first day at a new school

You Are My Noona


“umma do I really have to go to this school” I asked my mom as she pulled up to my new school
“yes honey, it will only be for a couple years, then we can go back home to Busan, but for now just try to make the best of it now go before you are late” she said so I grabbed my bag from the back of the car and hugged my mom saying goodbye I walked to the doors of the school.
When I stepped into the doors there was barley any room to move in the hallway. As I fought my way through the crowd to find the office so I could get all the stuff I needed for my first day. I was almost at the door when someone ran into me and just kept going they didn’t even look back
“jerk” I whispered to myself, at least I thought it was to myself
“yea, people can be like that here” I heard a guy say before a hand was in front of me I took the guys hand and he helped me up off the ground
“thanks” I said brushing my self off of any dirt that might have gotten on my new school uniform
“no problem, you are new her aren’t you” he asked
“yea, how could you tell” I said  
“well, I have never seen you around Seoul anywhere and you look kind of lost” he said
“well, I'm not originally from Seoul, actually I was born in America I lived there until I was 4 then my mom moved us out here to south Korea, but I have never been to Seoul until 4 days ago, I lived in Busan before coming here” I said
“ah, well my name is Lee Chan Hee, but everyone calls me Chunji, what is your name” he said/asked
“I'm Nasya Kim, I know my name is kind of strange… but there is a reason behind it” I said looking at the floor
“it doesn’t sound strange, I think It is pretty, would you mind telling me the reason, I could take you to the office and you could tell me on the way there” he said
“yea sure, I could tell you” I said and with that we started walking.
“so, your name, what is the reasoning behind it” asked Chunji
“well, when I was born my mom was told that the doctors didn’t think I would make it, I was very close to not making it, but I did and my mom said that a was a miracle, my name actually means ‘Miracle of God’” I said
“wow, that is quite a story, oh and look at that we are at the office” he said and opened the door so I could go in
“hello are you the new student” the lady behind the desk said
“yes, I'm Nasya Kim” I said
“ok, here is all the things you need for the first day of school” the lady said holding out some papers and I took them.
Chunji’s POV
I walked with Nasya to the office and once we got in there I noticed a necklace. Once we walked out I spoke up
“so, I see you have a necklace on” I said
“yea, it’s a violin, it’s the only instrument I have ever been good at” she said pulling the necklace out from her shirt I just looked at her.
Nasya’s POV
I could tell that Chunji was looking at me,
“so how long until lunch” I asked
“quite a while since first period is about to start" he said.
In no time it was lunch so I went to my locker and grabbed out my lunch box, I started to walk to the cafeteria but I was stopped my someone calling my name It was Chunji
“hey Chunji” I said smiling
“do you want to eat lunch with me” he asked
“yea, sure I have no one else to eat with” and with that we went to lunch. Chunji showed me where the table was because I already had my lunch, my mom would always pack me one
“hey girl, what are you doing at my table” I looked up and saw a boy with pinking hair
“um….. C-chunji told me to sit here” I said the boy just looked at me
“oh, L.Joe I see you have met Nasya” I heard chunji behind the pink haired boy, the boy just sat down and chunji showed up next to me
“wah, where did you get that lunch box, its cool” chunji said as more guys sat at the table
“my mom got it for me when she was in Japan” I said as I took the lid off the top then took the top tier off and put it next to the bottom tier
“so, are you going to introduce us” I heard a boy say
“oh, Nasya these are my friends Changjo, Niel, C.A.P, L.Joe who you already met, and Ricky, guys this is my new friend Nasya” chunji said pointing to each of the guys as he said their names. As I started to eat someone was looking at me, I looked up and it was L.Joe. He looked me in the eyes and smirked I looked back to my food I could feel my face getting hot *I hope no one notices* I thought to myself. After lunch the rest of the day went by pretty fast and soon I was at my locker
“hey” I heard a voice say I looked over and it was L.Joe
“hi” I said going back to putting all the things I needed back into my bag
“so, are you walking home” he asked I jumped a little *I thought he left* I thought
“um, I don’t know I have to call my mom to make sure” I said then pulled out my phone and dialed my mom number
“Yoboseyo” I heard my mom say
“hey umma will you be picking me up today” I asked
“oh, school is over, no I wont be able to I'm in a meeting. I will probably be home late so you can order out or make something with what we have a home for dinner ok sweaty” my mom said
“alright, see you tonight” we both hung up
“so, you walking” he asked I nodded then started walking, he followed close behind
“are you going to follow me or something” I asked stopping and turning to him
“I was gunna walk you home” he said smiling I looked at him weird then shrugged
“ok, whatever” I said then started walking again. Once I walked out the doors I was greeted with the hot sun on my face
“YAH!! The sun is so bright” I said covering my eyes I heard a chuckle behind me I looked at L.Joe smiling like nothing was wrong
“here” he said taking off his sunglasses then holding them out for me I took them
“thank you” I said *why is he being nice to me all of a sudden* I thought as I slipped them onto my face
“ah, much better” I said smiling then I ran into someone I looked up, it was the most popular girl in the school. Yes I knew who she was though I was new, Chunji told me.
“hey, watch where the hell you are going newbie” she spat in my face I looked down
“sorry” I said then there was a figure next to me it was, of course, L.Joe. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away with him. As we walked we talked a little we were almost to my apartment building when I noticed he was still holding my hand *omo, I completely forgot he even grabbed my hand* I thought as I looked at my shoes, I’m sure my face was the color of a tomato.
“why do you keep looking down” he said I just looked at our hands as did he
“oh” he said and let go of my hand I think I saw his face get a little pink but it could just be from the sun
L.Joe’s POV
I was walking Nasya home *why did I want to walk her home, its not like we are really good friends or dating* she kept looking down at her shoes but this time it was different I saw her face grow kind of red
“why do you keep looking down” I asked she just looked at our hands
“oh” I said and let go, I could feel that my face was getting a little warm *am I blushing!?! OMO, this has never happened before* I thought 
Nasya’s POV
“well this is it” I said as me and L.Joe stepped in front of the apartment building
“can we hang out for a bit? I want to get to know you so we can be friends” I heard L.Joe say as I started to walk into the building
“um…. S-s-sure” I stuttered *did he just ask to hang out??? With ME!?!* we walked to the apartment and I got out my key. I unlocked the door
“so, where is your mom” L.Joe asked
“oh, she is at a meeting for work, she wont be here 'til late” I said I grabbed my phone out of my backpack and dialed the number for the closest chicken delivery place and ordered some fried chicken. Once I was done ordering some food I got all of my school stuff out of my bag and got to work on my homework, completely forgetting that L.Joe was right next to me
“so, is this what you always do when you get home” he asked I jumped dropping my pen
“I forgot you were here, don’t do that again you scared the hell out of my” I said clutching my chest L.Joe just smirked and did his little chuckle I hit him on the arm “its not funny” I said pouting 
“awh, I’m sorry” he said patting my head “so, is this what you do everyday” he asked again
“yes, seeing as how my mom is almost always at work late” I said then the doorbell wrung, it was the chicken. I paid the guy with the money my mom would always give me for stuff like this and took the chicken into the kitchen as he left “hey L.Joe, are you hungry” I asked and within seconds he was next to me “here” I said holding up a plate with some chicken on it , he took it and I got my own. Once we ate and did our homework I the TV.
“so, you got a boyfriend” L.Joe asked out of nowhere
“no, I have never had a guy ask me out” I said still flipping through channels not looking at him, but I guessed he was smirking. I finally got to MTV and I sat back on the couch
“so, why have you never been asked out” L.Joe just kept looking at me not taking his eyes off me for a second
“I don’t know, I guess I’m just not pretty enough for them” I said guessing then I heard the door handle turn
“Nas, I’m home how was…. Oh hi, I didn’t know you were going to have company” my mom said as she walked into the door
“mom this is one of my new friends, L.Joe” I said “L.Joe, this is my mom”
“its nice to meet you” L.Joe said
“oh, such a gentlemen” my mom said smiling
“yea, we are gunna go hang out in my room , oh and there is still chicken left from what I ordered” I said as I grabbed my bag and stuff then L.Joe’s hand making him stand up and fallow me.
“your mom is nice” he said I ignored what he said “what’s wrong” he asked putting a hand on my shoulder
“that is why I don’t like bringing friends home” I said sitting on my bed
“why, because your mom is nice” he asked
“no, because my mom is never home and I don’t like it when she gets home when I have friends over” I said falling onto my back on my bed, L.Joe stood at the edge of my bed and put is hands on either side of my head and just looked at me
“why” he asked
“because she acts surprised, like I’m not supposed to have friends but I do” I said looking back at him. After a few more minutes of L.Joe standing over me he stopped looking at my eyes but somewhere else, my lips then he his own and started to move his face closer to mine. His lips were almost on mine when my mom opened the door
“oh, sorry I just thought I would bring you clean clothes to you” my mom said I looked at her
“have you heard of knocking” she smiled
“you live in my house, I don’t knock” she said putting the basket on the floor then left
“I’m sorry, my mom does that all the time” I said looking at L.Joe
“its fine, its happened to me before” he said then kissed me with out hesitation or anything. I couldn’t help it, so I kissed back *I’m having my first kiss with someone I just met!! What is wrong with me* I thought then I felt L.Joe put a hand on my back pulling me closer to him, I put one hand on his neck and the other on his chest. L.Joe put his hand up my shirt but that is where I stopped it
“L.Joe, stop” I said and he did
“sorry I get carried away sometimes, especially when I’m with a pretty girl like you” he said running a finger across my bottom lip. L.Joe stood up straight and I got off my bed and went to grab a hair tie *I have had my hair down all day and its bugging me* I thought as I put my hair up my shirt went up passed my bellybutton and L.Joe noticed
“you have a belly ring” he asked
“yea, I got it a couple years ago my mom told me I could get my nose or my belly pierced, I chose my belly” I said once I was done putting my hair into a messy bun
“Nas your friend is gunna have to leave it getting late” my mom yelled from the living room
“well I guess I will see you tomorrow” L.Joe said smiling then he got really close to you an bent down a bit and kissed me *again really!!* I screamed in my mind
“you know your not gunna do that tomorrow right, especially since we aren’t dating” I said putting emphases on ‘dating’
“yea, I know” he said then disappeared from my room I just laid down on my bed and ran my fingers over my lips *my first kiss, and I don’t even really know the guy* I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
i hope you liked the first chapter of my story, i will get more about the violin in the next chapter if you wanted to hear about it, i will also have more of chunji and L.Joe, though he was in the most of this chapter.... ok thanks for reading, hope you keep to it ^^
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Aneziente #2
Thanks for the storyy ;)
zundurhi #3
I just started reading the first chapter!!<br />
This is great specially because I love L.Joe keke~~!!
TunAngel #4
Nice job, keep it up! :D