
My Precious One

By the age of twelve, I finally understood.

All those questions without answer…now had one.

“Just…just keep him out of this. He doesn’t deserve to be part of this world.”

Heechul said those words to father.

I didn’t have to come out from my hiding spot and ask who he was referring to, because I knew. I knew Chullie was talking about me.

My father didn’t answer. He didn’t say “You don’t, either.”

He said nothing.

A week later, Heechul disappeared for two weeks straight.

When he came back, life had left his eyes.



“Who,” started Kim Heechul with narrowed eyes, “was the bastard that kidnapped my nephew?”

Kyuhyun’s nose twitched –he didn’t need to be reminded that Suho was missing, kidnapped, at the mercy of some psycho who could potentially harm him...

Hangeng, who has always been more perceptive to Kyuhyun’s moods than his own brother, shoot Heechul a warning look. “Chullie,” he warned.

Kyuhyun snorted. That wasn’t much of a warning, since Hangeng’s voice contained so much warmth and love.

Heechul didn’t even blink, and he was about to ask again when Leeteuk entered, holding a tray with steaming cups. “You’re here,” he blinked.

Heechul rolled his eyes, “Yes, mother. I ditched my manager and the upcoming winter show just to be here with my brother.”

Hangeng pinched Heechul. “Be nice,” he said in Chinese, almost unconsciously.His lover ignored him once again.

He sat on the couch in front of Kyuhyun and took one of the cups of tea from the tea. Leeteuk quickly gave the other to Kyuhyun and instructed the maid stationed near the door to bring more tea. “So, who was the stupid man that decided to kidnap Suho?”

Kyuhyun sighed and looked down the cup of tea in his hands. “We don’t know yet.” He whispered, fingers caressing the rim of the cup.

His brother’s eyes narrowed. “Not even an idea?” he asked. When Kyuhyun shook his head in denial, he tilted his head. “Surely someone has called?”

This time, it was Leeteuk who spoke. “We are still waiting.”

Heechul’s nose twitched. He left the cup in the table and stood up, ignoring the looks he received from everyone. “Where is my father?” he asked the maid when she came back with two more steaming cups.

She blinked. “He is in his study, with Mr. Choi and Mr. Jung.” She hadn't even finished talking when Heechul walked away, with one destination in mind.

He walked up the stairs and strolled into his father’s study, ignoring the bodyguards standing in front of the door.

Everyone inside turned to look at him. Changmin blinked, while Yunho gave him a nod of his head in acknowledgement. Siwon tilted his head and frowned. His father, seated behind his desk, narrowed his eyes.

“Heechul!” Leeteuk barged in, with Hangeng and Kyuhyun not far behind. “You can’t just –”

“It’s alright, Leeteuk.” Assured Kangin. Then he turned to look at Heechul with raises eyebrows. “Is there a reason for you to barge into my study like this?”

Heechul snorted. “I don’t need a reason. I do what I want.”

Siwon, whose eyes had been in Heechul, diverted his gaze towards Kyuhyun. There was no doubt that these two were related.

Kangin, knowing his son, rolled his eyes and nodded towards Yunho. “You were saying?”

“My men are looking around in my territory, as well as the places around it. My undercover men stationed with lower families are looking around for any sign of Suho. But so far, nothing has come up.”

Kyuhyun took a sharp breath. “What about a call? Has anyone called?”

No one answered.

Heechul narrowed his eyes. “It’s strange. Suho has been missing for more than twelve hours and the kidnappers have not called, nor send a message asking for money.”

Changmin nodded. “We also believe it’s very bizarre. Why would they kidnap Suho if not for money or weapons or territory?”

Hangeng tilted his head and looked towards Kyuhyun “Maybe they just want to scare you? To make you... anxious?”

“It that’s what they want, it’s working.” Leeteuk murmured. “Kyuhyun can barely think straight.”

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes and turned to look at his mother, but before he could even deny anything, Yunho spoke.

“That’s what they want,” everyone turned to look at him and he continued, “they want to make us worried, to became too anxious to think properly so we make harsh decisions.”

Siwon nodded. “But who do they want to make anxious? Me? Kyuhyun? The Cinque Famiglias? Who?”

No one had an answer to that.

“I have... I have no enemies. At least, I don’t think so. I have never done anything to even hint at the fact that I am a Kim, much less one of the sons of the Don. So there is no reason to target me.”

Siwon sighed. “Me, there are too many options. People I have taken out from business, lower families, business partners who want to take over my company...”

Kangin glared at him. “Then you admit it’s your fault.”

“It could be. But then again, it can’t be. Not many people know that I have a son. And even if they do, I have never been followed when I visited him. Kyuhyun has never been with us when I visit, so why would they recognize him as his son?”   

Changmin tilted his head and looked back and forth between Kyuhyun and Siwon. “What about someone who knew you dated Kyuhyun? Does anyone come to mind?”

Both Kyuhyun and Siwon turned to look at each other. What they had could not be described as “dating,” and both had been very discreet about the whole affair.

Kyuhyun shook his head. “The only person I ever told was you.”

Heechul and Kangin frowned, but it was the younger who voiced his thoughts. “That’s right. He kept me in the dark the whole time they were together. Only told us when he got in trouble with that girl who wanted to kill him for –”

“For stealing me away,” Siwon interrupted. He turned to look at Kangin. “She was Japanese. And she belong to one of the main Japanese clans.”

I better not say anything other than thank you for the comments/upvotes AND your patience. Please enjoy!

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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 7: You're torturing me with not updating this storyㅠㅠ
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 7: OMG I desperately need next chapterㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
syakirakiran #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon....onegai
yuki_no_ #4
Chapter 7: Whoa...this is very intriguing. I love how you are exploring the human aspects of being "wives" of mob bosses; the fear, love and strength needed to survive in that world. I'm looking forward for more chapters. :)

Is Ariel also part of the mafia?
Chapter 7: It's getting more complicated & intense... thanks for the update & can't wait for new updates...
Chapter 7: and now everything is even more complicated.
Chapter 7: WELCOME BACK!!!!

well, siwon surely know how to comfort himself!
unlike the poor kyu...
what a huge step to do AT THIS TIME Leetuek!!
chocokta #8
Chapter 7: just found this story. read all of the chapters in one go xD

WOW! LOVE THIS STORY FOR SURE! when i know the reason why kyu left siwon ㅠㅠㅠㅠ and when i read the part wonkyu obviously still love each other but they arent together ㅠㅠㅠㅠand also leeteuk confessionㅠㅠㅠㅠ they are all so heartbreakingㅠㅠㅠㅠ hope suho is fine and will be back to his daddys soon!!!

hope u wont take long to update this fic^^
chokyuwawa #9
Chapter 7: I just found this fic and love it :3 Keep on update please^^
forsvinner #10
Chapter 7: I'm so happy you updated!!
But that ending tho. This while story tho! It's jammed packed with so many emotions and ahhhh, the feelss!! Definitely worth the wait! Will wait for the next update! :)