
The Family





Months pass swiftly, leaving Yuri feeling dreadful about her weeding. Bride is supposed to be happy about her wedding, not fretting and upset about the whole situation. One of the reasons she holds why she cannot cancel the weeding is because she has grown fondness for the old Mr. Jung. She cannot help it. Talking with him is giving her a new perspective of the whole ridiculous situation between their families. Another reason is unexpected. She falls in love with Yunho in spite of his demeanor. Yunho treats her family well. He, apparently, doesn’t think much about the dispute.


“Are you ready?” Boa holds the door open with her hands, Jiyong close behind her.


The wedding is held on Kwon mansion in honor of their father. Daddy had once delivered his daughter to the altar, but he had left before he can do the same to his little girl.


“I wish daddy is here.”


They both rush to her side. Jiyong, being the head of the family, gathers her in his arms as if he can replace the absent of their father. Her sister her hair while murmuring apologizes.


“No. I never blame dad for leaving us. I just –“


“I know. I know. Shhh. . .  Brides aren’t supposed to cry until the wedding ceremony ends.” Boa pulls her away from Ji’s shielding arms to check on her make up. “You are the prettiest bride that I’ve ever seen.”


Yuri beams. “Yeah, right after you.”


She shakes her head. “My baby sister is getting married. I bet mom is watching from heaven with that proud smile on her face.”


Ji clears his throat. Her brother is a bit sensitive every time their mom brings up into conversation.


“Okay,” Yuri breathes. “Let’s get this over with.”


Jiyong tucks her hand on the crook of his arm. “You are beautiful.” He comments as he kisses her temple right before they step out of the house.


There are hundreds people in the lawn, maybe more. Yuri doesn’t bother to worry on who the guests might be. At least her friends are there, including Jessica. The eight of them have agreed to be the bridesmaid, well, a little push for Jessica. In the middle of the aisle, the old Mr. Jung stops their step. Without word, Ji passes her to him after the old man struggles to stand up. Yuri can only watch with tears in her eyes.


Whatever she wants to say gone when the old man looks at her.


“You will be my daughter too. I have the rights to deliver you to the altar.” He grumbles.


With one hand holding the cane, the old man walks with her. Yuri sees from the corner of her eye that Jessica shedding tears in the arms of Tiffany. She too, if she were in Jessica’s shoes, will do the same. She can’t help to imagine if all of this comes upon Jessica instead.


Her mind stops working when she lands her eyes upon the altar. Oh God, what has she missed? How can she doesn’t notice him? His eyes pierce deep into her soul. God save her, because every day she can’t help but to love him more. There is nothing left for her to notice except for those intense eyes. She holds his eyes as if it is the only thing that can guide her. When he reaches out his hand, she takes it without hesitancy. This is her destiny, to devote the rest of her life to him. So be it.


The vows come out smoothly. Her hands do not shaking as they exchange rings. But when it’s announced that they are husband and wife, her heart begins to pound, her palms damp from sweat, and the butterfly in her stomach flutters. When he turns to her to kiss her, she almost falls to her knees if not for his hands in her waist.


“Wait,” She whispers in panic.


His eyes are intense on her lips. “Just close your eyes.”


“But –“


“Trust me, Yuri.”


At the sound of her name in his lips, Yuri closes her eyes. Yes, she trusts him even if it’s her life she has put in his hands. His lips touch hers, so soft, firm and warm. Her knees buckle and she put her hands on his shoulder. If this is a dream, let her forever lost in the dream. The man, her husband, is taking her first kiss in front of her family, his family, and their friends.


When he pulls out, Yuri almost let out a whimper. But one of his hands on her back is soothing her, her spine to chill out the passion.


“Shhh. . easy.” He murmurs close for her only to hear. Somehow, the gesture feels so intimate under the circumstances.


Her eyes are still closed. She still wants those lips on hers again, her husband’s lips, stealing her breath away, making her stomach flutter and sending thousand delicious sensations on her body. She wants him to kiss her again.


“Yuri,” He coaxes. “open your eyes.” He rains kisses on her cheeks, forehead, eyes, but not her lips. 


Biting her bottom lip that still tingle from his kiss, she blinks her eyes. The first thing she saw is Jessica looking away from them and her seven friends’ eyes wide-open with blushing cheeks. She dares not to steal a glance on her brother and sister. As if he can read her mind, his hand creeps up to her nape and forcing her to meet his eyes.


“It’s okay. We’re husband and wife.” He gives her a reassuring smile and a kiss to her forehead. “Come, we should celebrate this.”




“Oh my God!” Sooyoung hisses excitedly. “The man can kiss!”


Jessica scowls. Yuri feels the familiar hot creep up from her neck to her cheeks.


“Did you realize how long he kissed you in front of everyone?!” Oblivious to her friends, Soo continues. “God, I’d give everything to have a man kissing me like that.”


“You don’t know what you are talking about.” Jessica mutters.


“Oh.” Soo challenges her. “And do you think you know?”


Jess glares at her. “He is my brother. This whole topic is ridiculous and . . . and gross.”


“For God sake stop it!” Taeyeon hisses. “People will hear it. Beside, we have these two children with us.” She points at Yoona and Seohyun who has their face flooded with color from embarrassment.


Instead of feeling guilty, Sooyoung snorts loudly. “They are over twenty. Why do you always treat them like a child?”


This time Yuri interrupts the argument before it goes out of control. “I’d really appreciate it if everyone is being civil, especially my bridesmaids. This is my day, my wedding day. I would not have anyone mess it up.”


Sooyoung mutters something like ‘damn’ under her breath.


“Pardon me?” Yuri gazes at her sternly.


The tall girl sighs loudly. “I was just grieving my loss. The last ideal man has been taken by you.”


The eight girls frown at her.


“You guys know I planned to marry young. She stole the start.” Her dainty finger points accusingly at Yuri. “Since Jaejoong oppa has married Yuri’s sister –“ her words cut off by Jessica’s icy glare.


The other girls burst into laugh, the loudest is Yuri. “I can’t believe you set target on our brothers. I should tell Jiyong immediately.”


“Oh don’t you dare!” Soo cries in panic. “Your brother is the last on the list. I swear it. He is just a back up plan.”


“You have a list?!” Sunny shrieks. “God, you are a helpless case.”


“I’m pretty sure my brother will be deeply wounded if he knows this.” Yuri muses to herself.


“Who’s number one? Kim Jaejoong?” Tiff asks. When Soo nods weakly, Tiff mutters loudly. “Thank God I don’t have brother. How is about Yunho?” 


“He’s the second.” The girl answers apologetically, both to Yuri and Jessica.


“I wonder who your next ideal man is.” Tae chuckles. “Since Jiyong is the last, Tiff and Seo have no brother, Yoona’s is too young for you, it will be –“ She looks directly at Sunny. “Yours is the next.” She states with exaggerating horror.


“No! I will never let you –“ Sunny begins to overacted. “Just don’t!”


Jessica begins to gurgle with laugh. “I should consider my self lucky. Thanks to you Yuri.”


Instead of feeling happy, her eyes are b with tears. She looks away quickly. Oh they don’t know at all. The have no idea that this cost her future. Her future is at stake because of this marriage! Her future.




Her husband is suddenly at her side, sneaking one strong arm around her waist and drawing her close. Her husband. She should test the word in her mind. It brings odd sensation inside her. When she looks up, he has his eyes on her. Yuri instantly finds her self lost in those eyes.


“Mind if I take my wife back?” He looks around briefly over the girls.


“Oh I can’t stand this.” Jessica whirls around to escape the scene right away while muttering ‘this is so gross’.


Her cheeks aflame, Yuri looks away from her friends. She realizes that she’s pitiful. Just one look from him and she’s melted. She has married now to this man, this very man in whom she has resented fiercely the very first time her sister told her that she must marry him. Where does her resentment gone? Why can’t she feel it now?




Her husband whispers close to her ear and she can’t help to feel the flutter of butterfly in her stomach. “Come,”


Her legs oblige. With one hand plants firmly on the small of her back, her husband stirs her toward the stairs. Yuri looks up in panic. He won’t dare, not with many guests still in the house, will him? It will be rude if they leave the party so soon.


“Easy,” He soothes. “I just want to have a word with you.”


“Oh,” Relief and disappointment flood into her. “I see. We better come to my bedroom. Dad’s study now belongs to my brother. He hates having stranger there.”


The corner of his mouth lifts up. A hint of amusement is dancing in those brown eyes. “Lead the way.”


Yuri walks ahead of him, but he still keeps his hand on her back. He is walking right behind her because Yuri can feel his breath warming the bare skin of her shoulder. When her bedroom door comes into view, then her panic hit her again. Has she lost her mind? What did she think when she suggested to go to her bedroom instead of Dad’s study?


“Are you afraid?” Sensing her uneasiness, her husband stops in his track.


“N-no.” Yuri turns around. She swallows. “I’m not. Besides, we’re married.”


His patience with her is worth of gold. Her husband smiles warmly. “I promised to always keep you safe, even from my self. I will not force my self to you. It’s entirely your decision and I will respect it.” 


Yuri almost can’t breath. But then it’s all the more troublesome for her. She doesn’t know what to do. No one has told her yet how to be a good wife. Does this mean her husband will turn to other women, eventually?


“It’s alright.” He, carefully, draws her close. “Can I hug you?”


She leans her whole body into him. “Was that what you want to tell me?” Yuri feels her husband’s arms tighten around her. The top of her head tucks securely under his shaved chin. 


“Yes and no.” He sighs. “We have no time to know each other.”


Yuri is about to open when he continues. “Those months are not enough for me.”


“Can I ask you something?” dries. “Why you agreed to marry me anyway?”


“Because you seem right for me.” Yuri begins to pull away but her husband holds tight. “Then what about you?”


“Are we begin to hurt each other’s feelings now?” She stops struggling. “Honestly I don’t know. Part of me wants to help my brother and sister, another part because I do have interest in you. Did I make a wrong decision?” Her voice is weak when she asks the question.


“No. Neither of us made a wrong decision.” He kisses the top of her head. “Now that I know what in your mind, I’m pretty sure we can make this work for us.”


Yuri looks up from the security of her husband’s arms. “How?”


He holds her eyes evenly, before boldly gazing her lips. “By being real husband and wife.” Then he seals their fate with a kiss, a very deep kiss that reaches her soul. She has lost forever.


Someone clears a throat behind Yunho. Her husband reluctantly pulls away from their kiss. Aware of how it looks, Yunho hides her face in his chest while he faces the intruder. Apparently, it is her brother.


“When you guys done, we expect you to come downstairs.” His scowl is apparent. “And Yunho, come to my study when it’s all over.”


“Roger that.”




Boa eyed her suspiciously when she came down to join the others. Yuri couldn’t hide her blush. Everyone seemed has already known what happened upstairs. While she appeared like well pleased wife, Yunho entirely looked calm and compose, as if stealing kisses from his wife on a very important occasion is a habit for him.


Now, she paces back and forth in her bedroom, anxious waiting for her husband to return from the study. What are they talking about? Isn’t that normal for married couple to kiss? Well maybe not in front of overprotective brother, Yuri decides.


 The door cracks open, her husband is there with smile dancing in his eyes.


“What did he tell you?”


“Business.” He closes the door softly behind.


“Do you think I would believe that?” Her eyes are wide with disbelief.


He begins pulling at his tie after he shrugs his coat off. “You wouldn’t. You are too smart for that.”


“Then tell me the truth.” She demands, eyeing him warily from across the bed. Unconsciously, her legs have moved to a save territory. 


Her husband, however, is apparently aware of that. “Come here.” He stretches out a hand toward her. His smile showing when she scowls at his hand. “Aren’t you going to help me undress?”


Her eyes widen in shock. “Is that what you expect from me?”


“Yes. I want my wife to be familiar with me.” His voice is gentle but Yuri won’t mistaken the authority in it. “Come here Yuri.”


His tie is undone but still hanging loosely in his strong neck. The top button of his shirt is opened, revealing smooth-muscled skin that rarely been shown. Her legs move on its own accord. His hands swiftly sneak upon her waist. And that is when she realizes how sheer the silk of her nightgown is.


“You know that I want you right?” Her husband’s voice is abruptly husky. “But tonight we will settle for sleep. I promise you that.”


Suddenly breathless, she only nods. Her eyes are focused on his neck since she can’t trust herself to stare at those crystal brown of his eyes. Her hands begin the first task to ing his shirt. They both are staring at her hands, mesmerized both by the movement and by the meaning behind it.


“I’m going to take you to Venice tomorrow.” He tells her. When she doesn’t respond, he goes on. “Our honeymoon. I wonder if you have another place you want to visit.”


Her hands have undone the end of buttons and slowly Yuri pulls his shirt from his pants. She glances at him warily, but he shows no sign of refusal.


“Do you have places you want to visit?”


Cheeks flaming hotly, Yuri shoves his shirt from his shoulder. He wears nothing underneath. “Venice is wonderful.” She mumbles weakly.


When his hands are finally freed, Yunho lifts her head with his finger under her chin. “You look adorable. Are you always blushing easily?” 


The color turns a shade deeper. He chuckles, his eyes caressing her face. Yuri is positive that he can love her. He kisses her lips swiftly. “I’ll take the rest from here, and you," He pats her nose "go to sleep.”


He keeps his promise. They make use of the bed for sleeping even though he sleeps so close to her his front meets her back and his arm is a heavy welcome around her waist. And she almost believes that they can make this work.


So, this is my promise. Honestly, I've made it till chapter four.

but I want to test your patience, hehehe





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Chapter 6: another one that I've read.. ♥♥♥
every story had their own storyline and I like each of it.. ^^
damnbored #2
Chapter 6: Wonderful story! Great job, author-nim!
Chapter 6: Wow this story is beyond amazing!!this is sooooo beautiful and heartwarming ♡♡♡♡
You did a wonderful job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 6: oh gawd, just found this fic and it's awesome. <3
You made a beautiful yunri story author-nim, I love this! Maybe maybe you can make another marriage-life-stroy-about-our-yunri eh?kekeke XD
Tzarista #6
Chapter 6: great story
it brings a smile to my face
foreveryoungwild #7
Chapter 6: This is so beautiful! I have re-read this for a thousand times and I never get bored! This is so beautiful:'))) I love this so much<3
Chapter 6: Yeahhh I just finished this story today. Oh God how beautiful this story is. I totally totally love it. Such a happy ending to the both Yunho and Yuri. Thank you for writing this authornim :)