When they were friends...

35 Days Left...


"Hyung, i'm tired!" Ryeowook complained sitting on the couch. 

"You're not the only one." Zhoumi said plopping beside him.

"You guys just woke up and you're already tired?" I aked.

"Hyung! it wasn't our fault that you made us run a hundred laps  yesterday! plus i don't get how running is related to beating someone up!" Ryeowook said.

"And it's my fault?" I asked and gave him THE STARE.

"A-ani, H-hyung where d-did you get that idea from?" He stuttered and hid behind Zhoumi.

"I thought so and just answer your question, running gives you stamina."

Kibum descended from the stairs with his hair all messed up, He had a big smile on his face. And i know the reason for that smile. Well i think  I do.

"Bum-ah, can we talk outside?" I asked. Zhoumi and Ryeowook looked at us curiously.

"Can both of you wake up Hae and Hyukie, were going to be running laps again." I informed.

"Hyung~~~" Zhoumi whined whiile Ryeowook pouted.

"Do it!" I barked and they went to get the monkey and the fish. Heh, i'm a dog.

When we were out the house, I faced Kibum and started interrogating.

"SO, did you see _________?"

"Is she okay?"

"Are you really together?"

"Where is she?"

"Why won't she answer my phone?"

"Answer me!!!!!"

"HYUNG!" He yelled.

"Wae?" I asked getting really impatient to know where the my sister is.

"Be patient! okay to answer all of your quesetions, No i did not see her-"

"You didn-" I interuppted but he cut me off.

"Hyung! seriously, let me continue!"

"Oh, Mianhe..."

"Okay, No I did not see her, I saw her nanny."

"And what did she say?" I asked.

"She said that________ is out with her friends; i don't know why she won't answer your phone though, and we are not together." He answered.

"Ah, arraso." I went back in the house and went straight to my room ignoring Hae and Hyuk complaining about their  sore bodies together with Mi and Wook.

Something is not right. I know something's not right. How can________ go out with her friends when she has no friends to begin with? And why won't she answer my phone? it's been what three days? since i last contacted her. AISH! this is annoying. I swear only my sister can make me do things i'd never do for anyone else. I got my phone and dialed.


We were in the middle of sparing when my phone rang from the bench.

"Sungmin-ah! can you please check who's calling?" I yelled over the noise as I avoided Shindong's punch.

"Hyung, it says GaeTeuk!" he yelled back. Wait. Why in the world is this guy calling me!? I hit ShinDong's face and immediately got off the ring and snatched my phone from SungMin's hand.

"Wae?" I asked.

"Does _________ answer your calls?" He asked. Now, that i think about it...

"Ani, Wae? what's wrong?" 

"Kibum went to see her but Ommeoni said that she was out with her friends but-"

"She doesn't have friends."I continued. I then started to worry. Where is my sister??? 

"Let's meet up." He said.

"Arasso, go to the house."

"Okay, i'll call ommeoni." He said.

"Andwae! your just giving her more time to make up excuses if we tell her were coming.. I know she knows something." I replied.

"You're right, See you in a few." He hung up. I placed my phone down and sighed. Everytime something happens to ________ Hyung and I always have this unwritten code of truce. I suddenly felt sad. I miss those times we were a family... Me, Hyung and _________


"You idiotic child! get out of my room!" I heard Omma yell. I looked up from the TV and saw her push _______ out of her room. I smirked. That's what she gets for ruining my family. Because of her my parents fight every night, because of her I couldn't sleep properly trying to ignore the shouting and because of her I fought with my bestfriend. I saw her trying to get up but couldn't I looked at her properly and saw that her ankle was swollen but i didn't make a move to help her. She deserves it.

"What are you doing!? Stand up!" Omma pinched ___________'s ear and pulled her up, causing ________ to yelp in pain.

"What is the noise all about!?"Appa came out from his Home office and glared at Omma. This is getting interesting, i kneeled on the couch waiting for the next blow. Appa saw Omma pinching _________'s ear and he smirked.

"See? That's what you get for being a naughty girl." Appa said. He faced Omma and told her to let Go of ________. Immediately Omma did as he said and __________ fell on the ground. I glanced at _________ and saw her ear bleeding. i tried to ignore it but i couldn't help but feel guilty. Omma went back to her room as Appa went back to his Office, Leaving a crying_________. I can hear her loud sobbs emitating through the empty hallways of our house and it was annoying me.

"Can you please shut the up!?" 

I turned around and continued to watch the show but i couldn't concentrate. I was feeling guitly even though i know I didn't do anythong wrong. That's when
I noticed that I couldn't hear sobbs anymore. I turned around and saw nothing but thin air. I glanced at the door and saw that it was open. Panic started to rise in me. Where the did she go!? I checked her room but it was empty, i checked the bathrooms but it was empty too, I even checkked the kitchen but it too, was empty. Suddenly I heard Thunder and rain started pouring down. That's when i worried. Without thinking i got my phone and called my bestfriend to ask for help.


"Teukie! i need your help! _______ran off somewhere!"

"MWO!? Let's meet up at the abandoned field near the school, that's where she goes when she's sad." I suddenly felt jealous. He knew where to find her, He understood her, He learned to love her while I just ignored her. I felt tears cascading down my cheeks as I got a hoodie and went out to find my sister. Don't worry _______ Oppa is coming i'm never going to let you out my sight ever again. I'm going to protect you even If it kills me.

At the feild.

"Do you see her?"I asked LeeTeuk through the rain.

"Ani, Let's go further." He suggested and that's exactly what we did. As we were walking I can slowly see a figure under the tree. I squinted my eyes and the figure no doubt looked like __________.

"There she is!" I exclaimed as happiness consumed me.  I ran towards her but as I approached her, i noticed that she was pale white and blood was dripping from the side of her head. LeeTeuk saw this too we looked at each other and ran towards her. I got to _______ first. i gathered her in my arms while Teukie cupped her face. 

"__________-ah! wake up!" I screamed feeling tears run down my cheeks. I glanced at LeeTeuk and saw that he was crying too.

"__________-ah! wake up! Jebal!" Teukie screamed and shook her softly.

"O-oppa?" ___________ said softly opening her eyes.

"Mianhe, __________-ah, mianhe for not helping you." I said as more tears started coming. I can't belive i treated her that way. 

"Mianhe, Jeongmal mianhe, i was a bad Oppa to you." I apologized as i held her tighter.


"sssshhh, It's okay now, We're here." Teukie said carresing her face.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Oppa, gwenchana. i understand your situation." She snuggled in my chest and started closing her eyes. I glanced at Teukie not knowing what to say.

"Yah! Mianhe." I said trying to act calm while LeeTeuk got ________ from me and carried her bridal style going home. He just smirked at me knowing I'm not very good at apologies. 

"Yah! i'm trying to say sorry here! don't ruin the moment!" He chuckled.

"Arraso, Today we are making a vow...."

"Since when did you turn gay!?" I gasped.

"PABO! not that kind of vow!" 

"Oh..... Then what did you mean?" i asked feeling like an idiot.

"You and I are going to be the best Oppas for __________." I glanced at _________'s face feeling my heart swelling. 

"I agree, We are going to protect her and love her and beat up every boy who goes near her." I continued.

"Agreed!" We both chuckled and went straight to Ommeoni's house.

*End of Flachback


"YAH! LEE SUNGMIN!" I glared at Sungmin who managed to slap me.

"Mianhe, but hyung We've been trying to get your attention for so long!!" He pouted.

"Yah! stop that! your freaking me out! anyway, I have some business to attend so... Kyu! your incharged!" I yelled. 

"Yaay!" He cheered from the bench.

"Why him!?" Yesung asked.

"He's the only person here who knows how to blackmail all of you into actually doing something." I replied.

"He's got a point." Henry said.

"Anyway.... Annyeong Kids! make sure you to practice until you don't feel anything!" With that I went to the shower room and got ready to find my sister.


So i updated again!!!!! ^^ i'm feeling writey heheheheehe 

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BurningDown #1
I finally found this again! It was one of my first ever fanfics, and it has always been a favourite of mine.
joanmayg #2
Haaha you donghae hahahababa
blazensaddles #3
Oh my gosh! That is the best line ever!!!! XD I like Kibum ending cuz it's happy, but I think I like Siwon ending even more cuz I'm more into that kinda stuff. Wish it didn't have to end :/
Lol Donghae!<br />
I Loved this story, Thank You so much for sharing!! <3
i just read the whole chapter.. its interesting <br />
but i like siwon ending more than kibum's..even its a sad ending for siwon but its more touchy i guess,,,hehe
Emerald #6
wow! i love kibum's ending, and she didn't die :)<br />
hehe the erted thought r hilarious
WOW Kibum's ending. Anyway, love it :)
omg lol i laughed my off!! XD<br />
thank you for not killing her!!!<br />
lol donghae... and the ert kids!<br />
LOL<br />