First Day of Work

I'm Richer than My Boss


Climbing up the stairs seemed like mountain hiking for the runaway lady, and her weighty baggage was not helping.

 “Are we there yet?” Sulli struggled for her next step on the apparently unending stairwell. Fortunately, Minho appeared to be chivalric and carried her luggage. Knowing her manners, she uttered the simplest words of gratitude, “Thank you.”

“Oh really, I’m such a compassionate handsome gentleman,” Minho praised himself, thinking of his charitable actions. His cocky statement made Sulli cringe, but she can only roll her eyes and heave a sigh, remembering that she was still in debt to him.

Still ascending towards their destination, Minho began to ask, “I should’ve asked you earlier. Can you do laundry-“

“That’s easy, right? That’s why washing machines are invented!” Sulli did not let him finish his question and responded with naivety.

“…manually?” he continued, making the clueless girl pout. Minho confirmed what he needed to know and moved on to his next question. “Umm ok, do you know how to wash the dishes?”

Smugly, Sulli raised her chin up and put her hands on her waist, “Hah, that’s too simple!” Minho paused and gave her a judging look. “I-I can use a dishwasher,” she said as she slowly dropped her arms from her waist to her side, confidence fading.

“Nah, forget it.” Minho sighed heavily. “Do you know how to clean the house?” he asked her once again while they continued going up. Sulli thought carefully, causing silence for a while. Hesitating, she answered, “Umm, do you have a vacuum cleaner?”

He shook his head with a hint of annoyance. “Do you know how to do anything that does not need any machines?”

Sulli scoffed. Hearing those words somewhat hurt her pride, so she answered back. “Hey! I know how to cook!”

Finally, Minho stopped at a doorstep and knocked. Sulli saw a boy opening the door.

“Hyung, you’re finally here! Did you get wet in the rain?” Yoogeun asked as he opened their door. His eyes widened hugely, a trait both shared by the Choi brothers, seeing a girl behind his brother. “I was just joking, hyung. How did you get a girlfriend so fast?” The newcomers simultaneously shook their heads in denial.

“Ah, you little rascal.” Minho did his habit of ruffling his brother’s hair. “By the way, Yoogeun, she is Sulli, and she is not my girlfriend,” he introduced Sulli to his brother, and he introduced Yoogeun to Sulli as well.

“Hi, Sulli-noona! But if you are not his girlfriend, then what’s your relation with my brother?” Yoogeun asked, furrowing his brows.

She just couldn’t straightly say her main reason for being there. “Umm, I-I’m here because…”

“She will be our maid from now on. Let’s go inside, shall we?” Minho cut in out of impatience and gestured the two to go inside.

Sulli’s jaw dropped at the sight of clutter all around the place. So I’ll be cleaning up all of these?

Minho saw her shocked reaction then cleared his throat. “It’s already late. Just take care of these mess tomorrow,” he told her while trying not to reveal his hidden embarrassment of letting other people see their mess. “Let’s all rest now!” He stretched his arms and turned to proceed to his room.

“Hey, wait.” Sulli interrupted, making Minho stop from his position and face her. “What?” he asked with an annoying tone.

“So, where will I sleep?”



Yoogeun got some blankets and comforters and gave them to his brother who was arranging the room. “Hyung, are you serious that noona is our maid?” The kid tilted his head to the side as he asked. “I thought you said we don’t have money for a maid?”

“It’s a long story, actually. I’m just letting her stay for tonight since she has nowhere to go. I think she won’t stay long and even quickly leave tomorrow,” Minho briefly explained to his brother. “There you go, a comfortable room is done for Ms. Choi. Let’s hurry because I really want to sleep now!”

But, the child did not simply believe what his brother and . “Hyung, just tell me that she’s your girlfriend. There’s no need to hide secrets from me!”

“Ah really, you kiddo! I’m too tired, let’s get this done!” He stood from sitting and went outside the room, the little brother following after him.

Sulli was roaming her eyes everywhere and getting familiar with the place when the creaking of the door caught her attention, seeing a tall figure going out of the room.

“Alright, your room is done. Go inside, you can use it now,” Minho informed and gestured her to proceed inside. Sulli was about to thank him for the nth time after reaching the room when he interrupted, “Wake up at 5 am tomorrow, do you get me?” After responding with a nod, he finally left her alone.

Now in her solitude, Sulli let out a heavy sigh. Let’s think about your next step tomorrow, Ssul. For now, let’s have a good night sleep! And that called Sulli’s night.



“Why is it so noisy?” Sulli mumbled as her slumber was disturbed by some noise. Still half-asleep, she reached out her arms for the non-existent alarm clock. She wondered as her hands couldn’t seem to find the alarm clock which she believed was the source of the noise.  A deep man’s voice was then heard simultaneously with the banging of some metals, saying, “Hey, wake up!” She slowly opened her eyes, seeing the owner of the voice clashing some metalwares. Realizing everything, she completely woke up and stood in panic from her laying position. “H-hey there, good morning.” Sulli smiled nervously.

“Do your morning rituals first, then follow me outside. The washroom is on the left of this room, if you’re going to ask,” Minho commanded then left the room.

Her eyes followed his back as he went outside. “Huh, why so serious? Was it that hard to greet me back?” She could only click her tongue in annoyance.

When she was done, Sulli found Minho making a cup of coffee at what she guessed as the kitchen. “So, why do you want me to wake up this early?” she asked out of curiosity.

Minho gulped some coffee before answering. “Do you still remember our deal? Of course, you should start working right now. So here’s what you should do.” He pointed at the stack of spoiled dishes at the sink. “Wash those dishes, then clean the house.” Minho started walking around the house, looking and pointing at every mess that he could find. Sulli, on the other hand, remained on her position but her sight followed him. “You should also sweep and wipe the floor, throw the garbage, and do the laundry. I want everything to be in order when I return.”

He went back and patted her shoulders. “Is everything clear to you?” After flashing a mischievous smile, he finished his coffee and wore his denim jacket hanging at the doorknob. “Take care of the mess! I’ll be working now, bye!” Mr. Minho Choi finally went on and left.

Sulli slumped on the floor after her legs gave way. She looked at all the clutter around her, making herself sigh heavily, yet her innate courageous self was encouraging her. Stand up, Ssul! You can do it! Feeling positive, she helped herself and stood up. “Sulli Choi, fighting!” she shouted, pumping her fist.

She decided to wash the dishes first. Being the granddaughter of a business tycoon, obviously, she doesn’t know what to do. She reached for the sponge and the dishwashing soap. “Umm, so for cleaning, we need some soap, right?” She squeezed the bottle of soap firmly unto the sponge, making the bottle oozing profusely with the slippery liquid.

“So what’s next?” She roamed her eyes and saw the faucet. “Well of course, we need water!” She the faucet at its maximum and placed the sponge flooding with soap to the running water. “Let’s do this!”



Yoogeun woke up from the noise outside their room. He rushed to see Sulli with suds all over her arms, and the disarranged stack of plates and utensils. Confused with everything he saw, he asked, “Noona?”

Sulli slowly faced Yoogeun. “Hi, Yoogeun! I’m just trying to wash the dishes,” she greeted him and laughed nervously.

He heaved a sigh and walked towards her. “Let me help you, Sulli-noona!”



Mrs. Heenam heard noises coming from above her ceiling. She wondered what was causing the noise so she hurried and went to Minho’s apartment. “Hey, Minho, Yoogeun, what’s happening in there?” Knocking on their door gave her no response, so she let herself and entered the house, only to see Sulli and Yoogeun struggling to put the pans in the high cabinets.

“Who are you?!” the old lady asked after seeing the unfamiliar face.



“Seriously, hyung? That Ms. Mocha Frappe is now staying in your house?” Taemin was shocked at what Minho told. “No way, hyung! How could that possibly happen?” He may be gullible, but Taemin knew that it was too unbelievable.

“I couldn’t believe it myself. I just saw her offering me a shade from the rain last night, then suddenly she asked me if I could let her stay in my house.” Remembering those scenes from last night, Minho was still surprised. It was just so ridiculous. “Of course, I didn’t let her in without some conditions. I told her that she should work as our maid, and guess what?” He laughed so loud he can barely continue speaking. “She agreed!”

“I seriously couldn’t believe you, hyung. Let me visit your house so that I can prove your little story.” Taemin bumped his shoulder to Minho’s which the latter just brushed off.

“Don’t bother, I bet she already left immediately after I told her that she should clean everything before I come home,” Minho shrugged off the younger man’s suggestion.

“I still have a question in mind,” Taemin said as the both of them went outside the coffee shop, preparing themselves to go home. “So you’re saying that you just left your house with someone you barely even know? What if she was a wanted criminal, a thief, or worst, a serial killer?”

Minho paused and thought for a while, rubbing his chin. “Actually, I’m not really sure with myself. She looks like she’s trustworthy enough, and I don’t have to worry since nothing valuable will really be stolen from my house,” he answered honestly.

“I’m still not convinced, hyung, and I think you better hurry up and go home!” Taemin rode his trusted bike and bid goodbye.

Minho went on as well and travelled back to his home. His mind were in deep thoughts. Taemin’s right. Why did I trust that girl so easily? He thought as he pedaled faster.



Minho’s eyes widened hugely, seeing that his house was squeaky clean. No more soiled dishes on the sink, no more scattered clothes on the floor, and no more piles of trash on every corner. He was even more shocked to find Sulli sleeping on the couch.

Yoogeun, who just came from the loo, approached Minho. “Hyung, it was a really, really tiring day! I helped Sulli-noona in cleaning our house! Ahjumma even went here to help us!”

“Is that so? Alright, let me talk first with her.” Minho went near the sleeping princess and woke her up. “Hey, hey, let’s talk outside.”

Sulli was startled from her sleep. Still yawning, she stood up and followed Minho who climbed up the stairs.

The two went to the rooftop. Minho crossed his arms. “Seriously, why are you still staying in my house? I can’t believe that you took that deal seriously. I was even expecting that you would leave immediately,” he demanded a legitimate reason.

“Please, at this time I really don’t have anywhere to go! Kindly let me stay for a while, please? Please, please, please?” Sulli continuously begged for his approval.

“But I really don’t get it. You look rich, so why are you forcing yourself to stay here?” Minho asked once again, still puzzled and confused.

Sulli sighed. “Ok, here’s my story. I live with my grandfather, but I ran away from him because he was too much. He doesn’t give me the freedom that I deserve. He controls every decisions, and I can’t do anything about it. I can’t live my life the way I want it. The only way I thought to free myself is to run away from him,” Sulli tried to explain everything.

“But why are you asking help from me? We don’t even know each other. Why don’t you go to your friends? Or better yet, why don’t you go back to your house instead of bothering me?” Her explanation was still insufficient for him.

“My money is already not enough. I tried going to my only friend’s house to help me but their family suddenly moved out and I don’t know where they’ve gone. And no, I won’t ever go back.” Sulli firmly stood to her decision. “So please, l’m begging you. Please let me stay until I can already solve my problem.”

“I still don’t find it reasonable for you to stay here, but as you saw, I need to work early in the morning until night. I need someone to do the chores, but I can’t afford it, that is why I made that crazy deal. How can I be sure that you’re trustworthy enough?” Minho kept on the interrogation.

“Well, look at your house. It’s so much better now! I admit that I really don’t know how to do the chores earlier, but I’m thankful to your neighbor who taught me how to do the chores. No matter how crazy it was, I did what we agreed upon. Isn’t that enough proof?” Sulli reasoned out. “So please, let me stay for a while.” She looked like she was on the verge of crying as she pleaded once more.

Minho felt a pang of pity when he saw that she was about to cry. His conscience was telling him to grant her request. “Alright, alright, you can stay for a while, but, the deal will still continue and you will still work for me.”

Hearing this, Sulli jumped for joy and unexpectedly hugged him. “Thank you so, so much!” She realized quickly what she has done and backed off immediately. “Umm sorry, I was carried away.” She laughed nervously. Awkwardness was felt in the air.

The silence broke when they both heard a growling sound.

Minho looked down and rubbed his stomach. “Oh right, I still haven’t eaten supper.”



A/N: After how many months, I'm back! It's already my summer vacation, so now I have more time to spazz and write (hopefully). Writing without feels is difficult, you know. I really miss our Minsul who gives me the drive to keep on writing. To substitute those feels, I would appreciate if you would comment! I feel giddy whenever someone comments and it also keeps me on writing. Thanks for reading and subscribing!



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Chapter 8: The drunk kiss reminded me a little bit of TTBY, but with more angst attached. ;-) Reading this again, I found it interesting that he would kiss her at the moment when he's thinking about two sad things: (1) the death of his parents, and (2) not being able to confess to Seohyun because of that. I could see him passing out and landing on her in a precarious position, sure, but kissing, I'm not sure about that. Maybe the alcohol he consumed was just super strong, huh? :) Still, any excuse to see Minho and Sulli kiss is always welcome in my book. ;-)

Also, about Sulli -- I'm surprised she's so concerned about him. I mean, is she genuinely a caring person, or does she feel obligated to listen to him because she's living in his house? It would be nice to know a little bit of background of her personality. Hmm...I had more notes, but they can be explained away by the circumstances the characters are in. ;-) heheh... I hope these comments are enough for you. Looking forward to the next update. Authornim, hwaiting!
MinsullianLover #2
Chapter 8: I loooooove your story hope Sulli and Minho go to family day together, please update soon Authornim, can't wait for the next chapter!!!
rie-cha #3
Chapter 8: i like your story. i hope sulli and minho will join the family day together. and please update soon
cccouple #4
hi I really love your stories,i may not comment on them but definitely waiting always for an update.fighting on the next chapters!!!
merrysul #5
Chapter 8: I loved the update!
they are now a little closer, you are good at writing, please follow grasping .. I love your story and look forward to your next update: D
I hope our beloved minsul have moments of , serious devertido also see in history to fight for sulli love minho, to women you know: P update soon please!
kimipuys #6
Chapter 8: Cant wait when minsul come to yoogeun school,i think sulli will jealous kekekek.thanks
Chapter 8: Aww seems Minho listened to Sulli, that's why he agreed to join the family day. I hope Sulli will join them as well. I really love their communication in the house. Lol, Minho sometimes can be funny and likely cute when he blushed. I think their families might have connection.

Thanks authornim. I know how you feel abt our otp is continuous drought. But I must say your story is really good, I love it and hope you won't abandon it too long. Waiting for the next update :D
Chapter 8: Whoa.... Minho weird behavior after drink it's the same he have in Salamander Guru and To The Beautiful You... Kekekekeke.... I hope they can get closer than before and finally minho want to go to family day in yoogeun school...
Chapter 8: eeyyy minho couldnt remember their kiss lol. but thanks to taemin, he helped a lot.
i was laughing when minho asked her about the period XD this is funny, i love it! finally minho wants to attend the family day event. woohoo so curious what will happen at the event :-)
theyre getting closeee, what a cute couple if they were together :-"
thanks and pls update soon mwah
Chapter 8: ahay , sull first kiss,
its okay, soon, minho will love you sulli
wait for family day