Who Is The Father?!?!

You Are My Noona


It had been a couple weeks since I found out I was pregnant and my stomach was slowly getting bigger, people were noticing and it was not pleasant at all I couldn't take it everywhere I went people would whisper to one another saying things like “do you think she is pregnant?” or “look at her stomach, she is getting so fat” I would always tune it out but today Chunji had to take me to get a new dress for the school dance/party because my stomach wouldn’t let me fit in the one I originally got
“Chunji, I'm sorry for making you buy me a new dress” I said to Chunji as we got out of his car
“Nas, its not a big deal. You cant help the changes you will be going through these next few months” he said I just looked down at the ground
“I know, but I still feel bad because you are wasting money on me” I said
“I like spending my money on you though, you are like my sister” he said and ruffled my hair “so when will you find out what it is” he asked, referring to the baby
“um… I think the doctor said something about close to the 5th month, but I don’t remember” I said and we went to the same store we got my dress at before. This time I chose a completely different dress. After we got the dress and walked out of the store my phone rang I looked at it and it was the hospital I went to
“Yoboseyo, this is Nasya Kim speaking” I said
“hello Miss Kim we need you to come in immediately we have some news that you need to hear” I head the doctor say on the other end
“oh, araso. I will be there in a few” I said and closed my phone then looked at Chunji “would you mind taking me to the hospital, that was them they have some news for me, they said to some immediately” I said
“yea sure lets go” he said and in no time we were at the hospital
“Annyong haseyo, I'm here to talk to Dr. Lee” I said to the receptionist she nodded and picked up the phone, calling Dr. Lee telling her that I was here and in minutes the doctor was in the waiting room
“ah, Ms. Kim its nice to see you, and who may I ask is this” she said pulling me into a hug then pointing at Chunji after she released me
“oh, this is my brother” I lied, he is like my brother though
“ok, so do you want him to wait out here or come to the back with us” she asked
“he can come with us” I said and we walked to her office “so, what is the news I came here to get” I asked as I sat in one of the chairs
“well, we made a mistake on you being pregnant” she said I looked at her like she was crazy “you are pregnant, but you are farther along than we thought” she said I sighed
“well, how far along am I” I asked, how could they mess that up
“you are about 2 and a half months along” she said I felt like fainting
“but 2 months ago I came in because I was sick, they said it was just the flu” I said *how could they make a mistake like that* I screamed in my head
“well, the thing is, the doctor that did the check up on you was not one of the best and he mistakenly told you that you only had the flu” she said I felt tears stinging my eyes, I fought them back I didn’t want to cry right now, not in front of the doctor, and defiantly not in front of Chunji
“so, I wasn’t sick, I was pregnant then” I asked the doctor nodded *how am I going to tell L.Joe that he might actually be the father* I thought. all of a sudden I felt dizzy, then everything went black.
Chunji’s POV
*how could she be 2 months pregnant, as far as I know L.Joe is the only guy she is dating* I thought as the doctor explained everything but then Nasya fell to the floor immediately the doctor called for some nurses and they got her onto one of those beds that rolls places and into a room .I had to go back to the waiting room so I called L.Joe
“Yoboseyo?” he said
“L.Joe come to the hospital right away” I said then hung up before he could answer. Almost half an hour passed before L.Joe showed up and he looked extremely worried. His hair looked like he hadn’t brushed it and none of his clothes matched at all
“why did you call me here” he asked “don’t tell me something is wrong with Nas” he said I just looked at him “what happened” he yelled gaining looks from everyone in the waiting room
“sir you need to keep it down, this is not the place to yell” the lady behind the desk said
L.Joe’s POV
I walked over to Chunji and grabbed him by the color of his shirt and dragged him outside so I could yell all I wanted
“tell me what the hell happened to her” I yelled in his face
“she got a call from the hospital telling her to come immediately, once we got here the doctor told her the news and… she…. She fainted, they have her in a room right now” he said “im sure she will be fine” he added trying to calm me down but it didn’t work
“what was the news” I asked
“I think you should ask her, I'm sure it would be better to hear it from and not your best friends” he said and backed away from me I sighed and walked back into the building
“what room is Nasya Kim in ma’am” I asked the lady at the desk
“216” she said and I nodded and walked to the elevator. Once I got to the right floor I started to search for room 216 and once I found it the doctor was walking out
“hi, is this the room the Nasya Kim is in” I asked
“yes it is, she is fine, she just woke up you can go in if you want” she said and walked away, so I opened the door and saw Nasya laying on the bed
Nasya’s POV
I was laying on the bed just staring at the ceiling holding my stomach when I heard the door open and someone step into the room, it was L.Joe
“L.Joe, how did you get here” I asked surprised
“Chunji called me, he told me about the call you got from the hospital, what was the news you got” he asked and sat in the chair next to the bed
“well I… um… I-I’m actually t-two months p-p-pregnant” I said he just looked at me then he smiled
“so, that means that I’m more than likely the father” he asked still smiling I nodded “I’m just glad that its not my father or one of the other random guys he got to….” he said but stopped and looked at my face I smiled
“I’m glad too” I said
“so, how did they make the mistake like that” he asked
“well, apparently I was actually pregnant when you were worried about it” I said “by the way, this means we have to tell the guys we had ” I said his face froze
“but what about Chunji, I know for a fact it would kill him to know we had . I know he still likes you” L.Joe said
“I'm sure he will understand, as well as the others” I said “now come on, lets go the doctor said I could go whenever I wanted to
Chunji’s POV
I had walked out of the elevator and to Nasya’s room when I heard her and L.Joe talking so I pressed my ear against the door
“by the way, this means we have to tell the guys we had ” I heard her say my eyes went wide and tears started to sting my eyes *they had * I thought
“but what about Chunji, I know for a fact it would kill him to know we had . I know he still likes you” L.Joe said I slid down the door as tears started to fall down my cheeks then I heard them walking towards the door so I got up off the floor and dried my face s there was no trace of tears left at all and I put on a happy face
“oh hey Nas, you can leave” I asked hoping my voice didn’t crack
“yea, the doctor said I could leave when I wanted to. Me and L.Joe are going to walk home so Ill see you later” she said and hugged me then left with L.Joe hand in hand, not knowing how much I was hurting right now, but this hurt, was caused by her.
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D