You Just Can't Stay Here for Free!

I'm Richer than My Boss


"Can I stay in your house?"

She curled her toes. Cold sweatdrops dripped from her temple. Sulli just made her most ridiculous request in her whole life.

Rolling her fists at her side, she tried to hide her face by bowing her head. "Please don't make me say it again!" 

Their mouths were mum. The silence was deafening until it was broken by Minho's hysterical laughter. He wrapped his arms around his stomach aching from his non-stop laugh. Once he was able to stop himself, he walked towards the pitiful lady.

Sulli raised her head after hearing the man's laughter. What? Do you think that this is a laughable matter? 

"Miss, are you serious? That joke was really funny!" He wiped his tears that resulted from his great laugh.

"Yes, I am dead serious," she said in monotone, but her voice suddenly raised. "I have nowhere to go! Do I need to say the magic word? Pleeease?"

 Her answer was not enough to erase Minho's confusion. Folding his arms, he asked, "Why don't you just stay with your friends? I bet you have many rich friends who have mansions big enough for you to stay in." 

Sulli replied his question with another. "Do you think that I'm not desperate enough to ask help from a stranger?" 

"Hah! I think you're just going nuts." Minho suddenly remembered the incident that happened at the cafe earlier, and an idea popped out of his head!

Gotcha! I know what I'm going to do with you now!

With a hint of smugness, Minho asked. "Give me your full name, Miss Sulli~"

Sulli's eyes widened their biggest the second time around. "How did you know my name?" she asked, quite surprised.

"Don't you remember? You gave it when you ordered in our cafe." Minho paused for a second.  "... and you did not pay." He made sure she heard every word clearly, hoping that she would feel the guilt.

If only it was deadly, Sulli would have died out of embarrassment, "Oh… yeah, right. It's Sulli, Sulli Choi. Why do you have to know my name by the way?" she asked, still unclear of his intentions.

"Of course! First, I need to know the name of the person that I will let to stay in my house. Second, I need to make sure that you're not a wanted criminal by the National Police. And lastly, how will I call you?" Minho gave his explanation.

"Are you really thinking that someone as gorgeous as I will look like a criminal? And-" Sulli suddenly stopped blabbering after completely absorbing Minho's words. Her face obviously lightened up.

"So you're saying that you'll let me stay in your house?" Sulli asked. She could not believe that someone sane would agree to her request.

"Yup, you can even stay for several days, but there's a catch, you just can't stay for free." Minho took a few steps towards Sulli, invading her personal space. He leaned his face in front of hers, their faces only separated by a few inches. 

"You will be my maid."

Sulli gulped. Their faces were too close. She wanted to step back but her feet seemed to be glued on the ground.

Minho realized their awkward position. He immediately jumped back and cleared his throat.

"Ummm, what I mean is, while you're staying in my house, your service as my maid will serve as payment, both for the lodging and for that coffee you did not pay." Minho roamed his eyes, scratching his head, trying to avoid Sulli's gaze.

Me, I'm going to be a maid? Sulli asked herself. Never in my life did I wish to become someone's servant! But, her conscience stopped her. Come on, Ssul! Do you want to be a hobo?

Sighing, she finally decided. "What's your name, mister?" 

"And why are you asking my name?" Minho replied with another question.

Sulli folded her arms, rolling her eyes. "Duh, of course I should know the name of my boss!" 



A/N: Hahaha! Now it's official, Sulli has become Minho's maid! 

I'm sorry dear readers for this short chapter. I just thought that the story was left hanging for a long time. I'm also sorry for the slow progress of the story hehe ^^. Please comment below! I want to know your insights!

P.S.: Did you know about the latest news? Minho visited the Pirates filming site. You know...Pirates...Sulli... hahaha!

Happy new year to everyone! 2014, please be good to us!



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Chapter 8: The drunk kiss reminded me a little bit of TTBY, but with more angst attached. ;-) Reading this again, I found it interesting that he would kiss her at the moment when he's thinking about two sad things: (1) the death of his parents, and (2) not being able to confess to Seohyun because of that. I could see him passing out and landing on her in a precarious position, sure, but kissing, I'm not sure about that. Maybe the alcohol he consumed was just super strong, huh? :) Still, any excuse to see Minho and Sulli kiss is always welcome in my book. ;-)

Also, about Sulli -- I'm surprised she's so concerned about him. I mean, is she genuinely a caring person, or does she feel obligated to listen to him because she's living in his house? It would be nice to know a little bit of background of her personality. Hmm...I had more notes, but they can be explained away by the circumstances the characters are in. ;-) heheh... I hope these comments are enough for you. Looking forward to the next update. Authornim, hwaiting!
MinsullianLover #2
Chapter 8: I loooooove your story hope Sulli and Minho go to family day together, please update soon Authornim, can't wait for the next chapter!!!
rie-cha #3
Chapter 8: i like your story. i hope sulli and minho will join the family day together. and please update soon
cccouple #4
hi I really love your stories,i may not comment on them but definitely waiting always for an update.fighting on the next chapters!!!
merrysul #5
Chapter 8: I loved the update!
they are now a little closer, you are good at writing, please follow grasping .. I love your story and look forward to your next update: D
I hope our beloved minsul have moments of , serious devertido also see in history to fight for sulli love minho, to women you know: P update soon please!
kimipuys #6
Chapter 8: Cant wait when minsul come to yoogeun school,i think sulli will jealous kekekek.thanks
Chapter 8: Aww seems Minho listened to Sulli, that's why he agreed to join the family day. I hope Sulli will join them as well. I really love their communication in the house. Lol, Minho sometimes can be funny and likely cute when he blushed. I think their families might have connection.

Thanks authornim. I know how you feel abt our otp is continuous drought. But I must say your story is really good, I love it and hope you won't abandon it too long. Waiting for the next update :D
Chapter 8: Whoa.... Minho weird behavior after drink it's the same he have in Salamander Guru and To The Beautiful You... Kekekekeke.... I hope they can get closer than before and finally minho want to go to family day in yoogeun school...
Chapter 8: eeyyy minho couldnt remember their kiss lol. but thanks to taemin, he helped a lot.
i was laughing when minho asked her about the period XD this is funny, i love it! finally minho wants to attend the family day event. woohoo so curious what will happen at the event :-)
theyre getting closeee, what a cute couple if they were together :-"
thanks and pls update soon mwah
Chapter 8: ahay , sull first kiss,
its okay, soon, minho will love you sulli
wait for family day