What happens next.

Multum In Parvo


Huang Zitao opened the school doors. The Chinese boy held a bitter expression upon his face; he loathed this school so much, but he was here because the headmaster wanted him here, and on top of that the old man gave him a new task. If it wasn't for the headmaster, who asked Tao to complete the task, then of course he would have declined. But Tao was in debt to the headmaster for giving him a chance at life again. Even though this school provided Tao with unpleasant experiences, it was better than being on the streets.


Tao slid open the door to the classroom, looking for the new boy. He would have never guessed that the headmaster would ask him to be his son's bodyguard. Tao knew the old man had a son, but he has only seen Do Kyungsoo a few times; even when he used to live with the Do family. Unexpectedly, one of those times was when Tao had lost his way, trying to find the restroom.


Tao's dark eyes scanned the classroom of students; everyone was chatting about how their break went and showing of the expensive items they received while on holiday. Tao saw no new face; which he found peculiar that the new student wasn't in his classroom on time, especially the headmaster’s son. This caused Tao’s suspicions to be on the high. Walking around the room, he stopped in his tracks when he heard some of the students talking amongst themselves.


“Why did Kris take that new boy?” A girl asked.


“I think he wants to see how strong the headmaster’s son is,” retorted a boy. Tao let out an angry sigh as he turned around and walked out the back door, as their homeroom teacher walked in through the front. Tao walked quickly throughout the hall, trying to avoid any of the school staff. He soon stopped when he realized that he had no idea where to look. Tao blinked his cat like eyes a few times when he heard a commotion come from the old music room.


                                                                                                * * *


                Kyungsoo felt his heart beat quicken as he was led off to somewhere unknown. His head hung low in fear of the tall boy, who seemed to be the leader of the group. Kyungsoo had no idea why the older student had seek him out, but Kyungsoo knew it wasn’t just to welcome him to the school. Kyungsoo saw the gang of students signal to each other before they shoved the red headed boy to the ground, soon gathering to crowd around him.


“So new kid, how did you get into this school?” One asked, as he prodded Kyungsoo with his foot. But the only thing he received for an answer was a wide eyed expression. Before kyungsoo could even turn his head, he was slapped across his face.


“Yah, Jaerim, calm down,” The leader said in a deep voice. The boy named Jaerim bowed his head and muttered an apology, but a look of hatred was still seen in his eyes.


“So, what’s your power? You’re from the rock family right?” The leader questioned, as he bent down to the latter’s level. Kyungsoo, once again, gave no answer. He started to break out in a cold sweat. What were they going to do when they found out that he was a dud? ‘But father told me not to tell anyone about this…. What am I supposed to do if they ask to see my abilities?’ Kyungsoo thought to himself, as he backed up against the wall. “No answer eh? Well if you’re not going to answer then you can just show us,” The leader exclaimed with a smirk. He signaled his two of his four friends, and they gave a surprised look.


“But Kris, he’s the-”


“That doesn’t matter here. This kid doesn’t even look like he should be at this school,” Kris spat. “He’s just here because of his father’s status,” Kyungsoo felt confused. ‘Wasn’t all of the students here because of their parents’ status and money?’ Kyungsoo thought to himself.



Kyungsoo tried to scoot back even farther into the wall, like he wanted to pass through it and run away, but there were no more spaces to move from behind. The two boys started to move closer, but were still hesitant. Kyungsoo took this chance and ran. The five boys, whom he left behind, stood in shock at what had just happened. They were not prepared for the smaller boy to move so fast. They soon came back to their senses, when Kris hollered to them. Kyungsoo ran as fast as his short legs could allow, but it wasn’t enough. The taller boys were much faster and caught up almost immediately. The sound of their footsteps lurked behind him, coming closer and closer. In a panic, the smaller boy turned into the nearest room, in hope that they would lose him.


Unaware that the room was already occupied, Kyungsoo was taken aback when he heard a voice come from behind. “I assume you ran into Kris and his gang?”

Turning his head, in the direction of the voice, Kyungsoo saw a boy with purple hair. Kyungsoo nodded his head slightly, in response. Before the other could reply, the doors swung open once again, revealing the tall, slim figure owned by none other than Kris, himself. Kyungsoo’s body flinched at the sight, causing him to hide behind the newest stranger. Even though both of the boys were similar in stature, Kyungsoo just hoped that the male, he was hiding behind, had some super powerful powers.


“Why are you hiding behind me?” the purple-head asked. Kyungsoo stared at him with wide eyes, his hope broken in to a million shards. ‘Please just save me!’  The redhead thought to himself.


“Well if it ain't the half breed, Byun Baekhyun,” Kris called out in a loud voice, his posse laughing alongside him. Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. ‘He’s a half breed?’  Kyungsoo stared at the other boy. It was his first time meeting a half breed; he was always told by his aunts, on his mother’s side, that half breeds were a disgrace. Of course, Kyungsoo wasn’t sure to believe what his aunts would say. But Kyungsoo’s father, Do Soonjae, says that half breeds are only a commoner, with a commoner mother or father who married an elemental family member. Do Soonjae is okay with the half breeds; he says that they are not different, from anyone else, whether they are full elemental or half, and Kyungsoo actually agreed with his father in this matter.


“Y-you’re a half blood?” Kyungsoo asked without thinking. Baekhyun turned around and gave what seemed to be a saddened look. Jaerim scoffed.

Jaerim took a few steps towards the shorter boys causing Kyungsoo and Baekhyun backed up with each step the taller boy took.


“Looks like the new boy, doesn’t like your pedigree.” The other boy scoffed.

“C’mon Kris, it’s the first day from break. Can’t you just let this go?” Baekhyun asked to Kris, ignoring Jaerim’s glare. Kris grabbed Baekhyun by the collar causing Baekhyun’s eyes showing a tinge of fear. Kyungsoo noticed that Kris’s eyes looked softer than earlier, almost as if he didn’t want to be doing this.


“Are you really going to tell me what to do? You, a filthy creature like yourself?” Kris raised a pale fist to strike Baekhyun. Kyungsoo let out a yell and shoved Kris away from Baekhyun. Caught off guard, by the hollar, Kris let go of Baekhyun’s collar, falling back onto the ground. Kris and Kyungsoo exchanged glances at each other for a brief moment, both minds blank from the previous event.



Kyungsoo was pulled out of his trance when the boy, Jaerim who had hit him earlier, grabbed him by the arm and punched him in the gut. The boy was about to strike again, but was stopped by a dirty blonde haired boy, with dark circled eyes, had grabbed his raised arm and twisted it behind his back.  He then kicked Jaerim behind his knees, causing him to fall to the ground, kneeling before him..


“Apologize!” The blonde boy hissed hastily. Kyungsoo stared at him with wide eyes. Jaerim looked from the baggy eyes boy to Kris and then back again. Kris gave a distasteful glare, and nodded to Jaerim, urging him to apologize. Jaerim’s face contorted into to a face of pure anger. He turned around and grabbed the baggy eye boy by the ankle, yanking it towards him making him fall.

“I will not apologize to these two! Especially the filthy half-breed bastard!,” He yelled as he went to strike the other boy’s face. But the baggy eyed boy was faster and was able to block the hit by turning his body, leaving his eyes away from the boy.


“Tao, Move!” Baekhyun Yelled. Tao did as he was told and threw the boy off of him.

“Baekhyun kill the lights!” Tao yelled out in his soft voice. With that command, the purple haired boy raised his hand and the lights went out. The room was engulfed in darkness. The over casted light, provided by Korea’s sky, gave only little light. A mixture of noises polluted the air, sounds that were impossible for a person to consume all at once. Kyungsoo jumped when he saw a ball of flames shoot out, followed by a shriek. Kyungsoo felt Baekhyun stir about, then the lights flickered back on. The sight before him was not what Kyungsoo had expected it to be. He was sure that Tao was going to be the one knocked out, but instead he found that Kris’s entire group was passed out and sprawled out on the floor; with the exception of Kris, who was by Tao. Kyungsoo looked at Tao, discovering that the he was holding his arm and his baggy eyes filled with pain. Kris was in a panic, repeatedly asking if Tao was alright.


“I’m fine! Just stop asking already!” Tao snapped at Kris as he stood up from where he was sitting. Kris’s eyes showed a look of hurt. Tao approached Kyungsoo still cradling his arm. “Please don’t be angry at Kris,” He asked. Kyungsoo stared at him confused. ‘What is he saying? How could I not be angry at him, he beat me up!’  Kyungsoo was just about to express to him what was on his mind, “Tao I-,” he stopped himself, deciding that this is the least he could do for the boy who helped him. “Th-thank you,” was all that came out of Kyungsoo’s quivering lips.


“Okay, now that we are all lovey-dovey, why don’t we go and get Yixing sunbae to look at that injury?” Baekhyun suggested as he put his hands on the lower backs of the two boys. “Kris, you also better do something about those boys, especially Jaerim… He was the main cause for all the trouble between us.” Kris simply nodded, in reply, as he stood up.

“I’ll come and visit you and the others later on.” He stated with his dazzlingly smile. He then waved to the three boys behind him, exiting the room.



AN: Yaaaay done with chapter 2!! Gaah I soo sorry if this is too confusing, I'm not really that goood with action yet lol. I did most of this chapter in one sitting, and thanks to my friend for reading over my bad english lol.

Anyway don't forget to subscribe upvote and comment, I loove replying to comments!!! 1866 words!


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Chapter 4: Luhan's day is definitely not getting any better. Heck, it keeps on getting worse. Update soon author e u e
misterfvcktard #2
Chapter 4: what is up between yifan and the other boys....
Chapter 3: let's just hope they're safe for now like what I meant was i hope kyungsoo doesn't get the same dorm as that fudging jaerim XD loving your updates everyday author! OuO <3
Chapter 3: please update soon.. can"t wait to know what happen...
Bliss_Destiny #5
Chapter 2: Er.... is Kris a bipolar?
He's totally different!
Chapter 2: oooohh so kyungsoo is the one who slammed the door open xD I hate jaerim. Fudge him /bricked. Soo, Kris and Tao are in good terms? Well, I need to know more about this! ouo update soon author!
Chapter 1: oooooohhhhh~ nice start ;) i'll look forward to the future chapters~ eue sehun's hates luhan here ;A; dont hate him sehun, nah, i dont really care because you'll fall head over heels for that deer x3