Back to School?

You Are My Noona


I woke up in the morning to a phone going off I didn't get up to get it because one I was still to weak to stand by myself and two I was being held captive in L.Joe’s arms
“L.Joe” I said shaking him his eyes opened “don’t we have school today” I asked he let go of me and sit up
“you are not going to school today” he said
“yes I am, I have another uniform, im going to school” I said climbing off the bed, hugging the wall so I could walk and get my extra uniform L.Joe stepped in front of me “im going to school and you can stop me” I said he sighed, obviously realizing he would lose this battle
“at least let me help you” he said holding out his arm I took it. Within 20 minutes of waking up me and L.Joe were ready and walking to school “the first thing we are doing is going to the office so that I can switch some stuff around” he said once we reached the gates of the school I just nodded and we went to the office, he went to talk to the principle. I waited for a good 10 minutes before L.Joe emerged from the principles room “ok, lets go to class. I now have every class with you” I understood why he did that, he wanted me to be safe and he was the only person I wanted helping me right now. Once we stepped out of the office I heard some girls talking
“oh my god, what happened to her” one girl said
“do you think L.Joe did that” another asked
“no, he wouldn’t do that to a girl, at least I don’t think he would” said another girl, I could tell L.Joe heard them by how tight his grip was getting on me
“L.Joe, just ignore them” I said he did as I said, he didn’t want me to get hurt because of him. Once we reached the class the teacher looked at me and L.Joe
“you two are late, but the principal let me know, just go sit down” she ordered
“where do you sit” L.Joe asked I pointed to the seat next to a girl that was staring at L.Joe
“Park Nim Ah, you need to move seats” the teacher said the girl whined but moved anyway and me and L.Joe sat down with out chairs pushed together so that he could still support me just in case. After doing this about four times this morning it was lunch time
“how are we going to do this” L.Joe said tapping his chin then he saw C.A.P “Yo C.A.P, could ya help me for a second” he said to C.A.P who set his food down and walked over
“you found her- holly hell what happened to her” he said looking me up and down
“ill tell you later, but right now I need you to take her over to the table and stay there supporting her, she is to weak to sit up on her own with out falling, and she also cant walk well” C.A.P nodded and took me into his arms and helped me walk to the table while L.Joe got mine and his food I could tel C.A.P was looking at me
“you want to know what happened” I asked
“well yea, you are my friend, but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” he said eating a little. Once L.Joe got back he sat next to me and we started to eat. Lunch felt like it dragged on and on but as soon as it was over the last 3 classes were here and gone in no time
“L.Joe, I think we should invite all of the guys over and tell them what happened” I said as me and L.Joe walked into the apartment
“if you really want to, ok ill text them and let them know” he said and we sat on the couch while he texted all the guys.
another short chapter, sorry. but at least i updated. subcribe and comment, ^^
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D