I Just Want To Die

You Are My Noona


L.Joe’s POV
It had been 4 days since Nasya went missing. I couldn’t pay attention in any of my classes, not with he missing. I tried to tell the police, but they wouldn’t listen, they insisted that she was probably off having the time of her life. But I knew her better than that, If she wanted to have the time of her life she would have told me and I would have taken her somewhere.
“Mr. Byunghun, will you please pay attention” the teacher said snapping me out of my thoughts
“I’m sorry, but I just cant” I said and stood up grabbing my things and walking out the classroom and the school. *I have to find Nas, even if it’s the last thing I do* I thought as I started to walk around town trying to find her
Nasya’s POV
It felt like it had been days since this guy had taken me, in the time since he took me he had beat me, taken advantage of me, and let his friends beat and take advantage of me. I felt gross and dirty. 
“man, I’m growing tired of this girl, cant we get a new one” I heard a male voice say from behind the door
“you aren’t the only one, we will get a new one soon, but what will we do with her” another said
“well, if we let her live she will run to the police, so we can let her live. but I’m sure her family is missing her, so we cant kill her” another said
“so what will we do” the first one said then they went quiet and the door opened and the cloth was removed form my mouth
“just kill me, I just want to die” I screamed as loud as I could
“no, we wont kill you we are just going to get rid of you” one of the men said and then they slipped something over my eyes and dragged me out of the building then threw me into a car. After a while I jolted forward and fell on the floor of the vehicle
“ok, we will dimp her here” one guy said
“ok ill cut the ropes” another said and soon enough I felt the ropes getting taken off of me then the cloth was taken off my eyes and I was throw out of the car followed by my bag onto hard pavement. I couldn’t move I could just lay there, I was to weak to even crawl, I hadn’t eaten in days
L.Joe’s POV
I had been walking for what felt like forever, when I saw something on the ground, it looked like a body. Once I was close enough I noticed a bag, a green school bag then my eyes went wide
“NAS!!!” I yelled and ran to her she was laying on the ground motionless, once I reached her I fell to the ground and picked up her fragile body and started to walk as quickly as possible back to the apartment building. I was almost there when I felt her move I looked down at her face her eyes were open a little
Nasya’s POV
“L.Joe” I said in a low whisper
“its ok, ive got you, you will be fine” he said as he walked into what im guessing was the apartment building. Once he reached our apartment he brought me into the bedroom and set me on the bed “baby, what happened” he asked in a very worried voice, I could tell some tears were rolling down his cheeks
“he hurt me, he took advantage of me” I whispered hoping L.Joe would hear, and he did he just pulled me into a hug
“im so sorry, I should have just walked you home, I  have been telling myself this for the past 4 days” L.Joe said just then there was a knock on the door he sighed “ill be back, don’t do anything to hurt yourself, please” he said I nodded and he went to the door. I rolled onto my side as I listened to L.Joe talking to someone, I tried to listen closer to hear the other person voice. I heard it a little bit and it was Chunji. I did my best to sit up and not hurt myself then I stood up and stumbled to the wall and “hugged” it as I walked and soon I was in the living room
“L.Joe” I said he looked at me
“Nas, I told you not to move” he said rushing over to me “Chunji, help me get her to the couch, please” he looked at Chunji who went to my other side and him and L.Joe got me to the couch
“where is the first aid kit” Chunji asked
“bathroom” L.Joe said sitting down with me. Just as quick as he walked out of the room he was back in it with the first aid kit
“this is probably going to hurt a little bit” he said as he got medicine on a Q-tip then he started to clean all of my open wounds from the men. Once he was done caring for me he put the kit back into the bathroom
“im hungry” I said looking at L.Joe “he wouldn’t let me eat” I said so only L.Joe could hear
“Chunji could you go make something for Nas, I know you can cook better than me” he said Chunji nodded and went to the kitchen. In no time I had food in front of me and within minutes it was gone and I was leaning on L.Joe
“alright well, im really glad you found her, I was getting worried too. She is just like my little sister, but I have to go” Chunji said he kissed the top of my head “bye Nas, Bye L.Joe” he said
“I need a shower” I said trying to stand up but L.Joe stopped me
“you cant do it on your own” he said “ill help you” he then got off the couch and walked me to the bathroom
L.Joe’s POV
“here, I’m sure you don’t want to be completely exposed right now, so put this on ok” I said handing Nas one of her swimsuits she nodded and took her shirt off, I saw a whole lot of bruises, some looked like they had been done not long before I found her. Once she was in the swimsuit I the shower and made sure it was at a good temperature then helped Nas up and into the shower. After the shower Nas looked almost the same as she did the last time I saw her, her hair was nice and clean, she wasn’t covered in any dirt or anything, but the one difference was there was a few cuts on her face along with a small bruise. After I helped her into some pajama’s I laid her down in the bed and got under the covers with her. I held her until she was asleep then I fell asleep myself
oh, poor Nas, i felt sorry even writing that. well i hope you (sort of) enjoyed the two new additions to the story. i will update much sooner than i did and the chapters will be better. im hoping that there wont be anymore sad stuff though. i dont think i could handle it. subscribe and comment, it keeps me going ^^
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D