~I Hate This School~

~Everything Can Happen For Love~



I was walking down the hallway to head to class i noticed that everyone was talking about something i didnt know what but i had a feeling something must of happend.Maybe Suzzy will know...

Still a thought kept bothering me.... Myungsoo.....why was he so upset last night? Did i do something...??hmph...i better call hiim after class ends..


-----IN CLASS----

I walked in.Everyone had gather in groups and whispering to one another... what had happend??i thought as i took my seat.

Suddenly Suzzy came in running to me.

"Oh my....God!" she said trying to catch her breath

"What happend?Are you ok?" i asked consernd

"Im fine!How could i forget to tell you this?!"

"Huh?"i was confused..

"Look our school gang is arch enemies with another school gang..."she paused taking a deep breath

i didnt get it."And??What of it??"

"The gang we are enemies with is called Infinite!You should know them!" she said

know them??why should i?i didnt know  anything about gangs and stuff.

"Why should i know them?" i seriously was confused

"But ____ Myun--" she stopped.it looked like she was thinking about something.

"What?Did you say Myungsoo?IM OFFICIALLY CONFUSED HERE!"

"ME?NOO!!I didnt say Myungsoo!You just said Myungsoo!" then why was she panicking about it?

"I said Myungsoo because you said Myungsoo!" Im sure i heard Myungsoo...

"Well i didnt say MYUNGSOO!can we drop it now?!' she said . Geez.whats up with her

"Anyway.."She continued "Infinite and Teen Top had a huge fight yesterday!None of them were seriously hurt...at least thats the rumour!So anyways the teacher will be coming so later." she said and left to her seat.

"WAIT!Su--" i said as i got up from my chair

"Kim ____! Please sit down" he was weird..no wonder he teached Maths... i sat down..

Huge fight?Is L.Joe okay?What if he's hurt?? He is abscent today too...I hope he is okay....AH!Stupid brain stop thinking about him!he isnt worth your worrying.Besides..it wont matter..i had space out.The teachers voice shouting my name brought me back to reality.

"Mind if you take out your books?You know alot of teacher have been complaining about you for not paying attention in class." he asked.the tone in his voice was enough to understand that he was mad.

i lowered my head looking at my desk "Y-Yeah...Im so sorry..." i said and took out my math book from my bag.Im so stupid!i could hear some laughs coming from the back.

So teachers have been complaing..This isnt good....

After that i payed attention i really didnt want them calling my mom or my dad.

---------------LUNCH BREAK-----------


I put the books in my bad.Suzzy came to my seat.

"Hey!Lets go eat lunch!" she said smiling

"Yeahh!Lets go!im so hungry!!Also...i have some questions to ask you.."

the smile she had faded a bit "Okay.."


-------DINING HALL------

We had our disks full- I was drinking my juice.and biting the straw.i looked at Suzzy

"Sooooo..."i said

she looked at me. "Okay! Ask"

"Yay!"i laughed "So..ive been wondering...does L.Joe have a girlfriend?" cause if he has maybe thats the reason of why he was talking to me like that,maybe i cause some problems to their relationship.

she choked on her muffin "Wh-what? " she coughed

"Does he have a girlfriend?" i asked again

"I cant believe you are asking me this after what he told you!!Are you crazy?!You still like him?"

i myself felt stupid for liking him i didnt need her to remind how stupid that was.

i looked away..."Well...you know..i cant help it..."

"I really want to slap you right now and make you wake up!!" she was mad.i looked down

"Sorry...i cant help how i feel."

"Fine...i cant believe im actually telling you..... " i smiled at her

"Do NOT smile!!! or ill slap it off your face! "

"Okay!" i laughed "Now tell me"

"Well they are many rumours..many say that his girlfriend is Park Boram she is like the diva of our school you know? ha! there with her other "pets" she pointed at a table to the right "The one with the blue dress on" ah...she was so pretty...i could believe she was his girlfriend..she is so pretty.they made a really cute couple .

"Hey!Stop staring!!You dont want her to come here or she will start with you!" 

i looked at Suzzy surprised "Why?Just for staring?'' i asked

"Cause she is like the queen here and Teen Top always stand up for her!!And if you mess with her and her group you mess with Teen Top." wow i thought.Is this even a school or a ghetto?

"!She saw us...lets hope she wont start anything." Suzzy said. And what if she did? i wasnt scared of her.only of Teen Top but even then i didnt like to show i was scared--

"Just ignore her..what do the other rumours say?" i said

"The other rumours say that he is a total player...other say that after his last break up he hasnt been in another relationship since then...they are so many..but really you shouldnt believe the rumours,okay?" she was right but what if one of them was true?

i nodded.

"Hey...uuuh..i think,Teen Top are coming for you again.And sorry to say this but i was wondering why they hadnt come earlier and yesterday."

i turned around.They were coming.L.Joe was with them..wow he had a huge bruse on his eye.that must of been yesterday from Myungsoo's punch.i looked at the others.All of them looked perfectly fine to me.Did they really have a fight?

They approached me.I saw two of the gang holding something.i couldnt see what exactly.What torture awaits me now?!All the kids were looking at us.

"Yah!Are you ready for todays hell?" C.A.P. said .  what are they going to do now?

i tried to hide my fear. "Im not scared of you" i said

he laughed ironicly "So you are not scared huh?We shall see." he said and came forward

i stepped back ."Why what are you gonna do?huh?!" this was the worst line i could throw at them.they could do everything they wanted and get away with it.ugh....im so stupid.

"GUYS!" he said. i looked at L.Joe, the moment i looked at him he looked away.of course...

Then two of them were holding something.GOD THEY WERE HOLDING EGGS---DAMN!

"DONT YOU DARE!" i said.it didnt matter they would start throwing them no matter what i told them

And so they did. They kept throwing and throwing.......i felt so embaressed...i wanted to die......i wanted to cry........i didnt move....nor did i shout...i didnt have the strengh to do anything...

"YAH!What are you waiting for?You are all welcome to join!" said C.A.P. to the other students. his voice was demanding.like he gave an order out.some of them first hesitated then...they started aswell.

and so everyone in the dining room started throwing stuff at me i looked around to find Suzzy she had left.figures..i dont blame her....


My back was hurting from yesterdays fight...i was chilling with the boys...i was thinking about her..what im i saying im always thinking about her...my phone rang.

1 Text Message i pressed to open it.


Come quickly!_____ is in trouble!Teen Top are bullying her bad!

Please come.

--By Suzzy

She was sending from ____ phone.

i immediately got up.

"GUYS! Gather up!!!ITS SERIOUS" i yelled

Now all of them had their attention on me

"What happend ?" said SungJong

"_____ ! Teen Top are bullying her again!"

"What?! They are so dead!They dare bully our girl!" said SungYeol

"What are we waiting for?!LETS GO! MOVE IT!!!!" SungGyu said

I cant believe they dare bully her again.This time we will show them whos the boss.

All of us put on black masks ( this) so no one will see our whole faces.

We left quickly.

--------IN THE CAR OF SUNG GYU------

We were on our way to her school .Sung Gyu told me it may take a while to get there.

Everyone of us were quiet.

I cant imagine how she is feeling right now...how do they dare do this to her?!

My anger was growing stronger and stronger.


--------SCHOOL STAIRS------

I left the scene running and crying.

I was sitting in the corner hugging my knees and crying.

i was covered in pieces of food.i felt so dirty but right now i didnt care about it.

Why did i transfer to this school?! its been 3 days and its already like hell....WHY?!

i cried harder.. i heard some footsteps.but i just ignored it. And i thought back... and L.Joe didnt do anything...he just sat there and watched.....

not like he had to do something but..i thought he would at least react....

Ah...i thought he was different....Suzzy was right i really was being stupid.....

I have decided.....I must forget him...even if i like him alot..i have to accept it...he doesnt like me...

i kept reapiting those words.... 

When i whiped my tears...i decided to go to back to class....

---------IN CLASS-------

When i went in..everyone i mean everyone started laughing...i ignored the laughs...

"Class please be quiet.Kim _____ please take your seat" said the teacher.avoiding the fact of how i looked AND smelled.

I looked behind my seat.L.joe....There he was...he didnt look at me... he was looking down his book.

What ever..i took my seat..

The teacher then told me to go to the gym showers they had and Suzzy had ask her friend to lend me her track suit. and so i after i had a shower i changed.



Ah..the next hours seemed like the were endless.......Suzzy had told me why she left...i didnt mind....i knew she couldnt do anything....so...i wasnt mad with her..

The teacher told me that the Headmaster wanted to talk to me before going home... i didnt know what it was about but i think she heard about what had happen in the dining room....

i sighed..

Suddenly we heard some noises coming from the hallways. It sounded like they were fighting.we could hear some shouts and stuff... Teen Top bullying someone i thought? Everyone looked worried...

"Calm down kids!!" said the teacher "You stay here ill go see whats going on ok?"

"Yes" we all said .

As soon as the teacher left L.Joe got up rushing out the door.students started talking.

What was happening? 

Suzzy came over and sat in L.joes chair.i turned around so i could face her.

"Do you know what going on?"i asked

"U-uh no.." she said why did i had a feeling like she was hiding something??i decided to ask her

"Hey...are you hiding something?"

"NO,like what?"

"i dont know.."

The teacher didnt seem as she was going to come back again.

I decided to go take a look at the situation.

"Hey ummm..im going to check it out wanna come?"

"No...isnt it better if you stay here?"

"Nah..i want to see whats going on" i said and left

--------SCHOOL HALLWAY-------




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KPOP_survivor #1
pleasssssssssssssse upate love this fic=^^= daebak
Plz plz update or I'm going to pull my hair out at this love triangle!!!!!
joliby_cutie #3
Really hope you update soon!!! <3<3<3<3
joliby_cutie #4
Really hope you update soon!!! <3<3<3<3
mysteriousaura209 #5
it's all a misunderstanding but i feel so sorry for him!
Some_Turtle #6
oh damn, it really is drama XD
update soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn