Rough Start

Multum In Parvo

“Kyungsoo,” A big man called out, as he was writing. Seconds passed by and the giant doors slightly opened. A head engulfed with red hair popped out from behind the door; it belonged to a small male, whose eyes were as big as full moons, making him look constantly shocked.


“Yes Father?” He responded with a voice that sounded manlier than his appearance. His father beckoned for him to come closer with his aged eyes. Kyungsoo’s body reluctantly walked into his father’s study. He dreaded coming into this room; every time he entered he would always hear about how much of a disgrace he was to his father’s name. He always felt like his father disapproved of him, making him dread entering the quarters even more.


“Son, it’s nice to see you,” His father mumbled, still writing. Kyungsoo gave no reply. His eyes just stared straight at the larger figure, sitting in front of him.


As he waited for his father to continue speaking, Kyungsoo’s mind wandered off as useless thoughts filled his head. His thoughts drifted off wondering why his father painted his study quarters the colors of the school that he works for or why he was the only one who had narrow shoulders in the family.


His thoughts were cut off when his father’s hand slapped his shoulder. Kyungsoo’s round eyes looked into his father’s aged ones, “Son, I’m just glad you are not creating such a big deal about this.” Kyungsoo’s opened his mouth to say something, but was caught off when he saw the expression on his father’s face


“Please, don’t mention about you not having your powers, to the other students and teachers,” He exclaimed as he took off his glasses, “Just do what the teachers tell you, and please don’t embarrass me.”


Kyungsoo caught on to what his father was telling him. His heart began to sink; he hoped this was just a dream. That hope of his was shattered when one of the house maids had handed him the school uniform of his father’s school. The uniform felt stiff, and uncomfortable in Kyungsoo’s hands. He wanted to drop it onto the floor and run to his room. But he restrained himself, standing there as stiff and uncomfortable as the uniform in his hand.


“But I-,” Kyungsoo staggered over his words but was soon cut off by his father’s stern voice.


“You will go to the Academy. Some of the teachers, whom I trust, know of your…” He eyed his son before he continued, “...condition.”


Kyungsoo stared at his father with wide eyes. His heart sunk, making his stomach ache. His father’s last comment, made him feel insulted. He knew that his father was disappointed that Kyungsoo had no significant signs of him possessing an elemental power. He noticed that his youngest son was at the bottom of the food chain in terms of having a power like everyone else in his family; in short he was a weakling to him. To top it all off, he had no combat skills at all. This is why Kyungsoo’s father distanced himself from his youngest due to his disappointment.


Kyungsoo saw that his father no longer needed to speak with him so he quietly dismissed himself.


Once outside the study, Kyungsoo hugged the uniform to his chest and let out a heavy sigh. He really did dislike being in the presence of his father. His father was a rather intimidating, middle aged man.


Kyungsoo’s face grew hot with anger; he did not want to attend the academy. He would be outcasted as he didn’t fit in with the other rich kids. How was he supposed to fit in when he was even outcasted by his own family members? He wouldn’t be outcasted because his father was the owner of the school and he had connections, but because he was different. He often referred to himself as a “dud,” because he has yet to have his own elemental power, like everyone else.


He was part of the rock element family, one of the most powerful and richest families; water family coming in as first. The entire rock family possessed powerful powers, but then there was Kyungsoo, Weakest of the weak.


The small male made his way to his room, his feet moving on their own as his mind was elsewhere. Why would he send me to the academy now? He could have sent me in my earlier school years, so why now? He thought to himself, as he continued to make his way through the halls of his house, eventually reaching his room.




* * *

Luhan sat up in his bed, his eyes droopy from fatigue. His burgundy hair was a mess, with strands of hair sticking out from every angle possible. He stretched out his arms, letting a loud yawn escape his lips, at the same time. He soon ran a pale hand through his unruly hair. Once he let the fatigue leave his body, he got up from the bed too big for him alone, and dipped his body into the cold air. The icy air laced itself around his body, leaving him uncomfortable and wishing for warmth. Quickly he ran to the bathroom to have the warmth of the shower embrace his body, hoping that his icy body would melt and become warm once more.


Wrapping a white robe around his body, Luhan walked out of the bathroom, feeling warmer and content. His bed was already made and the room was finally warmer in temperature; he knew that one of the maids had come in while he was in the shower. Unaware that he had a visitor, Luhan casually threw his robe on the floor.


"Whoa there, I am seeing way too much of you right now!" Luhan froze at the sound of another voice. Immediately he turned his head and his doe eyes fell upon the pale white skin and chubby cheeks of the other. The pretty boy jumped at the sight of his best friend.


    "Ya, have you ever heard of knocking?!" Luhan yelled as he put his robe back on. Minseok let out a soft chuckle.


“Hey, it’s not my fault. You’re usually still asleep at this time,” Minseok exclaimed, defensively.


Minseok did have a point though. Luhan glared at his best friend, but it only caused Minseok to laugh at the glare that Luhan gave him. Luhan huffed then grabbed his clothes as headed back into the bathroom.




Upon entering Minseok’s car, Minseok took note of his friend’s unusual behavior, wondering if he should question him. When the car started to move, Minseok decided to ask Luhan. “So why did you decide to wake up early? It’s rare for you to want to come to school on time.” Luhan avoided Minseok’s question. In truth the doe-eyed boy couldn’t tell his best friend why he wanted to get to school early. By the time they would arrive to campus, more than half of the student body would still be at home sleeping.


“Are you trying to avoid something?” Minseok questioned quietly. Luhan knew that question was coming. He was able to hear what his best friend was thinking. He shook his head softly. He simply looked over at Minseok and heard his thoughts again. Liar was all that he heard. Luhan knew that Minseok knew he heard, but the older one chose to ignore it. He looked out the window, as he waited to arrive to school.




                Once they had arrived to the school, he and Minseok had parted ways; Luhan headed over to attend a council meeting. He wasn’t a member but he was one of the head boys, so he needed to find out what dorm he would be in charge of.


On his way to the meeting, Luhan moved lightly. The Chinese boy’s eyes wide as he stayed alert of his surroundings.




Luhan’s body froze. He looked towards the locker had been slammed shut by another student. He let out the breath he was holding in.


Calm down luhan. It wasn’t him; he’s probably not even at school yet. He thought to himself as he turned and continued to walk down the hall. Once he turned around, he collided into something… more like someone.


“Were you trying to avoid me?” A voice asked with an amused tone. Luhan looked up and saw the one person he did not want to see. Luhan’s eyes had laid upon the light blonde hair and the expressionless eyes of the other. Quickly he turned his gaze away from the boy’s blank face and covered his eyes, dropping the school supplies that he was carrying.


“I-I sorry! I wasn’t! I’m just trying to get to where I want to go,” Luhan stuttered as he plastered his body towards the closest wall. Luhan felt the other boy grab him by the collar. The shorter boy began to panic. He didn’t want to get beaten up on his first day back to school. His heart was pounding in his chest, racing faster and faster each moment he was held captive in the taller boy’s hands. With his eyes clamped shut, he tried to make himself look smaller and smaller. It made him look pitiful and helpless.


“You’re not worth my time.” The taller boy clicked his tongue in irritation as Luhan’s body was thrown into a wall, by a gust of wind. Sliding down, Luhan sat there, trying to hold back his tears of pain. Sitting there for a moment, he choked back those tears before they fell from his eyes. Slowly but surely, he picked up his belongings that were sprawled out on the corridor floors before him.






                Baekhyun was late to school on the first day back from break. The young man was frustrated at himself. It is not like he does not want to be late to school often, but it is hard to take public transportation to his school, especially when the buses get caught in traffic. But it was not like anyone cared if Baekhyun was late or not, not very many people paid attention to Baekhyun, he was just a half blood, his mother was a commoner, his father a member of the fire family, but his father's mother was a single mother, who did not live long after her son's birth.


 For some reason, in this school, Baekhyun could not find acceptance.  Though, he learned from going to this school that he was not going to receive acceptance no matter what. He looked at his wristwatch, there was still twenty five minutes of first period left. Baekhyun decided to head to the abandoned music room.


A sigh escaped Baekhyun’s red lips. He looked around the room. Empty. Of course it was, this room was too “poor” for the other students. Baekhyun shook his head; he really did not understand the mindset of the rich people. They were exactly like the way they were portrayed on TV, and Baekhyun wasn’t just surrounded by rich folk; he was surrounded by Rich folk with powers of the elements.


“Hah, what makes me so different than them?” He asked himself as he went to the dark side of the room. I have powers, they have powers. I'm a human being and they are as well, so what is the difference?  Baekhyun thought to himself as he lifted his hand. A ray of light erupted from it, illuminating the darkened room. He sat in his favorite corner, it was full of dust, but the outline of Baekhyun's body was still there. Since the schools dorms were under construction after a fourth year from the fire family accidentally lit all the dorms on fire. Of course he wasn't in trouble he is from a high ranking family. Even though this fire boy was is the same grade as Baekhyun, the burnette never learned the fire boy's name, all Baekhyun new was that he was tall..... And rich.



Baekhyun sat in his corner and pulled out his music journal, and a pencil. On the edge of the margins, there were doodles of flowers, detailed ones. Baekhyun began to hum notes, and write down sloppy notes. After writing for about fifteen minutes, Baekhyun got up, dusted off his navy colored uniform, and walked over to the black baby Grand piano.



As Baekhyun was about to play the first chords, the doors to the music swung open, revealing a red-headed boy, His uniform full of dirt. His lips were swollen and bleeding, and his eyes wide with fear. Baekhyun looked at his wrist watch.

"I assume you ran into Kris and his gang?" Baekhyun asked the unfamiliar boy.




A/N: Yaaaay First chapter is done, I'm sorry if it is super confusing!! I know I'm not the best of writers, and I kinda want to get a beta reader that can help with unctuation and making my writing more........inticing? But Yeah so how you guys like it?? I read a lot of literature books to help me write this chapter. And a good friend on twitter read this over and corrected my mistakes so I am really really thank you for here!

Btw my twitter and art tumbler are the same as my name here! So feel free to follow me! Than you for reading!

word count: 2,114


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Chapter 4: Luhan's day is definitely not getting any better. Heck, it keeps on getting worse. Update soon author e u e
misterfvcktard #2
Chapter 4: what is up between yifan and the other boys....
Chapter 3: let's just hope they're safe for now like what I meant was i hope kyungsoo doesn't get the same dorm as that fudging jaerim XD loving your updates everyday author! OuO <3
Chapter 3: please update soon.. can"t wait to know what happen...
Bliss_Destiny #5
Chapter 2: Er.... is Kris a bipolar?
He's totally different!
Chapter 2: oooohh so kyungsoo is the one who slammed the door open xD I hate jaerim. Fudge him /bricked. Soo, Kris and Tao are in good terms? Well, I need to know more about this! ouo update soon author!
Chapter 1: oooooohhhhh~ nice start ;) i'll look forward to the future chapters~ eue sehun's hates luhan here ;A; dont hate him sehun, nah, i dont really care because you'll fall head over heels for that deer x3