
My Precious One

I never really had a friend.

My world revolved around my family, our big mansion, and all the people working under my father. Other than Chullie, I didn’t know anyone else who was still a kid.

I didn’t know the meaning of friendship throughout all of my childhood.

What I learned, though, was that you should never trust anyone.

My father didn’t have to tell me –I concluded his after he killed my innocence.

I had believed in him, that he was the best person in the world that he could do no wrong –but killing a person, I knew, was not okay. It was bad.

If I couldn’t trust my own father, how could I ever trust someone else?



Jung Changmin had been Kyuhyun’s best friend for about twelve years.

They actually met through their older brothers –when they were in a very dangerous relationship.

But all Heechul wanted was to rebel, and Jung Yunho was the best option. They broke up when Yunho fell in love with Kim Jaejoong, one of Kangin’s best crew chiefs, but stayed in contact with one another.

Kyuhyun and Changmin’s friendship survived the turbulent waters that came with the break up, and Yunho somehow gained another little brother.

Changmin was the only one who knew about Kyuhyun’s secret relationship with the don of the Choi family, he was the first one to know about his pregnancy, even called himself the father when Kangin found out. He was there when Kyuhyun left Siwon.

The only reason why Suho didn’t call Changmin “appa” was because Kyuhyun had always reminded the boy that his father was Siwon, who visited when he could.

Jung Changmin knew Kyuhyun like the back of his hand –maybe even more. He knew where Kyuhyun started and where he ended, which buttons to push and when to exacty stop annoying him. He knew every weak spot, every single strength, every emotion crossing through the chocolate eyes.

And at that moment, Kyuhyun’s eyes were drowned in sorrow.

He didn’t throw himself at Changmin’s arms, though. But he didn’t stop Changmin from hugging him. It was fine, since Kyuhyun was not the type of person who shows the pain he feels. He was more complex than that.

So Changmin was not really surprised when Kyuhyun pulled away from his embrace, lips pursed tightly. He was trying to stay put together, to not break down. Sometimes Changmin wished Kyuhyun to be less stubborn –but then he wouldn’t be the Kyuhyun he loved with all his heart.

“What happened?” Changmin asked gently, one hand cupping Kyuhyun’s head while the other closed around one of the smaller hands.

Kyuhyun took his time to explain it all, looking down at his shoes while he did so. He didn’t want to look at Changmin in the eyes, because then he would be reduced to a crying mess. Both of them knew that.

“I thought it was them calling for something in return, but it was you and now you’re here but Suho is not. Siwon –Siwon is talking with my father. But I don’t know –why don’t they, I mean, my son is out there by himself who knows where and we don’t know if he’s... and all they are doing is talking why are they not looking for Suho? There must be something we can do besides waiting. I would do anything would give anything I just...I just want my son back, Changmin.”

If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Changmin would have laughed. This was the personality of Kyuhyun that he had fallen in love with. The spluttering mess that he became in bad situations, the boy who tried to act strong and independent but who was actually in desperate need for help.  

Kyuhyun finally up, eyes asking for help. He looked so small, so incredibly delicate in his arms. Changmin wanted nothing more than to make him smile again.  

“I’ll do anything in my power to find him, Kyu. Yunho will, too. You know that, don’t you?”

Kyuhyun nodded weakly. He trusted Changmin and Yunho with his life.

Changmin smiled and kissed his forehead. “Let me call Yunho. I’m sure he’ll mobilized his men to start looking for Suho.”

Changmin let go of Kyuhyun and took out his cell phone, walking away from Kyuhyun.

Before he could dial the number, he heard Kyuhyun mutter his name. “Min?”

Changmin turned around with his eyebrows raised.              

“Thank you.”




Before Siwon met Kyuhyun, he had only felt indifference towards Changmin.

He acknowledged the boy and his title as the brother of the don of the Jungs.He respected the boy’s notorious hard-work to make the Jung Enterprises successful. But other than that, Jung Changmin was not a name that crossed his mind often.

Then he met Cho Kyuhyun, who was so mysterious yet so easy to understand. Cho Kyuhyun, who seemed to be a walking contradiction rather than the normal boy he tried so hard to be. Cho Kyuhyun, who had stolen his heart with the very first words he had said.

And wherever Cho Kyuhyun was, Jung Changmin wouldn’t be far behind. They were best friends, the shorter man would said. But Siwon could see the way Changmin would look at him.  The way his eyes would light up at the mere sight of Kyuhyun –Siwon had seen that look before, in front of a mirror just after Cho Kyuhyun had come to his mind once again.

It was the same look he was giving him right now.

They looked so right together –like two pieces of a puzzle finally connecting. Siwon couldn’t help but feel hurt by how perfect they were for each other.

Siwon wanted Kyuhyun to be happy above all things. But he still loved Kyuhyun, would always love him. Even when he had left, giving up on their love. Even when he had started a relationship with his supposed best friend.

Siwon’s love for Kim Kyuhyun was like a scar that would never fade away, that would always be there, bringing painful memories.

Changmin kissed Kyuhyun’s forehead with tenderness and the only thing he could was was watch and clench his hands into fists, digging his nails into the flesh of his palms.

He turned around to leave. Unlike Changmin, he was not called back.

After he met and lost Kyuhyun, he could only feel hatred towards Changmin.

So yeah... I know it's short and late and just a mashup of words that might not even make sense but right now I'm like askdjshdhbhsbsjnjb and still recovering from my intense session of worshipping the Porcelain God (everyone thinks I'm pregnant now -BUT I'M NOT!). Oh, and we meet Changmin in this chapter! Please don't dislike him (or me), I just find him very adorable. 

Thanks for reading!    

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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 7: You're torturing me with not updating this storyㅠㅠ
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 7: OMG I desperately need next chapterㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
syakirakiran #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon....onegai
yuki_no_ #4
Chapter 7: Whoa...this is very intriguing. I love how you are exploring the human aspects of being "wives" of mob bosses; the fear, love and strength needed to survive in that world. I'm looking forward for more chapters. :)

Is Ariel also part of the mafia?
Chapter 7: It's getting more complicated & intense... thanks for the update & can't wait for new updates...
Chapter 7: and now everything is even more complicated.
Chapter 7: WELCOME BACK!!!!

well, siwon surely know how to comfort himself!
unlike the poor kyu...
what a huge step to do AT THIS TIME Leetuek!!
chocokta #8
Chapter 7: just found this story. read all of the chapters in one go xD

WOW! LOVE THIS STORY FOR SURE! when i know the reason why kyu left siwon ㅠㅠㅠㅠ and when i read the part wonkyu obviously still love each other but they arent together ㅠㅠㅠㅠand also leeteuk confessionㅠㅠㅠㅠ they are all so heartbreakingㅠㅠㅠㅠ hope suho is fine and will be back to his daddys soon!!!

hope u wont take long to update this fic^^
chokyuwawa #9
Chapter 7: I just found this fic and love it :3 Keep on update please^^
forsvinner #10
Chapter 7: I'm so happy you updated!!
But that ending tho. This while story tho! It's jammed packed with so many emotions and ahhhh, the feelss!! Definitely worth the wait! Will wait for the next update! :)