Ch. 3

He's my husband?

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Oh Sehun. Happy Birthday to you!"

Everyone sang aloud and Sehun was smiling infront of a Luhan who was holding the cake and waiting for Sehun to blow the candles, "Make a wish, Sehunie."

Sehun stared at Luhan, "But my wish came true two years ago."

The couple felt everyone's eyes were on them and the stares were somehow screaming, 'KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS' 

The birthday boy quickly made a wish before blowing out the candles. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands. Sehun took the cake from Luhan's hands and placed it on the table beside them before pulling Luhan close and covering his boyfriend's lips with his own.

Some girls were squealing. Some boys were cheering because heck, everyone knew that Luhan and Sehun were the 'it' couple.

Kyungsoo was standing in between Baekhyun; who was with Chanyeol, and Joonmyun; who was holding hands with Yixing.

The doe-eyed male watch in jealousy as he saw the kissing couplein the center and also, why the did he choose to stand between these two couples.

He turned around and went to the bar, "Vodka please." 

Kyungsoo sat down on one of the stool before the bartender served him his drink. He took a sip at his drink and placed it down on the counter. He took off his Harry Potter glasses before running a hand through his hair. 


Kyungsoo looked up at the person who said that and he was shock because there's this tall (not as tall as Jongin), handsome guy who's wearing a wonderful smelling perfume and his hair was somehow, hazelnut brown with a sweet smile talking to him. 

Wait. Is he even talking to me—

"Do Kyungsoo, is it?"

. He is talking to me—

"Uhm, I'm Lee Jinki." 

What the , say something Kyungsoo. 

"O—Oh. I heard about you. People call you Onew, right?" 

The guy called Onew chuckled, "Yes. I'm Onew."

"Alright. Uhm, what can I help you with Onew...hyung?" 

Onew smiled, You're so cute, you know?"

Kyungsoo blushed. 

"Anyway, I'm here just to make friends with you.

Kyungsoo snapped in his brain. He doesn't want new friends because all of them were actually trying to make fun of him. But what he didn't know was, Onew was serious about being his friend.

"Hey guys, look! The nerd is making friends with Onew oppa!

Kyungsoo kept quiet when Onew looked at him,"Kyungsoo-yah?" 

"Just tell me what you want and then just leave!" The doe-eyed male snapped and Onew frowned, "I'm just trying to be your—"


Kyungsoo snorted. 

"You're just the same with everyone else, aren't you, Onew? Trying to be nice and in the end, humiliates me in public. Am I right?"

Onew was about to reply when Kyungsoo just took his glasses and exited the villa. He went straight to a bus stop and let himself fall on the bench. 

Honestly, truthfully, Kyungsoo had no idea that Onew would actually follow him.
Because he did. 


Kyungsoo groaned in frustration, "Why won't you leave me aone?!"

"Because I know how you feel. Being bad mouthed all the time. Being left out. I understand." 

Kyungsoo looked at him, "Why would a tennis player like you want to be friends with a bookworm like me."

"Because I find you quite attractive."

Kyungsoo choked. 

"Gosh, Kyungsoo, I'm so sorry."

"Y—You find me attractive?"

Onew smiled, "Yeah." 

For the first time, someone other than his bestfriends complimented him. And honestly, that made Kyungsoo smile and his lips formed into a heart shape.

Onew noticed the heart shaped lips and smiled, "You're even pretty when you smile." 

"You're obviously a sweet-talker. How many girls did you woo with that mouth of yours?" Kyungsoo commented, starting to open up to Onew.

"Just you, Kyungsoo-yah. Just you." 

Kyungsoo thought his heart fluttered because of Onew's word when actually, he saw Jongin walking outside the villa, looking so charming as always. 

But his heart immediately shattered into pieces when he saw a guy, a pretty one, walk behind him and hook his arm around Jongin's and Jongin smiled at him. If Kyungsoo wasn't mistaken, that guy was one of his seniors in vocal class, Ryeowook. 


Kyungsoo had been staring for so long, he even forgot Onew was there. "I—I'm sorry. I was—"

"So, you like Jongin." 

Kyungsoo's heart dropped, what? How did he know?

"Judging by the way you were staring at him, the answer is obviously yes huh."

"D—Do you hate me now...?" 

Onew looked at him, "What? Of course not, Kyungsoo! It's not like we have that sort of relationship."

Kyungsoo understood what type of relationship Onew meant and he blushed because gosh, Onew was so straightforward. 

Oh my gosh. Why am I blushing a lot.

Kyungsoo was about to say something when his phone vibrate din his pocket, and he fished it out— only to see a text from Joonmyun.

Where are you, Kyungsoo?

Kyungsoo bit his lower lips. Should he tell his bestfriend that he's at a bus stop with a famous tennin player? 

I'm at home. Why? 

About a minute after pressing send, his phone vibrated again and Onew furrowed his eye brows, "Are you busy, Kyungsoo?" 

Kyungsoo shook his head so fast, Onew was scared his neck was gonna break, "It's my friend. He must've freaked out that I ran off. Just—Just give me a minute." 

After Onew nodded, Kyungsoo checked the text message from Joonmyun.

Uh, alright. By the way Kyungsoo-yah. Please don't make any plans for tomorrow night. I have somewhere to bring you. 

Kyungsoo stared at the text for quite a long time and when Onew cleared his throat, Kyungsoo looked at him and bowed slightly, muttering an I'm sorry and replied fast to Joonmyun because making people wait is just so rude. 


He turned off his phone and slid it into his pocket, straightening his seating position before smiling at Onew, "Sorry for that. My friend's asking me to not make plans tomorrow night."

What did I just tell him. It's not like he wants to know. What the actual , Do Kyungsoo. Gosh. This is so embarrassing. He's gonna think I'm so weird and leave—

"I was just about to ask if you're free tomorrow night because I want to ask you for dinner but, uhm, maybe next time, yeah?"

Kyungsoo stared in disbelief. "H—How about the night after that...?"

Onew looked at him, "Hm? You sure?" 

"I mean I have nothing to do, so maybe dinner won't hurt." 

"If that's so, can I have your number?" Onew smiled. 

Kyungsoo reach out his hand, "Give me your phone." And Onew obliged, passing him his phone. The younger tapped his number on the screen before handing it back to Onew, "It's under tha name Dyo. That's my nickname." 


Kyungsoo nodded, "Alright, Dyo. So. I'll see you the day after tomorrow, is it?" and Kyungsoo nodded again. 


The next morning, Kyungsoo had never expected for his phone to ring. And he lazily searched for it on the night stand before picking up, "Hello?" 

"Rise and shine, Dyo!"

Kyungsoo sat up, "O—Onew...?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry to disturb you but yeah. I just wanted to wake you up and your morning voice is so cute." 

Kyungsoo felt himself smiling. "Onew, wanna come over to my place and have breakfast" 

Now, Kyungsoo is practically slapping himself. Why did he even ask when obviously Onew has other stuffs to do plus they barely know each other and—

"Give me your address. I'll be there in half an hour." 

Kyungsoo was taken aback by the statement but wilingly gave Onew his address. 


Half an hour later, Kyungsoo was already in a pair of jeans and plain shirt when a knock was heard at his front door. He went to the door and opened it, smiling at Onew. 

"Woah. You leave alone?" 

Kyungsoo nodded. 

"So. You're cooking breakfast?" 

Kyungsoo bit his lips, "That is, if you don't mind."

Onew smiled, "I don't. I would love to try your cooking." 

"Just sit and make yourself at home. Would bacon and eggs do good? Because I ran out of groceries." 

"Sure. Anything's fine honestly." 

Kyungsoo smiled because Onew wasn't the picky type. 


When Kyungsoo was done cooking, he placed he bacon and eggs on a plate before placing it on a table. Onew was inhaling the smell of the bacon and he looked as if he didn't eat for years because he was about to drool. 

"Onew, cold or hot drinks?"

Onew looked at Kyungsoo, "Cold." 

"Then, orange juice or apple cyder?"

"Apple cyder please." 

Kyungsoo poured a glass of apple cyder for Onew and a glass of plain water for himself. The two started eating and Onew was enjoying his food even though it was just bacon and eggs. 

"You seasoned the eggs well."

"It's just a pinch of salt, Onew-yah." 

Onew smiled, "Thanks for the breakfast Kyungsoo." 

Kyungsoo smiled back. Maybe falling for someone new isn't entirely wrong. 


Onew left around noon and at the same time, Joonmyun arrived with Yixing. "Why'd you left without telling last night?" 

"I'm sorry hyung. I'm so sorry." 

Joonmyun sigh, "It's okay. Remember. Tonight, I'm picking you up at 6. Be ready and wear something casual, sure?" 

Kyungsoo nodded. 


Something casual. Something casual. Something casual. 

Kyungsoo had no idea what to wear so he lay down on the bed with his phone in his hand. He lifted the phone up and started tapping on the screen. 

Onew-ah, what type of casual clothes suit me? 

After he pressed send, he realized what he just did. He wanted to cancel the text, but too bad, it was already delivered. 

. Onew must've think I'm somehow obsessed with him or something. Kyungsoo was distracted by his thoughts when his phone beeped.

Casual? I think you look adorable in anything you wear, Kyungsoo-yah.

Kyungsoo smiled. Onew is just so sweet, but he can't let himself fall in love with him yet. Who knows, maybe he's just playing with him.

Alright. Thanks, he replied.


It was 6:03pm when Joonmyun came to pick him up and drove away. "Where are we going?" 


Kyungsoo frowned. 

"I'm gonna bring you to dinner, Kyungsoo." 

"Dinner? Woah." 

"No. I don't like you— I mean, not as in that type of like. This is actually someone else."

Kyungsoo fell silent. 

When Joonmyun arrived infront of a big house, Kyungsoo unbuckled his seat belt and came out of the car. 

"Welcome to the Kim resident." 

Kyungsoo choked. 


"Oh so this is Kyungsoo?" A woman spoke in korean but with some chinese accent. 

"Yes, auntie. This is Kyungsoo." Joonmyun politely replied. 

"Hello, Mrs....?" 

"Just call me Mrs. Kim or auntie, Kyungsoo-yah." 

Kyungsoo nodded.

"Honey, meet Kyungsoo." The woman smiled and a man came down to the living room. He eyed Kyungsoo for a while and smiled, "You are very handsome, young man." 

Just as the woman wanted to speak up, the door bell rang. She went over to the door and opened it. There were two girls on their door step. 

Both of them greeted Mrs. Kim as if they were trying to capture her heart. 

"Hello auntie! You're so beautiful today." The one with short hair stated. 

"No auntie. You look stunning everyday!" The curly blonde commented. 

"Oh shut up, Sunkyu. Auntie, I'm Hyoyeon, Jongin's girlfriend." 

Kyungsoo's eyes widened. J—Jongin's gi—girlfriend? 

"No auntie. I'm Jongin's girlfriend, Sunkyu." 

"No. I'm his girlfriend."

"No, it's me." 

"It's me."


"Girls, stop." Mrs. Kim interfered. 

Just on the same time, Jongin came down the stairs and saw the two girls. "Baby~!" The two female squealed in unison. 

"What are you girls doing here? I told you not to come to my house." Jongin hissed. 

"But baby~ I missed you." Sunkyu pouted. 

"No baby. I miss you a lot more sugar bunch." Hyoyeon commented. 

Mr. Kim looked as if he couldn't take it anymore so he cleared his throat. "Excuse me girls, but don't you know that Jongin's going to get married?"

Hyoyeon squealed in delight. "Oh my gosh. Uncle. Thank you. I promise I'll take care of Jongin, uncle— I mean, daddy." 

Mr. Kim rolled his eyes, "Not you." 

Sunkyu smiled so wide and hugged Mr. Kim, "Thank you so much dad. Oh my gosh. I'll have cute babies with Jongin."

Yixing let out small chuckles. 

Mr. Kim pry himself off Sunkyu's grip, "Not you."

Sunkyu frowned and hooked her arm around Jongin's, "Baby, tell your dad that you want to marry me. Come on." 

"No. You want to marry me!" Hyoyeon interfered. 

"No. I deserve to be his wife."

"I have a great body, unlike yours." 

"How dare you."

"STOP." Mr. Kim groaned, "Jongin is getting married with him." 

He pointed at Kyungsoo and Jongin's jaw dropped. Kyungsoo's eyes widened—even though it's widely opened. "But dad! I can't marry a nerd. He's— He's not even handsome!" 

Kyungsoo felt a pang in his heart. Ouch.

Taeyeon pulled both the girls off her father and dragged them out of the house. 

"Dad. I don't want to and I will never marry Kyungsoo!" 

His dad leaned closer and whispered, "Kim Jongin. If you refuse, I'll make sure you quit dancing academy."

Jongin gritted his teeth. He doesn't want to quit. He loves dancing.



"I— I'll marry him." 

Kyungsoo gasped, "W—What?" 

"I'll ing marry you." 

"Language, Kim Jongin." Mrs. Kim warned. 

Kyungsoo was so hurt because Jongin was forced to marry him and he didn't want that. He didn't want this and he had to say it, "E—Excuse me.. Mr. and Mrs. Kim but, I'm—I'm not interested on marrying Jongin." 

Jongin cheered, "See? Even he doesn't want to marry me? I mean, come on dad. What would people think if they saw me with this, nerd?" 


"I don't care. Kyungsoo and Jongin are going to get married one way or another. Please leave us your parent's contact number, Kyungsoo." 

Kyungsoo froze, "I—I'm sorry but m—my parents passed away years ago." 

Mrs. Kim was shocked, "So you're leaving alone?" 


"Oh gosh you poor child. Come here." Mrs. Kim embraced Kyungsoo as if he was her own son. Jongin groaned. 

"Marry Jongin, Kyungsoo-yah." She whispered and Kyungsoo felt so sad if he refused her request so he nodded. 

"Great! Kyungsoo and Jongin are getting married." 

Kyungsoo sobbed slightly because Jongin sent him hatred glares. 


Right after dinner, Jongin went straight up to his bedroom and slammed the door shut, even people down stair could hear it. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kim were already at the living room, watching tv when the only people in the kitchen are Yixing, Joonmyun, Taeyeon and Liyin along with Kyungsoo. 

"Kyungsoo? I'm sorry at how Jongin behaved." Taeyeon placed a hand on top of Kyungsoo's. 

"Nah, it's alright noona. I'm used to those kind of words." 

"He shouldn't say that, Kyungsoo." 

Liyin send him an I'm sorry gaze and he smiled, nodding his head slightly. Just then, Jongin entered the kitchen and called Yixing.

"Yixing, come on and play in the room. Joonmyun too. Why are you guys even hanging out with—"

Don't say nerd.

"—a filth." 

Pang, pang, pang. 

Now that hurt Kyungsoo so hard. He's been called , a , a nerd, a loser, a motherer but never in his life has he ever been called a filth. 

He stood up, grabbed his bag and was about to leave the kitchen but his steps halted when he reached infront of Jongin. 

"You know what? You're a player." Kyungsoo stated.

Jongin raised his eyebrows, "So?" 

"So. Let's play a game since we're gonna be married anyway."

"Name it." Jongin challenged. 

"Here's the game. Let's talk everyday. Let's talk 24/7. Let's call each other nicknames. Let's go out on dates. Let's hold hands. Let's hug. Let's kiss. Let's eat together. Let's sleep and cuddle together. Let take baths together. Let's meet everyday. Let's do everything together," Kyungsoo stepped closer and Jongin's breath hitched when his lips were only a few inches away from Kyungsoo's, "And whoever falls in love first—"

Jongin's expression was as if he didn't know how to react. 


With that, Kyungsoo pushed by Jongin's shoulder and left the house. Jongin froze at his spot, and Liyin nudged Taeyeon with her elbow, whispering, "This is where the plan starts." 

Meanwhile outside, Kyungsoo was at a bus stop, waiting for a bus back home. He has no idea why. He doesn't know why but he wants to meet one certain male who would make him feel calm at that very moment. 

Kyungsoo wants to meet Onew. 



I apologize for updating late. Lately there are fanwars everywhere on twitter so yeah. I didn't have time to update. So sorry.

I just. Gosh. Happy New Year everyone. 

Thank you for 100 subscribers. I love you guys and I'll keep updating every week.

Please comment and upvote. SUBSCRIBE TOO!

Sorry for error spellings because I'm so sleepy right now, and it's 3:28am now. 


so yeah. 


see you sooner. 



Ayi. <3


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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 2: Plotting and planning - poor Kyungsoo!!😞
Shubha #2
Chapter 1: If i say i dont know much about these guys would you hate me, i know they are exo but i didnt know anything apart from that, i am obseesed with yunjae and binge reading their fanfics, but this is the firdt fanfic iam reading apart from yunjae fanfic... Sry ill try to know them better after this so dont hate me....
hoseokspotato #3
It feels so nice i loved it! thank you for writing this!!!
hoseokspotato #4
The happy ending thoo
hoseokspotato #5
2013 fics have a special place in my heart
Chapter 10: I loved it and the happy ending
Chapter 10: It is really nice fic uhuhu i like your style so much huhu easy to read this fic, kaisoo is the best thank to you for writing this hehe i woof you thank you authornim
doksoo1201 #8
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for writing this fic. I liked it!!!
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 10: This is great... love it. Happy ending for the two hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 9: Finally Jongin