
My Precious One

When I was little, I hated the fact that I looked nothing like my dad.

Chullie looked like omma –all girly and fragile and feminine– so it was natural for Kyuni to look like dad, right?

But the kid before me –with his brown eyes and pale skin and chubby cheeks and messy hair– was nothing like Kim Youngwoon.

Dad was strong, tall, handsome, and very manly. Kyuni was pretty. 

After I witnessed my dad chopping off the fingers of a man though, I was glad I looked nothing like my dad.

After that day, every time he touched me I felt the blood dripping from his fingers into my scalp, my shoulder, my cheek.

He was a monster, and I was his son.

Did that mean I would grow up to be a monster too?



The man before him was robust and tall, with broad shoulders and a dangerous aura surrounding him.

His narrowed eyes were a dark shade of brown; his hair black and short.

Even when he was Kyuhyun’s father, they looked nothing alike. And because of this, Siwon knew that when it came down to it, he would have no problem to kill Kim Youngwoon.

There were just two or three things in which Kyuhyun resembled his father, but they were very unnoticeable. Besides, when the time to kill Kangin came, Siwon was sure that the man would not be smiling. So the curve of his cheekbones would not be there to remind him of Kyuhyun.

Now, killing the husband of Kangin –that he wasn’t so sure about.

So maybe Leeteuk didn’t share a lot of similarities with his ex-lover, but he was aware of how much Kyuhyun loved his omma. The fact that said man was comforting Kyuhyun right now didn’t help.

Maybe he could kill Kangin and let the other three live. He was rather fond of Heechul, to be honest.

Siwon scoffed quietly. As if any of the two –Heechul and Kyuhyun– would allow him to live knowing he was their father’s assassin. They all would find a way to get revenge in name of Kangin. Even the angelic Leeteuk would leave his peaceful, motherly façade and try to kill him in his sleep.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Kangin took a seat before him.

Still sitting, Siwon watched as Leeteuk passed an arm over Kyuhyun’s shoulders and steered him away –maybe to another private room. He also noticed how the brunette’s shoulders remained tense under the soft touch of his omma. 

When they were long gone, Kangin finally opened his mouth.

“Explain to me why my grandson was kidnapped.”

“Don’t you think I should be the one asking the question? Suho’s bodyguards are part of your men. How incompetent is your clan getting, Kim, that you’re not even able to protect your own grandson?”

Kangin’s hands twitched. “No one but a selected few know that Kyuhyun is my son and Suho my grandson. So it’s obvious that my grandson was kidnapped because of you. They must have found out that you and Kyuhyun were together at some point.”

Siwon gritted his teeth because that was very possible. He didn’t find out of Kyuhyun’s heritage until after the man ended up pregnant, and their relationship was almost a year long by then. “Don’t be so sure, Kim.”

Kangin lifted his chin and looked at Siwon with condescending eyes. “I have every right to be when the life of my grandson is on the line and every clue points directly at you. Now,” he started again when Siwon was about to retort back. “Who is responsible?”

“We both know that Jung wouldn’t do anything to Kyuhyun, and not exactly because of his brother.”

Kangin gritted his eyes when he was reminded of how fund Jung Yunho was of his youngest child. “The Park family is out, too. My marriage with Leeteuk acted as a peace treaty between the Kim family and the Park family. The Lee family…”

Siwon shook his head. “They are loyal to their pacts. And I am close friends with half of the leaders.”

Kangin didn’t question the innocence of the Lee after Siwon said those words. In their world, the word “friend” was not used unless the friendship was real. Calling someone from another family meant that the person could take a bullet for you even when your own family had betrayed you. There were extremely few friendships between members of different families… and of course, his sons were the exception to the rule. They seemed to make friends everywhere –with the Jungs, the Chois, the Lees, the Chinese clan located in Korea. And before his grandson was kidnapped, he showed the potential to do the same.

“Then who?” Kangin growled.

“There is peace among the five families –no one comes to my mind.”

There was silence. Then,

“An outsider, then?”

“It’s my only guess. But who is the question. Whoever kidnapped Suho knew his schedule and how many men to bring. Your men were overpowered and Minho could only take so many before he was forced to leave.”

“So your boy…he left not because they were good, but because he was outnumbered?”

Siwon nodded. “Eliminating the Cinque Famiglias and any outsider due to the countless possibilities the only choice left is…”

“A lower family.”

“But why? They are not stupid enough to mess with a higher family, not unless they are paid to do so by an equally powerful family that will back them up. And we already agreed that no other family has a reason.”

“You are right. Not unless they are paid to do so by a powerful family…” started Kangin. “But the family doesn’t necessarily have to be from Korea.”

Siwon’s eyes widened. “An outsider. They were paid by an outsider.”

Kangin nodded. “It’s the only logical answer.”






“Have you called anyone?”

Kyuhyun didn’t look away from the screen of his cell phone. His eyes remained in the black screen, waiting for a call asking for money, power, weapons, or something as ridiculously insignificant in exchange for his son.

His son, Suho.

He was probably scared –he was a very gentle child, not weak but neither strong. Just…Suho.

Kyuhyun forced himself not to let the tears gather in his eyes.

“Kyu-ah,” Leeteuk called again, this time touching his hands to get his attention. “Have you called someone? Chullie? Changmin?”

“No,” Kyuhyun curtly answered. “I don’t need them.”

So that means you need Siwon, a voice in his mind said.

No! He hadn’t sought out Siwon because he needed him, but because he was responsible for what was happening. It was his fault.

Kyuhyun had always been careful not to let anyone know of his real heritage –even he himself had started to believe that his surname was really Cho, instead of Kim. Maybe someone had seen Siwon visit Suho and recognized him, maybe he had a picture in his office, maybe one of his men had given away information about the boy he visited every month, maybe maybe maybe…

There were so many possibilities and all he knew was that just that morning, a time that seemed like ages ago but that had only been hours, he had bid his son goodbye. And the next thing he knew was that someone stopped the car his son was in, killing the guards in the process but taking Suho as a hostage.  

I’ll see you later, mommy!

His baby was gone who knows where and there he was, waiting for a sign that he was still alive. That he was at least ok and safe.

By the time he noticed the tale-telling signs, it was too late.

He choked back a sob and closed his eyes to stop the tears, but this only served to let a pair of salty tears slide down from the corner of his eyes to wet his cheeks.  

He felt the warm arms of Leeteuk wrapped around his shoulders and Kyuhyun allowed himself to be weak for just a moment –he leaned on his mother’s warmth, seeking comfort.

“It’s okay to cry, you know?” he heard.

Just when he was about to answer, he heard it. The sounds of his phone ringing. Someone was calling.

Without even looking at the screen he answered, jerking away from his mother.

“Hello?” he said, and cursed himself for sounding so weak. He was talking to the kidnappers of his son –he could not seem weak against them!

But the strength was unnecessary. Because after all, the person at the end of the line…

“Kyu? What’s wrong?”

…was Changmin. Changmin, who couldn’t possibly know about the disappearance of his son, much less his whereabouts.

Kyuhyun finally broke down. “M-Min…Su…ho was k-kidnapped.” He sobbed.

Leeteuk could only hug his youngest son against his chest.


Cinque Famiglias - "Five Families"

So in this fic, the five principal familias are Kim, Choi, Lee, Jung, and Park. They are the "higher families" and everyone else falls under the "lower families" category. Oh, and by 'outsiders', Kangin refers to mafia families from other countries.  

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update and I'm not really sure what Kangin and Siwon were talking about but please forgive my lack of knowlegde when it comes to mafia and all that stuff. 

Other than my apology...enjoy?


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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 7: You're torturing me with not updating this storyㅠㅠ
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 7: OMG I desperately need next chapterㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
syakirakiran #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon....onegai
yuki_no_ #4
Chapter 7: Whoa...this is very intriguing. I love how you are exploring the human aspects of being "wives" of mob bosses; the fear, love and strength needed to survive in that world. I'm looking forward for more chapters. :)

Is Ariel also part of the mafia?
Chapter 7: It's getting more complicated & intense... thanks for the update & can't wait for new updates...
Chapter 7: and now everything is even more complicated.
Chapter 7: WELCOME BACK!!!!

well, siwon surely know how to comfort himself!
unlike the poor kyu...
what a huge step to do AT THIS TIME Leetuek!!
chocokta #8
Chapter 7: just found this story. read all of the chapters in one go xD

WOW! LOVE THIS STORY FOR SURE! when i know the reason why kyu left siwon ㅠㅠㅠㅠ and when i read the part wonkyu obviously still love each other but they arent together ㅠㅠㅠㅠand also leeteuk confessionㅠㅠㅠㅠ they are all so heartbreakingㅠㅠㅠㅠ hope suho is fine and will be back to his daddys soon!!!

hope u wont take long to update this fic^^
chokyuwawa #9
Chapter 7: I just found this fic and love it :3 Keep on update please^^
forsvinner #10
Chapter 7: I'm so happy you updated!!
But that ending tho. This while story tho! It's jammed packed with so many emotions and ahhhh, the feelss!! Definitely worth the wait! Will wait for the next update! :)