.
they were talking and laughing.
she came back.
"Here ya go!By the way my name is Lou" she said giving me my work program
"Thanks!my name is ____!Nice to meet you!"
"Its gonna be nice to have you around!" she smiled
"I hope! "
"SUNGMO!!!" she shouted
Sungmo turned around giving her a glare as he was serving a couple.
he then came almost running.
"YAh pabo!!Dont shout when im serving people!" he said in an angry tone
"Blah!!Anyways show her around ya?She is the new waitress to help you and Joon out"
he looked at me obververly from down to up.
with his one finger pushed his glasses abit back.
"I see.Im Sungmo.You are here to work and not for the boys i hope!"
"YAH! whats the matter with you?!" Lou said
"Its ok Lou and Sungmo i am here to work i dont care about the boys." i said
"Yah,did Teen Top want anything else?"
"No i just served them a while ago!"
i looked at them.
"Why are they here?"
Sungmo laughed
"Seriously?" Lou said "Well your new i dont blame you!"
"Here its like their hangout place.They come everyday here!"
"The one with the blue one is Niel,the one wearing the black is C.A.P.,the red one is Chunji next to him is L.joe next to L.Joe is Ricky and next to him is Changjo!"
i nodded
"Ya!enough chatting around lets get back to work!___ come!" Sungmo said
---NO POV---
Sungmo spent the time showing _____ how to do everything and showed her around the place.
Afterwards he told her she can sit down if she wanted to but tomorrow real work will start.
i was sitting on the chair at the bar.
looking at my program.
MONDAY  18:30 - 21:30
TUESDAY -------
WEDNESDAY 17:30 - 20:00
FRIDAY 17:00 - 21:00
SATURDAY 18:00 - 21:30
SUNDAY -------
now my days will be full.
i folded the paper up and put it in my bag.
i looked at were Teen Top where sitting once more.
OH DAMN! i looked away.
Chunji was already looking at me
i hope he doesnt say anything to the others.
i was looking at them by the corner of my eye.
i turned my back at them so i couldnt see what they were doing now.
i huffed.
"Hey ___!"
it was Lou
"You can go now you know?You start tomorrow ok?" she gave me a cheerful smile
"Oh!okay! Well then see you tomorrow!!" i said to her
leaving as quickly as i could.
i left  wating to get the bus to go home.
---My Room---
i was laying on my bed.
thinking that now everyday at work ill have to see his face.his beaut-- NO!! AISH!stupid brain!!
its gonna be horrible...
i sigh
i looked at the clock next to my bed
20:30 pm.
ah.. i better study a bit before going to bed..
my phone rang [text message]
i got up the chair to my bag taking my phone out
1 text message
A surprise awaits you tomorrow~
-What kind of surprise?
i texted back
i waited for 15 minutes NO ANSWER
i guess ill have to see tomorrow.
i decided to go study again.
After i studied i jumped on my bed huggin my pillow.
i felt exhausted.
i looked at my phone.
No new messages.
the time was 00:36 am.
i closed my phone putting it next to my bedside table.
and fell asleep.
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KPOP_survivor #1
pleasssssssssssssse upate love this fic=^^= daebak
Plz plz update or I'm going to pull my hair out at this love triangle!!!!!
joliby_cutie #3
Really hope you update soon!!! <3<3<3<3
joliby_cutie #4
Really hope you update soon!!! <3<3<3<3
mysteriousaura209 #5
it's all a misunderstanding but i feel so sorry for him!
Some_Turtle #6
oh damn, it really is drama XD
update soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn