Letting Them Know

You Are My Noona


L.Joe told me that the guys wouldn't be able to come over for a week because they were all busy, but that week went by fast and right now I had 6 guys in my living room, including L.Joe who lived there too
“so, what did you want to tell us” Chunji asked shifting on the couch
“well… um… you remember when I disappeared for like almost a week” I asked everyone nodded except for L.Joe “well…. I-I was… um” I couldn’t find the right words, I looked at L.Joe asking him to help me with my eyes he stood up next to me
“she had been kidnapped walking home the day that we had to go somewhere right after school” L.Joe said everyone looked at me
“did anything bad, other than being kidnapped, happen” Chunji asked worried I nodded “please don’t tell me you were…. R-” Chunji said pausing at the last word, not wanting to say it I looked at the floor and didn’t say anything and a tear rolled from my eye and down my cheek. When I looked back up the guys were just staring at me
“was it only one person” Niel asked I shook my head “how many” I held up one hand and showed them how many guys there was with one hand
“there was 5 guys” L.Joe asked I know he was shocked because I had only said something about one person when i told him “why didn’t you tell me” he asked
“Mianhae, I was meaning to but I just couldn’t, please don’t hate me” I said looking at him, he just pulled me into a hug
“I could never hate you” he said I hugged him back and I felt tears stinging my eyes, trying to get out so I let them fall. by the time I had finished crying L.Joe’s shirt was soaked and the rest of the guys had me in a group hug
“can you guys let me go now” I asked and they all let me go
“so are you guys going on the end of the school dance, party, thing” Ricky asked I just looked at him
“it’s the end of the year already” I asked scratching my head “wow, time sure did go by quickly, wait do we have to dress up” I asked
“yea, its kind of like a formal dance, but its also kind of like a party for the students” Changjo said I groaned
“what is it” asked C.A.P raising an eyebrow
“me and dressing up do not mix well” I said looking at the floor
“I can help you in that area” Chunji said smiling brightly
“really” I asked he nodded. 
“you want to go shopping for a dress tomorrow” Chunji asked
“yea sure” I said. After everyone left me and L.Joe went to bed. I was excited for tomorrow, im going shopping with Chunji again.
sorry its such a short chapter... i wasnt really in the mood to write, but i did it anyway for my amazing readers ;D
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D