You Are My Noona


It has been a month since me and L.Joe… did it, and he has been getting worried because I got sick and have been sick for about a week and a half now and he wont leave me alone about going to the doctors. I started talking to Chunji again, though I am defiantly not telling him about what happened a month ago with L.Joe, then we wouldn’t be talking for even longer.
“Nas, I still say you should go to the doctor” L.Joe said, I sat up on my bed and looked at him
“L.Joe, im not pregnant I would know If I was and im not, besides I take bit control” I said
“but you never know it could have been defective and not worked, so you cold have a little me growing in your tummy” he said poking my stomach I rolled my eyes
“fine, ill go to the doctor’s, only to prove that im not pregnant” I said and got up. Once me and L.Joe got to the doctor’s he told the girl at the desk why we were there and she told us to sit down and wait.
“Nasya Kim” I heard a voice say I looked up and it was the doctor so I stood up along with L.Joe “what relation do you have with her” the doctor asked L.Joe
“im her boyfriend” he said
“only family is allowed back there sir, im afraid you will have to wait here” the doctor said and walked me to the back. After all of the tests and things the doctor sent me back to the waiting room where me and L.Joe waited for a few minutes until the doctor came out “you wont have to worry about any baby running around the house for a while, you just have a bad case of the flu, so I suggest get plenty of rest and take medicine at least every 3-4 hours” the doctor said. Once I got all the medicine I needed to take care of the sickness I had me and L.Joe left and went back to the apartment
“ha, I told you I wasn’t pregnant, I just have the flu” I said and walked to my room, me and L.Joe had started to sleep in the same bed but when I started feeling sick I switched back to my bed until I felt better. For the next few days I stayed in bed and took the medicine like explained and felt good in no time.
Hello my faithfull readers.... sorry it took so long to update, i have been slightly busy for the past couple days, i do have a life..... Lolz, JKJK.... antway thank you for reading, suscribe and comment, its what keeps me going, so far i have only one suscriber it makes me sad.... no one likes my storry T.T.... i was thinking about starting another story, about SHINee no sure which member though, if i do write it it will be titled "Hey Juliet"..... who should it be about??! i want impute!! oh and sorry this chapter is so short..... i just figured i would let you all know what happened after Nasya and L.Joe's "big" scene. and yes, L.Joe is Nas's boyfriend... i might have them tell next chapter.
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D