Instant Ramyun

I'm Richer than My Boss


It was Sunday morning, and day two of work for the heiress maid. She woke up with a good mood.

“Hmm, how about some fresh air to start the day?” Sulli yawned once more and decided to go up the rooftop.

While taking the staircase to rooftop, Sulli heard some audible pants and breathing. She quickly hid and peeked to find out the source of those sounds. She gasped, seeing a shirtless man with a toned back doing some stretching. Enjoying her glorious little show, she witnessed the man continuing his exercise as he went down the floor and started doing some push-ups.

“Oh my gosh, those arms!” she praised and squealed as faintly as possible while her eyes followed every flex of the man’s arms doing the routine. Her eyes roamed up to the face, noticing the familiar side profile of the man. Realizing who he was, Sulli went back from hiding, her both hands covering from shock.

“What are you doing there?”

Sulli jerked at her place, startled, when Minho suddenly spoke behind her. “O-oh, good morning,” she said, slowly turning around to face him. “I-I’m just going to get some fresh air and do some stretching.” And so she did some hip twists to prove her statement.

Hey, what makes you so nervous, Ssul? You’re not even lying about what you said!

“Is that so?” Minho slightly nodded. “Ok.”

Sulli finally went up to the rooftop after Minho left. “Phew! I thought he saw me peeking!” she said out of relief, wiping the cold sweat off her forehead.



Lifting the lid, the hungry man sniffed the enticing smell coming from the simmering noodles in the casserole. His mouth watered as he waited for it to cook and finally to fill his craving stomach.

“It’s almost cooked!” Minho said as he covered the lid, letting it boil for few more seconds, a smile was present on his face.

Sulli arrived and saw Minho being busy in the kitchen. “Is he cooking?” She cocked her head to the side, curious of what his boss was doing.

“So, you’re eating ramyun again.” She approached him and gave a judging look, knowing what the man was up to.

“What’s your problem? I really like ramyun! Tss.” the lad answered with a defensive tone.

“But you also ate that last night!”

“It is easy to cook!”

“Eating ramyun all the time is not healthy, you know!”

“I don’t care! I eat what I want!”

Huh, this is so petty. Why am I even arguing with him?


“Shut up now,” Sulli muffled Minho’s mouth with her hand, so he ended up blabbering under her palm.

Finally, she uncovered his mouth. “Eww,” she muttered disgustingly, wiping off the drool against the side of her pants.

Sulli folded her arms. “Is ramyun the only food you’re eating?”

“Umm, we order jajjangmyun sometimes,” Minho replied simply, scratching his head.

Dissatisfied, the lady sighed and stretched out her hand. “Give me money. I will buy real food in the supermarket.”

He ignored her offer. “It’s more expensive.”

She scoffed at his cold remark. “Hey, hospital fees are more expensive if you got sick from eating too much of that ramyun!” she insisted.

Still, the stubborn man was not convinced. “Just forget it.” He returned his attention to the boiling noodles.

“Ah, my delicious ramyun!” he exclaimed as he carefully carried the casserole from the stove to the table.

his lips, Minho got himself a generous portion of the instant food and began slurping the hot broth of his precious ramyun. “Want some?” he offered the woman who was giving him a disapproving look, his mouth still chewing.

“No, thanks!” She turned around, but her stomach did not agree with her and unexpectedly roared. Oops.

She bashfully faced his direction and gave herself a seat at the table. “Hey, save some for me!”



All of the maids and butlers paused and bowed as Chairman Lee passed by, going to the dining hall. As the master arrived and finished sitting at the dining table, the servants stood by automatically at the side, waiting for their master’s command.

Mr. Lee raised his right hand, and by routine, one of the butlers handed him a newspaper. He went straight to the Business section of the paper and checked how his industry was doing.

He gave out a roaring laughter when he saw the positive results. “Ah, business is going well, as usual.”

The tycoon handed out the paper, and as expected, one of the servants knowingly went and got it.

He started eating breakfast with a good mood. As he was slicing his food, he asked all of the servants. “Did my granddaughter already return?”

All of them obviously appeared nervous and hesitated to reply except for a brave soul. “Miss Sulli has not yet returned, Chairman.”

His good mood suddenly changed, his smile quickly vanished. He rolled his fists and slammed the table.

“That girl is really getting on my nerves!”



Sulli grabbed her phone but to her dismay, she saw it powerless. She looked for its charger in her belongings but failed finding it. “Ugh, I think I left it at the mansion,” she said after realizing its whereabouts.

“What kind of situation is this? I barely have money, then my phone died. What should I do?!” She whimpered. She was about to lose hope and roamed her eyes everywhere until she stopped and fixed her stare on her Louis Vuitton Pearl Limelight Clutch scattered on the floor.

“Noona! Where are you going?” Yoogeun, who was watching Spongebob Squarepants, stopped and asked after seeing Sulli well-dressed.

“Oh, right. Yoogeun, can you stay in Ahjumma’s house for a while? I will just go find some money,” she explained, gripping tightly unto her fancy clutch bag.



“Baby Lime, please remember that I love you so much! But, I need to let you go. Mommy just needs money right now. I promise that I will get you back!” Sulli caressed and hugged her precious clutch bag before entering the boutique.

“Oh well, oh well! Long time, no see, Miss Choi!” An effeminate man welcomed the lady as she entered.

“Oh my god, Kwanghee, I missed you!” Sulli warmly replied to the man.

“So, what brings you here? Are you getting bored of your bags? I have the newest collections!”

Sulli laughed nervously. “Actually, I came here for other reasons…”



 A man in suit with a short stature entered the Chairman’s office. “I’m here, Chairman Lee.”

“Finally, Donghoon.” Mr. Lee, who was staring at the window, holding a glass of wine, faced him.

“What are your instructions, Chairman?” Donghoon asked what he came for.

“I want you to find the whereabouts of my obedient granddaughter. Search every hotels in Seoul.” He sipped wine before continuing. “But if you find her, don’t bring her here yet. I want her to return here voluntarily.”

“Are there anything else, Chairman?”

“Nothing more. Now go,” the aged man instructed.

That kid is testing my patience! Where could she be hiding?



“That stingy Kwanghee! I bought baby Lime for a really high price, but he didn’t even give me a fourth of what its worth!” the heiress ranted to herself as she entered the convenience store, planning to treat herself a cup of ice cream to relieve her mood.

After picking, she went to the queue of people in the cashier line. What should I do now after this? Sulli wondered as she waited for her turn.

Her attention was caught by the bowls of instant ramyun stacked at one of the counters. Her conversation with Minho last morning flashed in her memory. “Seriously, do those brothers eat real food?”

Concerned, Sulli thought of an idea. Eventually, she didn’t buy her ice cream and immediately headed to the supermarket.



Sulli tied her hair into a bun and wore her apron. “So our menu for today is bean paste soup!” the chef-of-the-day announced.

Yoogeun’s face lighten up at what he heard. “That sounds delicious, noona!”

“Haven’t you eaten this before?” Sulli asked the little boy.

Yoogeun shook his head to disagree. “I don’t think so. Hyung doesn’t really cook. I could only eat different foods when ahjumma brings food.”

“Tsk tsk, you should be eating real food while you’re growing up!” Sulli then asked out of the blue, “Haven’t your mother cooked it before?”

The jolly face of the child suddenly gloomed. “Mama is already gone. Papa too.”

“Oh…” Sulli quickly understood what Yoogeun meant. “Alright, I’m going to make this very yummy!” She tried altering the mood, giving a warm smile while ruffling the boy’s hair.



It was around 1 pm. Minho was welcomed with a delicious smell that welcomed him upon his arrival. He went to the table and saw Sulli and Yoogeun who was about to eat. On the table, he saw different dishes, especially the bean paste soup.

Sulli stood from her seat. “So you’re here already? I thought that you will arrive later.”

“I only work in the morning every Sunday, so I arrive home early,” he explained.

Yoogeun butted in between their talk. “Hyung! You arrived at the right time! Sulli-noona cooked all of these!”

A surprised reaction was evident in his face. “Are you kidding me?”

“Hey, you are hurting my pride! Didn’t I say that I know how to cook? So, sit down now so we can start eating!” Sulli pushed the man to his seat beside Yoogeun.

There was still another thing that Minho was confused about. “But where did you find the money to buy food? I thought that you don’t have money, and I didn’t give you any-“

Sulli stuffed rice on Minho’s mouth. “Don’t mind it. Think of it as my thank-you gift.” She cleared . “A-and eat some real food. You might die if you eat another bowl of instant ramyun!”

“Thank you,” he shyly thanked her after chewing the stuffed rice in his mouth.

Yoogeun shouted after having his first bite, “Sulli-noona, you’re the best!” and he gave her a thumbs up.



“I apologize, Chairman. Miss Choi is nowhere to be found at any hotels in Seoul, but we found out that she indeed went to some of them,” Donghoon reported their failure of finding the heiress.

“This is impossible! I know her. She can’t live without luxury. She can’t live without my money!” Chairman Lee’s fists rolled in anger.

“What should we do now, Chairman?” the man asked for his next instructions.

“Do everything you can to locate her. There are modern technologies present these days, am I right?”

“Affirmative, Chairman.”


A/N: As of now, April 25, this story has reached 85 subscribers. I know that I'm not that good of a writer, and creative writing is really my weakness, so I want to thank all of you for reading and subscribing my fanfic.
Today is actually my first anniversary as a Shawol, so to celebrate, I tried to update today. :)) I'm sorry for being slow!

Once again, I encourage you to comment below! Thank you very much!



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Chapter 8: The drunk kiss reminded me a little bit of TTBY, but with more angst attached. ;-) Reading this again, I found it interesting that he would kiss her at the moment when he's thinking about two sad things: (1) the death of his parents, and (2) not being able to confess to Seohyun because of that. I could see him passing out and landing on her in a precarious position, sure, but kissing, I'm not sure about that. Maybe the alcohol he consumed was just super strong, huh? :) Still, any excuse to see Minho and Sulli kiss is always welcome in my book. ;-)

Also, about Sulli -- I'm surprised she's so concerned about him. I mean, is she genuinely a caring person, or does she feel obligated to listen to him because she's living in his house? It would be nice to know a little bit of background of her personality. Hmm...I had more notes, but they can be explained away by the circumstances the characters are in. ;-) heheh... I hope these comments are enough for you. Looking forward to the next update. Authornim, hwaiting!
MinsullianLover #2
Chapter 8: I loooooove your story hope Sulli and Minho go to family day together, please update soon Authornim, can't wait for the next chapter!!!
rie-cha #3
Chapter 8: i like your story. i hope sulli and minho will join the family day together. and please update soon
cccouple #4
hi I really love your stories,i may not comment on them but definitely waiting always for an update.fighting on the next chapters!!!
merrysul #5
Chapter 8: I loved the update!
they are now a little closer, you are good at writing, please follow grasping .. I love your story and look forward to your next update: D
I hope our beloved minsul have moments of , serious devertido also see in history to fight for sulli love minho, to women you know: P update soon please!
kimipuys #6
Chapter 8: Cant wait when minsul come to yoogeun school,i think sulli will jealous kekekek.thanks
Chapter 8: Aww seems Minho listened to Sulli, that's why he agreed to join the family day. I hope Sulli will join them as well. I really love their communication in the house. Lol, Minho sometimes can be funny and likely cute when he blushed. I think their families might have connection.

Thanks authornim. I know how you feel abt our otp is continuous drought. But I must say your story is really good, I love it and hope you won't abandon it too long. Waiting for the next update :D
Chapter 8: Whoa.... Minho weird behavior after drink it's the same he have in Salamander Guru and To The Beautiful You... Kekekekeke.... I hope they can get closer than before and finally minho want to go to family day in yoogeun school...
Chapter 8: eeyyy minho couldnt remember their kiss lol. but thanks to taemin, he helped a lot.
i was laughing when minho asked her about the period XD this is funny, i love it! finally minho wants to attend the family day event. woohoo so curious what will happen at the event :-)
theyre getting closeee, what a cute couple if they were together :-"
thanks and pls update soon mwah
Chapter 8: ahay , sull first kiss,
its okay, soon, minho will love you sulli
wait for family day