Ch. 2

He's my husband?

Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Luhan stood infront of a huge villa with a box of cake in Luhan's hand, and they went in because well, Luhan ran to the kitchen to look for the birthday prince. 

Baekhyun could already see Chanyeol sitting by the bar with a drink in his hand and his head down. He sighed and went over to Chanyeol's side before taking a seat beside him and ordering a drink for himself. Chanyeol didn't seem to realize Baekhyun's presence, so Baekhyun gave a gentle pat on his shoulder and Chanyeol shrugged him off. Baekhyun was hurt thought, he decided to pull him in for a hug and Chanyeol's head snapped, trying to pry himself off the stranger. But then he inhaled the familiar scent of cologne and realized it was his boyfriend before hugging him tight; Baekhyun thought his bones were gonna break.

Kyungsoo was watching the couple from a distance and he felt jealousy bubbling up. When is it my turn to have a love story like that, he thought morosely. 

After half an hour later, the villa was packed with guests. Some were older, some were younger. Some were dancing, some were chatting, some were kissing and even making out. Kyungsoo was sitting on one of the couches beside the counter so no one can see him. He took a sip of his drink, letting it down his throat before leaning his head back on the couch.


Kyungsoo looked up to find a Joonmyun (Kyungsoo's bestfriend because they were in a cooking class together) staring down at him. "You okay, Kyungsoo-yah?" 

"I'm good. What's wrong hyung?"

Joonmyun sighed and plopped down on the couch next to Kyungsoo, "This is wrong. I shouldn't have come to this party."

"Why'd you come then?"

"Yixing brought me out to dinner and after that, he said he had somewhere he wanted to bring me to so I said yes. I didn't know it was a party and now he left me, dancing god knows where with his brother."

Kyungsoo gasped. Yixing's dancing with his brother. Yixing is dancing with his brother. Yixing's brother. Jongin.

Kim Jongin.

Sure enough, their surname aren't the same because Yixing was chinese-born while Jongin was korean-born but their parents re-married; Jongin's father and Yixing's mother; so they are now siblings. Jongin's fath- I mean, their father and mother knows how to dance very well and that actually explains how Yixing and Jongin are such great dancers. The two brothers won 12 times in a row during school competitions back in high school. Whenever they have their free time, they'll spend it on dancing. Hip hop, jazz, locking, popping, ballet, everything. The two makes a perfect duo.

Aside from that, they have two sisters - Kim Taeyeon; Jongin's older sister and Zhang Liyin; Yixing's elder sister - who were great in singing and whenever the sisters had some singing performance to do, Jongin and Yixing would be at the back dancing. Of course, Kyungsoo didn't actually know about their sisters.

"Y—Yixing is dancing with J—J—Jongin..?"

Joonmyun frowned at the way Kyungsoo stuttered, "Yeah, they are."


"You don't look interely fine," Joonmyun commented.

Kyungsoo kept quiet and gulped down his drink before placing the glass back on the counter. He hung his head down at the thought of Jongin.

"Oh gosh, Kyungsoo. Don't tell me."

The younger snapped at him, "What?"
"You're still in love with him, Kyungsoo-yah!"

A few people who were passing by turn their heads towards their direction and Kyungsoo wanted to strangle the elder for mentioning it too loud, but oh thank goodness he didn't mention Jon- Yixing's brother's name (even Kyungsoo can't handle hearing his name because hell, he felt butterflies flying around in his stomach) outloud.

"Shut up, Joonmyun-hyung. People are staring."

Joonmyun's eyes widened, yet not as wide as Kyungsoo's, before murmuring, "You really are in love with Jongin."

"You know what? I am in love with that jerk. And you know what else hyung? I really want to be with him. In fact, I want to marry him if I could. But you know why I don't face those feelings? Because I'm not like those other guys and girls out there who dates him and gets dumped after the third date - No. I don't want that. I'm not that cheap to be toyed around like some sort of dog. I'm still straight enough to understand what's good and what's bad." 


".....what's good and bad." 

Joonmyun and Kyungsoo didn't realize that Liyin and Taeyeon heard the conversation, not the whole conversation but they heard some of it.

The whole time, ever since she got married, all Taeyeon had ever wanted was for Jongin to change his attitude. To be loyal to one. Not twenty-seven girlfriends' or boyfriends' in a week. And even though Jongin isn't Liyin's blood related brother, Liyin too always wanted Jongin to change because swear to god, she was fed up with the female perfume (or male) scent sticking to Jongin's body every night when he came home late. 

Now the sisters knew that Kyungsoo - yes. Kyungsoo. - can be the perfect one to change their dear brother. And Liyin strolled over towards the two male talking on the couch, followed by Taeyeon at the back. 

"Taeyeon-noona, Liyin noona," Joonmyun stated when he saw the two female approaching, "Joonmyun-ah."

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows, before he sent a questioning look to Joonmyun and Joonmyun understood. The doe-eyed male sip his drink when Joonmyun spoke, "This is Taeyeon and Liyin noona. They are Jongin and Yixing's sisters." 

The effect the that statement was extremely bad because Kyungsoo choked on his drink, and Joonmyun had to rub his back to calm him down.

"Noona, this is Kyungsoo. He's my bestfriend," Joonmyun introduced to them as Kyungsoo slightly bowed, "H—Hello." The two female gave him a warm smile and Kyungsoo nicely smiled back because in his mind is no other than, 'IM TALKING TO KIM JONGIN'S SISTER OH MY GOSH MY FUTURE SISTER IN LAWS WHAT AM I SAYING NEVERMIND'

"Joonmyun, can we talk to you? Just for a minute."

Taeyeon spoke and Joonmyun nodded, before following Liyin and Taeyeon to another side of the counter, leaving Kyungsoo a questioning look over his face (but it was somehow a jealousy look too because Joonmyun is close to the family members and Kyungsoo wanted to be too).


Joonmyun looked at Taeyeon as she started talking, "Tomorrow, bring— uhm— Kyungsoo, is it?"

The male gave a nod and Taeyeon continued, "Bring Kyungsoo over to our house for dinner." 

Joonmyun furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the two female infront of him, "Why?"

"I think he would be the perfect person to change Jongin." Liyin added, playing with the card between her fingers. 

"What? But that's impossible. If Kyungsoo tried, he'll get hurt. I don't want my bestfriend to get hurt, noona."

"Why would he get hurt?" Taeyeon questioned, "Don't tell me he's actually in love with Jongin?" The two female let out soft chuckled at the thought of the statement to be a joke. But when Joonmyun didn't laugh along, (or worst, protest) the two female stared in disbelief. 

"You have got to be kidding me." 

"I'm not, Taeyeon noona." 

Oh, so when Kyungsoo said he knew about what's good and bad, it was actually about Jongin. Oh. Liyin thought. 

Liyin placed a hand on Joonmyun's shoulder, "But Taeyeon and I believe that he can. We think, maybe, just maybe, things are gonna be different with Kyungsoo's presence in his life." 

"I suppose we can talk to Kyungsoo..." Joonmyun spoke.

Taeyeon was so happy, she squealed aloud, "Then to talk with Kyungsoo it is!"

"What about Kyungsoo?" 

The three gasped at Jongin's voice. Liyin, as the eldest sister, spoke up, "Kyungsoo's getting married." Joonmyun and Taeyeon blinked before exchanging some gazes and decided to just follow on with Liyin's play.

Jongin burst out laughing the moment he heard Kyungsoo is going to get married. 

"That nerd is getting married? Oh gosh. Someone actually is stupid enough to fall in love with a nerd like him. Dude, I feel sorry for the guy or girl who fell for him." Jongin continued laughing.

Joonmyun was hurt to hear such insult, because honestly, Kyungsoo is beautiful. Handsome, but much more to be described beautiful and adorable. If six years old met him, they would say he's squishy. 

But the problem to why people call Kyungsoo a nerd is because Kyungsoo has bad eye-sight so he had to wear glasses to school. Not normal rectangular glasses. Big round glasses. Like the one in Harry Potter? Yeah. (Don't ask why.) And also, he was one of the top 10 students in the whole school. 

So nobody actually had a crush on Kyungsoo. Some only wanted to play with his feelings, so they asked him out, date for three days and dump him with insulting words such as '' or 'nerd' or more than that, a . 

That is why, Kyungsoo doesn't except anyone to be his friends. Except for the ones he knew longer. Like Baekhyun, and Luhan. Oh! And Joonmyun. And that cute guy in vocal class, Chen with his boyfriend who could hit the high notes and break all the glasses, Xiumin. 

"Be home for dinner tomorrow, Jongin? Please? Mum's making your favorite." Liyin pleaded and Jongin smiled, "Sure noona. Anything. Plus, I miss mum's cooking." 

"Yeah, you didn't come home for a month now." 

"Sorry, but I was at Chanyeol's." Jongin nonchanlantly explained. 


Yixing then decided to join in the family chat. He slid an arm around Joonmyun's waist, "What'd I miss?" 

Joonmyun can speak chinese, because he met Yixing when Yixing was still in China so, yeah. Since Jongin couldn't understand chinese, Joonmyun decided to explain what Taeyeon and Liyin said in chinese to his boyfriend. 

"Kyungsoo and Jongin are gonna be married." Joonmyun spoke in chinese. Yixing's eyes widened and replied in his mother language, "What? When? Why? Does Jongin approve?" 

"Actually it's just a mere plan. We want him to change, Yixing." Liyin replied, also with her mother language. 

"How exactly?" Yixing asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"We're gonna invite Kyungsoo for dinner tomorrow and mum and dad's gonna meet him and discuss and get them married as soon as possible." 

Yixing seems very amused by his sister's plan but somehow, he's supportive, and he looks happy, so within a minute of thinking he asked, "Can I join in the plan?" 

"Of course you can." Liyin smiled warmly. 

"Okay." Yixing replied in korean and Jongin rolled his eyes. 

"So, Joonmyun, wanna go home—"

"Yixing, join us. Jongin you too! Another battle round!" One of the dancer, Eunhyuk, called out. 

Joonmyun chuckled, patting his boyfriend's chest before tip-toeing to peck his lips, "Go on Lay. They're waiting for you. I'll just wait with Kyungsoo over there." 

Yixing smiled at the nickname because Joonmyun was the one who invented that nickname for him and he invented one himself for Joonmyun, "Alright. Don't miss me so much, Suho-hyung." 

Joonmyun chuckled, "Fine. Go~" 

And off Yixing and Jongin went to the crowd. 

Kyungsoo, on the other hand, envied Joonmyun's relationship with the four siblings. He was so close. He was like, a part of them, really. But it's okay. Kyungsoo has no rights because Jongin isn't his. Jongin will never be his. 


So. Merry Christmas everyone! I just, really am sorry for updating late and sorts. But here's another chapter. 

I'm gonna be on semi-hiatus starting next Thursday because school is starting but I'll try to atleast update twice or three times a week. I'll try! I won't let you readers down! 

By the way, please upvote this story? It's free. I think but yeah. So upvote this story and I'll update faster. I'll try. I promise I'll try~!

And one more, I wanna try to be unique. To those who have twitter accounts, give me your opinion about my story on twitter @koalabaek (a free follow wouldn't hurt) and to those who don't, just comment below. Silent readers, PLEASE COMMENT JUSEYO.

If I get more than 30 comments, I'll make a longer update in the next chapter, I promise. 

I need some upvotes too. If I can reach 30 upvotes, maybe I'll double update? But not long ones okay!



Btw, did you guys watch EXO Showtime Episode 5? If you did, did you spot Chanbaek, Hunhan, Xiuchen and Kaisoo? I almost died omfg. They were so cute. Hahaha. Okay. That's for now. 


Good night readers,



^ that's my nickname. so i don't have to use authornim anymore. yehet 


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Beau1996 1370 streak #1
Chapter 2: Plotting and planning - poor Kyungsoo!!😞
Shubha #2
Chapter 1: If i say i dont know much about these guys would you hate me, i know they are exo but i didnt know anything apart from that, i am obseesed with yunjae and binge reading their fanfics, but this is the firdt fanfic iam reading apart from yunjae fanfic... Sry ill try to know them better after this so dont hate me....
hoseokspotato #3
It feels so nice i loved it! thank you for writing this!!!
hoseokspotato #4
The happy ending thoo
hoseokspotato #5
2013 fics have a special place in my heart
Chapter 10: I loved it and the happy ending
Chapter 10: It is really nice fic uhuhu i like your style so much huhu easy to read this fic, kaisoo is the best thank to you for writing this hehe i woof you thank you authornim
doksoo1201 #8
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for writing this fic. I liked it!!!
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 10: This is great... love it. Happy ending for the two hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 9: Finally Jongin