A Day With Chunji and the school punishment

You Are My Noona


I woke up to something vibrating on my bedside table so I opened my eyes and was caught by surprise when I say L.Joe laying there then I remembered *he stayed here last night* then I reached for my phone which was what was vibrating I looked and it was Chunji calling me
“Yoboseyo” I said rubbing my eyes
“did you just wake up” he asked
“yes, I did just wake up… now what do you want” I said
“do you want to hang out today, just me and you” he asked, I could tell he would beg I I said no
“yea sure, just let me wake princess L.Joe up and take him home” I said poking L.Joe when I said princess
“L.Joe’s at your house”” he asked, his voice sounded a little hurt
“yea, my mom gave me some not so great news when I got home so he stayed to make sure I was fine and ended up falling asleep on the floor” I said lying about where he slept, I heard Chunji sigh
“alright, well I will see you in a bit” he said “bye, I’m hanging up now” he said then hung up, I closed my phone and put it on the bedside table then looked at L.Joe *he is cute when he is asleep* I thought smiling, I ran my finger along his jaw line, then out of nowhere he grabbed my hand
“your awake” I said still smiling
“yes, I am awake, why were you running your finger down my face” he said still holding on to my hand
“that’s for me to know and you to not find out” I said climbing over him but he stopped me when I was right over him by putting his arms around me causing me to fall onto him
“im sure ill find out sometime” he said I could feel his hot breath on my ear, my heart started to skip every other beat then he let me go and I got up
“im taking you home today, im going to hang out with Chunji” I said getting some clean clothes out of my closet then grabbing my towel that I had over the back of my desk chair “you better be off that bed when I get back” I said
“yes mom” he said I just rolled my eyes and went to the bath room. I was almost done with my shower when I heard knocking on the door
“who is it” I asked
“its me, L.Joe, I really gotta pee” he said
“oh, well im almost done so-” I said before getting cut off
“I gotta go now” he whined *man he sounds like a child
“alright, but make it quick and don’t even try and look in the shower” I said. When I was don’t with my shower L.Joe was still in the bathroom “hey L.Joe since you are still in here could you hand my that towel” I said turning off the water, then a hand shot into the shower with my towel “thank you” I said 
“you are welcome” L.Joe said then left the bathroom. Once I was all dried off I got dressed and left the bathroom and went back to my room to grab my bag
“hey L.Joe lets Go” I said, he was watching TV so he turned it off and got up off the floor but stopped and just stared at me
“are you wearing any pants” he asked pointing at my legs I rolled my eyes
“do you really think im that stupid” I said lifting up my shirt so he could see my shorts he gave a sigh of relief and we left. It was about 10 minutes before I drove in front of where L.Joe told me to go “is this really where you live” I asked looking at what seemed to be a run down apartment building
“yea, its all my dad can afford right now” he said sighing also looking at it
“alright well, sorry I have to leave you but, I gotta go before Chunji gets to my house with only my mom and the old guy there” I said looking at him, he was right in front of my face smiling
“its ok, ill be fine” he said then got out of the van I waved bye to him and pulled away after he waved back *now back to my house, hopefully I get there before Chunji* I thought as I drove down the road. When I got to my house I saw a car I normally didn’t see.
“please tell me that isn’t Chunji’s car” I said to myself letting my head fall onto the steering wheel, I got out of the van and looked at the car, then I looked inside the best I could and saw a very familiar bag “damn it Chunji why did you have to show up before I got home” I said out loud, getting looks from people that were passing by, I just walked into the building and to my apartment. Once I opened the door I heard my mom laugh *oh god, what is going on* I thought as I walked to the living room
“oh, hey honey, I was just showing your friend here some old pictures of you” my mom said then I saw Chunji with the most embarrassing picture my mom had of me in his hand
“*gasp* give me that picture” I said reaching for the picture Chunji had but he stood up and help it high above his head
“why, its cute” he said smiling
“it is not cute, its embarrassing” I said jumping trying to get it from his hands but I was still to short so I stood on the chair and finally got it but standing on an unsteady chair was a bad idea I fell right onto Chunji. Our faces were only inches apart when I saw a flash then I looked at my mom she was grinning away holding the newly developed picture she just took then she took another one I looked down, I was still ontop of Chunji who was smiling away so I stood up helping Chunji up once I was up. “really mom” I said she just kept smiling
“oh by the way Nas, we are going to be moving in with young-jae within the next couple days” my mom said I froze
“I am not living with him” I said just staring at her
“oh, then where will you live then, on the streets” she said
“let me have the apartment” I said “then you could go live with ‘your new love’” she just looked at me
“alright, but don’t come crying to me when you don’t want to live alone anymore” she said and left the room
“are you ok” Chunji asked
“yea, im fine. Lets go” I said walking to the door. “so, who’s car are we going to use” I asked
“mine” Chunji said so I got my bag out of the van and got into Chunji’s car 
“you have a nice car Chunji” I said
“that’s what I get for having rich parents” he said. After about 25 minutes we were at the mall “hey nas can I  ask you something” Chunji said
“yea, go ahead” I said 
“why have I never seen you in a skirt or a dress? Well, other than the one for your uniform from school” Chunji asked causing me to choke on the drink me and him were sharing, he patted my back
“im not really into skirts and dresses” I said once I could speak “heck the only “heals” I really own im wearing” I said looking at my knee high grey boots Chunji just looked at me then grabbed my hand and dragged me to a store that sold clothes and shoes “what are we doing here” I asked he just smiled. And started looking at dresses *oh god, don’t tell me he is going to make me wear one* I thought to myself
“you go into a dressing room and I will bring you some clothes” Chunji said as he grabbed a dress off the rack and looked at it a little then put it back. I went into a dressing room and in no time I had a pile of dresses to try on for Chunji. When I put the first one on I felt very odd
“Chunji I don’t like this, I feel to weird” I said through the door
“oh just come out please, I wanna see how you look” he said so I slowly opened the door and stepped out Chunji didn’t say anything he just stared at me. I turned around and was about to go back into the dressing room when a hand grabbed my wrist I turned around and it was Chunji “I look horrible, I know” I said looking at the floor. Chunji put his hand under my chin and made me look him in the face
“you look beautiful” he said making me smile and blush a light pink color, then he started to lean towards me, getting closer every second until our lips touched and he kissed me, I kissed back and soon our lips were moving in sync
“Chunji, I still have dresses to try on” I said pulling away from him then went into the dressing room again *did I really just kiss Chunji, and like it?* I asked myself as I ran a finger over my lips. I shook that thought away for later and tried on some more dresses. Once I was done trying on all the dresses Chunji decided to get them all for me. Once he paid for them we went to the shoe section
“now you are going to get some heals” Chunji said smiling at me. I looked at some shoes but nothing caught my eye until I saw a pair of high-tops
“hey Chunji I know they aren’t heals but can I get them” I said holding up the shoes he looked at me and smiled
“yes, you can get them” he said looking back at the heals he was holding “ok, sit down so you can try on some shoes” he said motioning to the little bench. I sat down and he bent down onto one knee and took off my boots then put the heals on my feet then stood up. He grabbed my hands and made me stand up but I felt uneasy and like I was going to fall to I held onto him he laughed “now, im going to go over there and I want you to walk over to me” he said I looked him like he was crazy “just try” he said holding my chin in his hands so I nodded and he walked a ways away from me. I took one step and almost fell but I caught myself and kept walking. Once I got to Chunji I wrapped my arms around him and felt safe
“how can girls walk in these” I said as Chunji walked me back to the bench, he just laughed
“I will never know that, but im sure you will get used to it” he said taking the shoes off me. After Chunji had me try on and walk in about 10 pairs of heals he, again, decided to buy them all for me. “alright now, we are ging to take this stuff to the car and do more shopping for you” Chunji said
“no, its fine, I don’t need more stuff” I said as we walked to the entrance then the car
“honey, you don’t own any skirts yet” he said I furrowed my eyebrows
“why are you so nice” I asked
“its in my nature, now come on, lets go find a good store for girly clothes” he said grabbing my hand and not letting go
“do I have to try this stuff on” I asked
“not if you don’t want to” he said “I just wanted to see you in a dress, I can imagine how pretty you are in a skirt” he said squeezing my hand making me blush. Once we got to a good store both me and Chunji started to search, I actually found a couple skirts I liked. I found myself 2 skirts Chunji found me 3. Once we were done shopping we went to the food court “what do you want to eat, we could have anything” he said
“anything is fine with me” I said, so we had some tukdokki and after we finished eating I noticed it was starting to get dark “oh, we should get going” I said and so we did. Once we reached the apartment building I was about to text my mom to ask her to come help me with the bags and stuff when I got a text from her
“hey honey, im not home right now, I’m out with young-jae, I left you some money for food you can have a friend over if you want, I don’t mind” was what the text said
“hey Chunji could you help me with all of this stuff, I was going to ask my mom but she cant help me” I said he gave me a questioning look so I showed him the text and he nodded. Chunji grabbed all of the boxes with shoes and I grabbed all of the bags. Soon enough we were in my apartment
“where do you want these” Chunji asked
“um, follow me” I said and walked to my room “just put them over in that closet” I said and dropped all of the bags onto my bed “you can go home if you want, or stay either is fine with me” I said as I took the clothes out of the bags
“I should go home, my parents don’t like me being out very late when I have school the next day” he said
“ok, ill see you tomorrow” I said and went to my closet to get hangers but Chunji had something else planed for me, he grabbed me wrist and pulled me to him so that there was no space left between our bodies and he kissed me, and just like at the mall I kissed back. After about 10 minutes of kissing he pulled away
“I should go now” he said then he kissed me again “bye” he smiled
“bye” I said smiling back at him then he left. I sat on my bed smiling until I got into some pajama’s and went to bed. I woke up in the morning to my phone ringing “Yoboseyo” I said
“hey beautiful” I was Chunji
“hey, what are you calling me for” I asked
“I wanted to see if you wanted to be picked up” he said I smiled
“yea, sure you can come pick me for school” I said getting out of bed I decided to wear my new high-top’s that Chunji got me with my uniform. I was ready for school in about 15 minutes and that’s when Chunji showed up. “hey Chunji” I said tossing my bag into the back and getting into the passengers side
“hey, so can we talk about yesterday” he said
“what about it” I asked looking at him
“the kiss, remember” he said looking at me (he hadn’t started to drive yet) I looked at the floor of the car
“im going to be honest, I liked the kiss, but this happened with L.Joe too, he kissed me and-” I said but got cut off
“wait… you kissed L.Joe too” he kind of yelled, he looked hurt and pissed
“yes, but it-” I got cut off again
“are you just going to kiss every guy that you meet” he yelled I could feel tears forming in my eyes I just kept looking at him. After a couple seconds I just grabbed my bag from the backseat and got out of the car and started to walk. Once I reached the school I knew I was late but I didn’t care
Chunji’s POV
I was sitting at my desk looking right at Nasya’s desk *she still isn’t here, god damn  it why did I have to yell at her* I thought mentally hitting myself
“hey Chunji what’s wrong with you” L.Joe said but before I could answer the classroom door opened I looked at it
“Nasya, you are late, I hope you know what that means” the teacher said Nasya nodded and put her bag down and stood in front of the blackboard and the teacher hit her 5 or 6 times with a ruler before she could sit down. When she sat down I saw her face was in pain *you should have just rode in the car with me* I said I just wanted to go to her and tell her I was sorry for yelling at her and just make her feel better
Nasya’s POV
It was lunch time and my but and legs still hurt from what happened in first period. I walked into the cafeteria and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, I just walked over to an empty table and ate in silence, until someone sat next to me I looked over and it was L.Joe
“what do you want” I asked him
“why were you late” he asked he looked and sounded like he was worried about me, I just looked over at Chunji L.Joe followed my gaze “what did he do to you” he asked
“he yelled at me, I told him about what happened between me and you and he yelled at me” I said as a tear fell down my right cheek L.Joe wiped it away and hugged me, I hugged him back. Once lunch was over I walked to my locker and grabbed what I needed for my next class
“hey Nasya” I heard someone say I looked where it came form it was Chunji
“leave me alone” I said and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm tightly “I said leave me alone” I said again trying to get away from his grip
“no, I wont leave you alone” he said
“I don’t want to talk to you right now” I said and before I could stop myself I slapped him unfortunately there was a teacher near by and I got another beating, this time I got hit almost 20 times for violent behavior, but this teacher was harder on me than the first, so hard that I could barley walk afterwards I had to walk holding onto the wall or something else, thank god school was almost over. Once my last class was over I could still barley walk and the problem with that was that my locker was on the oposite side of the hall that I was on. I trying to figure out how to get to it when I saw L.Joe
“hey L.Joe could you help me get to my locker” I asked him once he was close enough to me
“what, you cant walk over there by yourself” he asked raising an eyebrow I just looked at the floor
“my legs hurt, I cant walk that easily right now” I said looking at him I could feel the sting of tears forming in my eyes
“did you get hit again” he asked I just nodded he sighed and put an arm around my waist and held onto me so I wouldn’t fall. once we got to my locker he still didn’t let me go
“you know I’m at my locker now, I can hold onto it for support, anyway you are probably wonder what my legs look like, right” I said grabbing the locker door
“I will look at them once I get you back to your apartment” he said still holding me as I gathered all my stuff up with one hand. I had all of the things I needed so L.Joe proceeded in helping me get to the apartment building, inside it then up the stairs to my apartment. Once we walked into the apartment it felt different then I saw a piece of paper on the counter with quite a bit of money
“L.Joe can you get me to the couch then bring me what is on the counter over there” I asked he nodded and helped me walk to the couch then got what was on the counter which was a note from my mom
           I moved into Young-Jae’s house while you were at school, speaking of school I got a call from the principle he told me what happened today, if it ever happens again you wont just have to deal with the teachers beatings but mine also. Oh and the money is next months rent, do not spend it on anything but that, I will bring you money for the rent but that is it, the rest you have to get on your own
“what is it” L.Joe asked as he got me to lay on my stomach so he could have a good look at how bad my legs were
“it’s a note from my mom telling me she moved out today to live with that guy, I now live on my own” I said I felt L.Joe poking my legs where I had huge red welts/marks “ow, that hurts” I said as he kept touching them
“sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” he said taking his hands off the marks “so, you live alone now” he asked
“yes I do, why” I said
“do you think maybe you would want a roommate” he asked, I thought for a second
“sure, you wanna be my roommate” I asked smiling
“as long as it gets me out of that nasty apartment building my dad calls home im up for it” he said
“great, you can move in tonight, you can have my moms old room im sure she left the bed, you will just need bedding, which I have extra of and don’t worry its not all pretty and frilly and girly” I said he just laughed *I think we will be getting a lot closer after today* I thought as he continued to examine my legs
chapter 3, i wonder if anyone even reads this, oh well i will still keep wring, ad if yo so read this story please subscribe and coment so i knkow if you read it or not feed back will keep me going!!
Nasya new stuf bought by Chunji - Dresses
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D