Where Will I Go?

I'm Richer than My Boss



Sulli dragged her pink luggage as she entered the hotel, her direction towards the reception.

“Good evening, ma’am. How may I help you?” The receptionist smiled, welcoming Sulli.

“I’d like to book a suite room for tonight, please,” she replied to the receptionist’s inquiry.

While waiting for her request to be processed, Sulli roamed her eyes to the hotel’s interior. Bright chandeliers were hanging on the high ceilings. Bellboys were rushing in and out, carrying luggages.

Her sightseeing was cut off when the receptionist called her attention. “Ma’am, a suite room for one night costs 200,000 Won. How would you like to settle your account?”

Sulli opened her Louis Vuitton handbag for her wallet. “Here, swipe my credit card.” She handled the blue card to the woman.

“There seems to be a problem with your card, ma’am.” The receptionist informed Sulli while she returned it back to her.

“Hmmm, maybe I already used that up while shopping,” she said bashfully. Sulli picked another card from her wallet and gave it to the woman. “How about this one?”



The quiet room was filled with telephone rings. In the middle of signing papers piled up over the wooden table, the busy businessman stopped his work and answered the call.

“Good evening, Chairman. This is Donghoon, speaking.” A hoarse male voice spoke in the other line.

“So, have you done what I told you to do?” The old man was anticipating the caller’s response.

“Affirmative, Chairman. They were already taken care of.”

A smile formed from Mr. Lee’s lips. “Good job, Donghoon. Very good.” A satisfying laugh followed from him.

“If you may excuse me, I’ll be leaving now.” The man on the other line hung up.

He rose from his seat and walked towards the cupboard.  Obtaining a bottle of wine, he popped the cork and started pouring the red liquid to his glass. He swirled it before drinking, making his own little celebration.

You’re thinking that you can live without my money, huh? Let’s see, my obedient granddaughter.



“I’m sorry, ma’am. This one is not working too.” The receptionist returned the fifth card to Sulli.

Sulli was already embarrassed. She excused herself to go to the nearest ATM she could find in the hotel. She immediately tried checking her account after reaching the ATM. Her droopy eyes opened its biggest.


YOU CURRENTLY HAVE ZERO BALANCE. The ATM’s screen flashed the frightening message.


Oh no! What am I going to do? Sulli tried her best not to panic.

“Sulli Choi, relax. Now, let us see how much money is left.” Sulli deeply exhaled. She opened her wallet carefully as if a ghost might pop out of it. She counted the bills left. “10,000 won, it is.”

Sulli returned to the reception and inquired. “How much does a regular room cost for a night?”

“That would be 70,000 won, ma’am,” the same receptionist answered. Her words sounded like a break-up confession to Sulli. Ouch!

Oh my, how will I get out of here without embarrassing myself too much? Sulli thought.

A light bulb popped out of her mind!

She grabbed her phone and pretended someone was calling her. 

“Excuse me for a while,” Sulli said to the receptionist, starting her little act.

“Oh, Jiyoung-ie, what’s the matter?” Sulli showed her best acting skills. “What did you say? You’re not staying at Zeus hotel?” She made sure that the receptionist will hear her every word. She quickly glanced at her and checked. When the woman met her eyes, she avoided her sight. “Alright, alright. I’ll go there immediately.”

And there concluded Sulli’s little show. “Oh, I’m so sorry, miss. I need to cancel my reservation. I need to leave now, bye!” Without hearing a word from the lady, Sulli rushed outside of the building.



Minho opened the door to their brother’s humble home.

The apartment was a complete mess. Clothes were scattered on the floor. Empty bowls of instant noodles piled up at the corner. Soiled plates were still left at the sink.

“Minho-hyung, our house is so dirty! When do you plan to clean it?” Yoogeun complained to his brother.

“Aish, you complain as if you are not contributing to the mess of this house.” Minho ruffled his brother’s hair once again.

“It’s like this every week, hyung. Our house is only barely clean during weekends. Why don’t we have a maid? My classmates say that they have one.” The little kid continued with his shallow rant.

“We don’t need one, and we can’t afford to have one, Yoogeunie.” Minho sighed, looking at their messy little home.

“Or you should get a girlfriend, hyung! So she can clean the house for you for free!” Yoogeun jokingly suggested.

“Are you going crazy, you little kid?” Minho laughed and ruffled his brother’s hair. Ruffling Yoogeun’s hair seemed to be a habit of his.

F(x)’s Electric Shock was suddenly heard. Minho checked his phone from his pocket.

“Oh, it’s Mr. Kang. Why is he calling at this hour?” He slided his thumb to his phone’s screen and answered. “Yoboseyo?”

“Hey, Choi, can you come back here at the shop right now?” Mr. Kang asked. “You better hurry up!” The old man continued.

As if he can complain from the old man’s demand, “Alright. I’ll be there,” was his only reply. He ended the call and slid his phone back to his pocket.

“Yoogeunie, I’ll just leave for a while. The old man called and ordered me to go back to the shop. Bye!” Minho told his little brother as he hurried outside.

Minho went to his bike parked outside. As he was about to leave, he noticed that the rear wheel was flat.

“I guess I have to walk then.” Minho returned his bike from its initial position and started to walk.



“Where in Seoul will I find a hotel room that costs less than 10,000 won?” Sulli scratched her head. She had been to 4 other hotels that she found in her search for a place to stay, but none of them matched her need, with her lack of money.

An idea entered her mind. Sulli didn’t want to bother her friend but she couldn’t think of other ways to solve her problem. She called Jiyoung once again.

Still, Sulli received no response. Desperate, she decided to go to her house directly.

“Taxi!” Sulli waved at the taxi cab passing the street.

In her trip to Jiyoung’s house, Sulli focused on the taxi’s meter, hoping that the numbers will not exceed 10,000.

1,000… 2,000… 3,000… 4,000… Her time seemed to move for centuries. She hoped that the meter will stop moving.

She gulped when the meter reached 5,000. Half of my money is gone! Can you just please stop moving?

5,000… 5,500… 5,900…

“Miss, we’re already here,” the driver said, waking Sulli to her senses.

6,000! Sulli let out a sigh of relief, at least she was not left penniless, with 4,000 won still remaining.

After paying her fare, she alighted and got her stuff from the trunk.

Sulli pressed the doorbell. “Good evening. Jiyoungie, it’s me, Ssul!”

A few moments passed but no answer was heard. “Is anybody home?” She shouted as she continued to press the doorbell.

A walking passer-by noticed Sulli shouting in front of a house. “Perhaps, are you looking for Mr. Shinwoo Kang?” The passer-by asked her.

Sulli heard the passer-by and paused for a while to think. “Mr. Kang Shinwoo… Yes, he is Jiyoung’s father! Yes, ahjumma, what is the matter?”

The passer-by’s face saddened a bit. “You’re too late, miss. Their whole family left this afternoon.”

“What?” Sulli was shocked. How could her friend not tell her this? “Ahjumma, do you know where did they go?” She continued asking.

“I’m sorry. That’s all I know.” Afterwards, the passer-by left.

Sulli felt her legs weak, making her sit in the sidewalk. She couldn’t believe what happened to her friend. The worse was, her only answer to her problem at the moment has vanished.

“Where will I stay now?” She was about to cry. Worries flooded her. An idea of going back to his grandfather entered her mind.

“There’s no way I will go back to that greedy man!” Sulli stood up. “Nothing will happen if I whimper here!” Collecting her remaining hopes, she strolled the streets unknown to her.

Minutes after walking, she looked at her surroundings. “Hey, this place looks familiar…” She continued until she found La Cha Ta café. Oh, so that’s why it looks so familiar.

She sat on one of the bench outside the establishment, resting her feet from walking. She didn’t realize that she had been walking for hours.

Someone went outside the coffee shop. To Sulli’s surprise, she hurriedly hid herself at the big trash bin near her proximity and peeked.

And why am I hiding right now?

Sneaking behind the trash bin, she saw the broad back of the man, locking the doors. She saw his side profile. It’s Mr. Handsome waiter!

She felt something wet on her skin. Drops of water continued to fall.

“Ugh, it’s raining!” Sulli heard Mr. Handsome waiter. Her eyes followed him as he ran away.

Sulli got her umbrella from her bag and stood up from her hiding place.



“Hey, Choi, thanks for cleaning up the mess. My back suddenly hurt so I lost balance and…” Mr. Kang blabbered, repeating his excuse for scattering coffee beans on the floor. “I’m going to leave now, please close the shop when you go,” the old man continued.

Minho kept the cleaning materials to their proper places. “There, all clean!” Making sure that all the lights and equipment were already closed, he proceeded to lock the doors.

He noticed something wet on his skin. Drops of water continued to fall.

“Ugh, it’s raining!” He ran, looking for some place to protect him from the rain.

“Hey! Do you want to share the umbrella?”

Did I just hear someone’s voice? Minho turned around.

It’s Ms. Mocha Frappe!

Sulli walked towards him. “You got me tired from following you! Why do you have to run so fast?” She complained to him.

“And why do you have to follow me?” Minho rebutted.

“Whatever. You’ll be soaking wet. Here, share the umbrella with me.” Sulli once again offered, ignoring him.

Minho scratched his head. “Alright, if you say so. Thanks.” He held the umbrella and they started walking, side by side.

“Don’t worry. My house is not far from here,” he said, worrying that he might be a bother.

Both remained silent as they walk along the rain. As they arrived outside Minho’s apartment, the rain miraculously stopped from falling.

“Umm, thanks for the umbrella.” Minho thanked her once again. “If you don’t mind, I’ll now go inside.” He pointed his fingers upwards, directing to his apartment at the top.

“W-wait!” Sulli shouted to Minho who was already at the building’s front.

“Huh? What is it?” Minho turned around, confused.

“Ummm…” Sulli hesitated, but she had no other idea in her mind than this one.

“Can I stay in your house?”



A/N: And here is chapter 3! Finally, there are Minsul moments!

I might not be able to update regularly. I'm very sorry! I'm also sorry if there are any errors in grammar or spelling since I have not checked it yet. Thank you for reading and subscribing! Comments are greatly appreciated! 


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Chapter 8: The drunk kiss reminded me a little bit of TTBY, but with more angst attached. ;-) Reading this again, I found it interesting that he would kiss her at the moment when he's thinking about two sad things: (1) the death of his parents, and (2) not being able to confess to Seohyun because of that. I could see him passing out and landing on her in a precarious position, sure, but kissing, I'm not sure about that. Maybe the alcohol he consumed was just super strong, huh? :) Still, any excuse to see Minho and Sulli kiss is always welcome in my book. ;-)

Also, about Sulli -- I'm surprised she's so concerned about him. I mean, is she genuinely a caring person, or does she feel obligated to listen to him because she's living in his house? It would be nice to know a little bit of background of her personality. Hmm...I had more notes, but they can be explained away by the circumstances the characters are in. ;-) heheh... I hope these comments are enough for you. Looking forward to the next update. Authornim, hwaiting!
MinsullianLover #2
Chapter 8: I loooooove your story hope Sulli and Minho go to family day together, please update soon Authornim, can't wait for the next chapter!!!
rie-cha #3
Chapter 8: i like your story. i hope sulli and minho will join the family day together. and please update soon
cccouple #4
hi I really love your stories,i may not comment on them but definitely waiting always for an update.fighting on the next chapters!!!
merrysul #5
Chapter 8: I loved the update!
they are now a little closer, you are good at writing, please follow grasping .. I love your story and look forward to your next update: D
I hope our beloved minsul have moments of , serious devertido also see in history to fight for sulli love minho, to women you know: P update soon please!
kimipuys #6
Chapter 8: Cant wait when minsul come to yoogeun school,i think sulli will jealous kekekek.thanks
Chapter 8: Aww seems Minho listened to Sulli, that's why he agreed to join the family day. I hope Sulli will join them as well. I really love their communication in the house. Lol, Minho sometimes can be funny and likely cute when he blushed. I think their families might have connection.

Thanks authornim. I know how you feel abt our otp is continuous drought. But I must say your story is really good, I love it and hope you won't abandon it too long. Waiting for the next update :D
Chapter 8: Whoa.... Minho weird behavior after drink it's the same he have in Salamander Guru and To The Beautiful You... Kekekekeke.... I hope they can get closer than before and finally minho want to go to family day in yoogeun school...
Chapter 8: eeyyy minho couldnt remember their kiss lol. but thanks to taemin, he helped a lot.
i was laughing when minho asked her about the period XD this is funny, i love it! finally minho wants to attend the family day event. woohoo so curious what will happen at the event :-)
theyre getting closeee, what a cute couple if they were together :-"
thanks and pls update soon mwah
Chapter 8: ahay , sull first kiss,
its okay, soon, minho will love you sulli
wait for family day